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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12628253 No.12628253 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so hyped..

>> No.12628269

maybe too much hype right now, but our grandkids will all be using Grin.

>> No.12628274

because late adopters still havent figured out that feature coins are obsolete

>> No.12628280

Something something Harry Potter

>> No.12628287

why wouldnt it be? Look at that fuggin sweet logo bruh

>> No.12628292

Privacy isn’t a feature or anything but good money. I wouldn’t buy any grin as an investment for at least a year or 2

>> No.12628304
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, `h no you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why am i hyping this?
literally what

>> No.12628581

>feature coins
There comes the brainlet Bitcoin maximalist who still believes that Core will implement such things like privacy and scalability when Core can't even hard fork to increase a simple block size.

>> No.12629741

Leave daddy alone.

>> No.12629782
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>> No.12630001

It's unironically bitcoin core developers being jelly that they didn't gain anything on the shitcoin boom.
This is their shitcoin.
That's all it is.
It's core feature is a lie, 100 bytes from every transaction have to be stored forever. There are no space savings.

>> No.12630380

Kind of this. Crypto is hype market, make use of the hype.

>> No.12630406

no, it's a technical feature, these privacy coins are more like utilities than actual money. they're glorified mixing services.

unluckily for late adopters like you, privacy has nothing to do with the base layer, for the same reason why monero isn't insecure because bitcoin exists.

>> No.12630741

Why do corecucks like grin?

>> No.12630750

Monero and dero shills move on to something new.

>> No.12630753

Is this good?

>> No.12630764

Do I hold my bags? Or is this dumping more, already down majorly after fomoing in..

>> No.12630774

When did you fomo in? I did at 5usd. Probably waiting till 10.

>> No.12631243

About $10

>> No.12631249
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A fellow coingecko user I see. Nice job anon.

>> No.12631251

>infinite supply

>> No.12631253

OG bitcoin miner's P&D coin

>> No.12631282

Mumble Wimble is cool, but infinite supply, combined with having to fucking email transactions (wtf) make this coin retarded, too bad. Only thing that throws me off is the hash power being thrown at it, someone thinks it will be worth it.

>> No.12631293




>> No.12631314

I almost bought some before I looked at their inflation schedule. This is maybe a buy at like ten cents or something, there’s no way it’ll be 5 bucks in a month even

>> No.12631651

depends on how fast the FOMO spreads, and what 'muh it's bitcoin devs' will do to people's minds

it has very consistent 5m volume for a shitcoin that launched like 2 weeks ago, but it launched with a stupid pump so graph looks scary

>> No.12631686

>Chink pools
Grin will dump to sub $1 in 6 months

>> No.12631758

>No view keys
>emailed tx
>emission "curve" ignores economics
>newcomer to crowded field with superior tech (XMR)

>> No.12631786

just like all the shit bicoin forks with a larger supply than grin until said 6 months from now

not a coin for the future, but will pamp insanely after more exchange additions.

>> No.12631794

just look at the logo, perfect for zoommer attention, only people that will fund the next bullrun

>> No.12631850

One of the only good projects in a sea of 1000 shitcoins. Seems like they designed to be used rather than hodl which is good you probably won’t get rich buying a bag of it

>> No.12631864

Will get if buy now. Something is definitely brewing and this shit will go the fuck up real soon I can feel it in my bones. Antshares of 2019

>> No.12632046


>> No.12632199
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>> No.12632316

Not the volume, but the surrounding hype.

>> No.12632337

You guys thinking you’re going to get rich off this are mistaken. It’s very basic economics of supply and demand. There will be severe downward pressure for YEARS. Buy sub dollar

>> No.12632345

And after two years at least.

>> No.12632346

You're not going to hold this for years you retard. You buy it now and and hold for a week for 3x, then sell.

>> No.12632848

Unironically because of the VC backing behind it.

>> No.12633053

Can (((VC))) make it go to 20$ already?

>> No.12633061

They will be mining and accumulating this for years.

>> No.12633207

The inflation is a fucking nothing burger and is identical to BTC for the first couple years. Compare it to what’s out there - a universe of premined shitcoins and tokens with a majority in circulation held by early investors just waiting for the chance to dump their bags on you. Here’s your chance to get behind an actual project with no leader and full transparency. Get in or fuck off.

>> No.12633238

Guys pls don’t mine on Chinese pools.

>> No.12633699

Chinese will rule the west with a grin on their face.

>> No.12633734

I want to swing trade this, what are the best indicators? Fib or bb?

>> No.12634016

dont tell me what to do pussy

>> No.12634025

Why limit yourself to only two?