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File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1-oz-sunshine-silver-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12635376 No.12635376 [Reply] [Original]

the lack of silver stacking on this board is disgusting

>> No.12635385

enjoy silver poisoning

>> No.12635393

stacking physical is for plebs

>> No.12635418
File: 467 KB, 658x626, grimace_is_a_pimp__by_starcatfri-d5qfcdx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so wos ur mom

>> No.12635474
File: 20 KB, 365x365, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stack plastic buckets of creamed corn w/ vitamins and minerals

>> No.12635509

I actually own some of those, but I usually go for Eagles instead.

>> No.12635538

Provident Metals has a pretty good sale going right now if anyone is interested.

>> No.12635560
File: 3.97 MB, 2682x2170, 20180918_162116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.12635570

I stack Litecoin

>> No.12635591
File: 211 KB, 1173x674, apusilver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew that's a nice stack you have here fren!
Something like 300oz?
I wish i had this much, 45oz so far ='(

>> No.12635626
File: 20 KB, 342x342, proof-set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note, does anyone else like to collect the silver proof sets just for fun?

>> No.12635657

I stopped after the original run of state quarters

>> No.12635662

about a week ago i started talking about silver and gold and I'm honestly surprised such a large number of anons are stacking.

>> No.12635702

I started seeing silver threads more often like a couple of months ago. So yeah, anons have been stacking.

>> No.12635708

Not counting "junk" silver, I'm at 206 ozt.

>> No.12635716

It's about 370 OZT

>> No.12635757

Whats the point if you can't even buy/sell on spot

>> No.12635767

I can see how silver can be a good investment but I just don't get how you would go about selling it when you are ready to take the gains. APMEX looks like an easiest option but has huuuuuge spread. How do you go about selling silver without getting fucked over?

>> No.12635769

>what is SLV

>> No.12635779

>buying slv
You know how it goes. If you don't hold it......

>> No.12635808

Also interested

>> No.12635816

>implying I don't own both

>> No.12635828


why do you want to own silver? shtf scenario liquidity will increase and spread will decrease substantially.

>> No.12635841

You can't really, which is why you shouldn't use physical for short term trading. The advantage of holding physical is that you aren't paying any sort of recurring fee like you would with something like an ETF, which adds up over time.

>> No.12635855

>buying something that performs WORSE than the dollar
it's not even investing at this point

>> No.12635856

so the only reason to own silver is a shtf scenario? i'd say like less than 1% of the people who post here would even survive the first few weeks of that kind of happening, myself included. you'd never make it long enough to be able to trade. why not stack guns and ammo instead if you're so worried about the end of the world?

>> No.12635857
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x3024, 5A02A380-8800-4078-80FF-67C35B0A57D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, i got about 200 ounces myself, pic related picked up yesterday at local dealer
Because we know about JPM hoard

>> No.12635863

Nope it will skyrocket regardless of SHTF

>> No.12635877

No, the reason to own precious metals is to have a diversified portfolio with exposure to multiple asset classes that have different correlations.

>> No.12635903
File: 105 KB, 1600x1416, 7332B657-B213-4AC6-B135-F47280133726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver lost its monetary value. Enjoy heavy bags.

>> No.12635918

Right... because industrial commodities are obviously worthless, right?

>> No.12635940
File: 51 KB, 584x894, 1546729537832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a cretin

>> No.12635976

10x long with 5k eur
We are all going to make it

>> No.12636016

I just bought 500oz in one go when it was near $14

>> No.12636017


>> No.12636109

A tiny 1 oz gold coin carries the same value as a 5 pound bar of silver and is much easier to hide from burglars. It makes a lot more sense to purchase gold rather than silver. Gold is portable wealth and silver is not.

>> No.12636120

I have an undisclosed amount of silver and gold, fuck off OP

>> No.12636129

When silver moon at 1k$ an oz it will be very portable, don't worry faggot.

>> No.12636199

I'm almost 40, silver has been shilled for SHTF since at least Bill Clinton won and the black helicopter nuts started buying mailing lists. You are always a bagholder with silver.

If for whatever reason you think you NEED precious metals get gold.

>> No.12636309

40 years is not a long time. The Bretton Woods Agreement only ended in 1973. For your entire life, you have been feeding and clothing yourself in exchange for worthless paper. The real bagholders are anyone who holds unbacked currency, and if you think things will stay the way they are forever, you're deluded. To be fair, it might be a long time before the current monetary system falls over, but I'd prefer the opportunity cost of holding some pm's as opposed to having my dick in my hand when USD is replaced as the world reserve currency and various institutions begin defaulting on the incredible debts they've racked up.

>> No.12636326
File: 119 KB, 749x751, 1548996078707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the most powerful bank cartel in the world hoard 800+ millions physical oz of silver, go as far as killing people and shutting down regimes over the globe to manipulate and keep the price down, why shouldn't i buy some?
These guys don't happen to mistakely stack 800 millions oz of physical silver over 10 years by accident, or buy the ex-biggest shorter of silver bank (Bear Stearns) and the biggest silver specialist for comex : BS Sempra (Royal bank of scotland-sempra) for multibillions dollars by accident either.

They are preparing to shot silver to the moon (or jews are truly vampires & werewolves, as our middle ages legends say, and only silver can really kill them so they are buying all the silver on the market to become invincible).

Imho you are a brainlet.

>> No.12636337

Don't buy physical silver. Long/short as if it was FX on broker.

>> No.12636344

t. JP Morgan market manipulator

So you crooks have 800 million ounces because its worthless huh

>> No.12636364

Also this. 191:1 paper to physical silver ratio suppressing the price thanks to these creatures issuing it (unbacked) to anyone they like

>> No.12636375

Bluepilled retard, (((they))) created the SHTF silver and metals correlation to keep accumulating at lower prices and disuade the average goyim from buying metals. Yes good goy! Dont buy silver it will only go up if SHTF! Hold all your savings in (((fiat)))!

>> No.12636383

I just like the have treasure like a pirate

>> No.12636390


They cant keep the ponzi up forever

>> No.12636447
File: 30 KB, 218x249, 1491897573241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, and that's how the biggest transert of wealth will begin. Can't wait to become a whale desu.

So much this, you don't have to be a prepper to stack some silver, every other commodity is considered as a normal investment vehicle but somehow silver is always just for the ''nuts'' and isn't a regular investment like any other precious metal, while it's the oldest, most used, decentralized, anonymous and undervalued currency in the world. It have been a store of value for 5000 fucking years but suddently it should be worthless because a bunch of kikes said so?

.... Really make you go mhmmmm....
Fucking normies NPCs are so stupid it's almost unbelievable. Sometimes i understand why the kikes depise and make profit from the goyim, they are so stupid it's the easiest thing to do. Handle the stupid goyim a bunch of worthless papers and they'll gladly give you all their multi generational real money and thank you for this. Incredible.

>> No.12636495

My concern is that there was more silver mined from 2000-2019 than there was from 1900-1999. Harder to find gold than silver from what I understand.

>> No.12636516

Yeah, supposedly due to the current low price of silver, it's unprofitable to mine so most of what comes out of the ground is as a byproduct of copper mines and other stuff

>> No.12636520

Of course it's harder to find gold than silver, are you stoned bro? if it wasn't the case silver would be the more valuable. You have 9 times more silver than gold in the earth crust. It's still rare, you have 1 gram of silver in 12 tons of dirt in average.

>more silver mined from 2000-2019 than there was from 1900-1999
Uh... it's true for every single material on earth. We have more needs of silver and better tools to find it than ever in history, why would we find LESS silver exactly?

>> No.12636523
File: 2.09 MB, 2184x1715, 20190202_204634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your silver boys

>> No.12636550
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, 20190201_131052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the other day, fresh 500 oz

>> No.12636555

I don’t get what’s so great about silver. Why should I get this over gold for example

>> No.12636561

Fuck im so jelly rn.
Btw this monsterbox must me a pain in the ass to move around right? It must be so heavy lol

>> No.12636564

Checked. I agree. It’s too common imo gold is the real red pill. Similar to those who buy alts hoping it moons harder than bitcoin even tho obviously bitcoin is the king of crypto. Although it is interesting J.P. Morgan is accumulating so hard....

>> No.12636582

How much did you put in?

>> No.12636623

Yeah, it was a bit of a pain in the ass to get it home man, real hefty
12650 aud (25.30/oz), so about 9160 usd on the day

>> No.12636753

omg where did you get that?

>> No.12636778

Oh nice, nice. That's a lot of silver haha

>> No.12636931

silver will moon

it is known

>> No.12636952
File: 464 KB, 700x779, 1489209147303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact : in alchemy, the metal related to the moon is silver.
Not a coincidence imo

>> No.12636989
File: 24 KB, 277x400, 1517487072631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a metaphor the jews leak. Their weakness isn't "silver bullets," its goyim using "silver currency." They always leak their deepest fears.

>> No.12636993

>pic related
t. white man

>> No.12637007
File: 200 KB, 700x700, 1522637701627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed make sense fren, but still, i want to shoot kikes with silver bullets now.

>> No.12637108


And the said kikes fudding silver are simultaneously stacking the biggest physical Silver hoard EVER

Remember, dont look at what people say, look at what they do

>> No.12637642
File: 66 KB, 700x689, 1547762522679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12637756

silver hoarders waiting for the USD to collapse

>> No.12637868

Coin shops. I've never even been asked for ID when selling. Last time I sold it was for 25c under spot.

>> No.12638048
File: 197 KB, 774x850, you've been dabbed on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not selling at $35/oz
I'm not selling at $60/oz
I'm not selling at $92/oz
I'm not selling at $254/oz
I'm not selling at $593/oz
I'm not selling at $800/oz
I'm not selling at $22,832/oz
Fuck paper.
Fuck bankers.

>> No.12638338


Bruh, metals are for generational wealth and tax evasion if you hold them at home. You can also buy metals and have them stored at the dealer, meaning you can sell back to them when you want to but you pay for storage.

>> No.12638357


Since the 60's actually, but that doesn't mean people were wrong about the system not working and it will go down soon. The long-term lifespan of a wealthy nation that implements socialism is roughly 70 years. America and the EU have gone crazy with their spending though.

>> No.12638459
File: 1.71 MB, 2592x1944, 20170331_004717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the last time I saw the core of my silver together,since then I've doubled it but i stack it at different places so I haven't taken a good nice pic as of late.