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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 121 KB, 326x326, neet_sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12626801 No.12626801 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to NEETs? did they all get jobs?

>> No.12626808

Nobody is actually NEET on this board bro. We're all 6 feet tall chads with satisfying jobs and we go out to parties on Friday nights.

>> No.12626816

They all died of starvation ):

>> No.12626829

any Neet on this board has been continuously applying to jobs in efforts to find good work. If you are a neet here and NOT doing that... jesus man you have no hope

>> No.12626832

I'm still a NEET but I somehow got a union job and am 3 years away from being a journeyman

>> No.12626835
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I'm comfy

>> No.12626867

>has a job
pick one

>> No.12626882
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it was all a larp, but I'm a freelancer so I relate to NEETs

>> No.12626888

I still live the lifestyle as a NEET

aka live at parents and still a 27 yo kiss less virgin haha but seriously nothing has changed =(

>> No.12626889

I make enough money with Mturk. Do I count as a NEET?

>> No.12626927
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1538534288031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute retardation ITT. If you spend time earning money, period, you are 100% not a NEET. PS: """Uni NEETs""" can fuck off as well.

>> No.12626953

I'm still here op. But I need a pump to get my funds back up

>> No.12627009
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I've been living off investments for years. Had a comfy January where I literally didn't get out of my house outside once.
Now I know most bitter loser NEETs would shout "NOT A TRUE NEET REEEE" but I pretty much live the same lifestyle except instead of autism bux it's my own bux I get from trading.

>> No.12627017

can confirm, aside from the party part because video games are better

>> No.12627049

Every time I try to get out of NEET, I freelance as a web dev.
Every time I get some clients and some money.
Every time, after I finish the job, the clients keep harrassing me with more and more mini requests, so I burn out and go back to not do shit.

Freelance is a meme.

>> No.12627108

where can you actually make decent money as a freelancer? I saw upwork but you have to give all your personal information, is this what youve done?

>> No.12627112
File: 116 KB, 601x768, vaeicf76aud21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just became a NEET again like two weeks ago. Comfy asf desu.

>> No.12627123

True NEET marine here! Reporting in!
I bought btc in 2011. I cashed out a few coins August 2017 to start a business. I kept most of them though and I hold all the forks. My business is booming now and I used the gains from that to start two more. My largest has 20 employees and they pretty much run themselves. I really don’t have to do anything unless I want to now because my businesses generate enough revenue. I have such heavy bags of btc / bch / Sv and I could care less if they go to zero at this point. Last year I was buying pretty much every shitcoin too. I have about 300,000 TRX that I almost broke even on (net loss currently). I also got rekd pretty hard with 600 neo I’m stuck with. I sold omisego >$20 though. Made off pretty nice on that chink scam. I also sold link pretty high. Do you guys think I should buy back in (plz only fellow NEETS answer)? I could honestly care less if crypto goes to zero. Im sky or die at this point. If it moons I’ll just buy more investment properties and start another biz. America is the easiest country to make money in. You have to be pretty stupid to be poor and have to wagekek. Rich people buy time and hire employees, poor ppl sell their time.

>> No.12627138

>gets rich off of once in a lifetime internet money boom
>"You have to be pretty stupid to be poor"

>> No.12627141

>America is the easiest country to make money in
>Larp story says anon got lucky and road BTC to the top
Your larp story rings true, gotta have money to make money.

>> No.12627154
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still receiving money each week to live for doing nothing

>> No.12627158
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Please tell more

>> No.12627164

Not Larp at all. I just made a series of good decisions. I made bad decisions along the way too, sure. I highlighted some of them in my previous post (I basically pissed $60k out the window with NEO). You just learn from your mistakes and keep hustling. You gotta know when to hold them and when to fold them. The same rules apply when starting a business.

>> No.12627171

I’m phone posting in bed w gf right now. Ask questions and I’ll jump on my computer quick and answer.

>> No.12627187

While you are are clearly developmentally challenged, NEET specifically means that you don’t have a job, don’t go to school and aren’t in training.

>> No.12627189

>hire employees
No thanks. Employees are the scum of the earth. Demanding everything and giving almost nothing in return. Bitching and complaining that they actually have to do the job you're paying them to do. Expecting you to pay for the health insurance. Going on strike because they decide the previously agreed on money isn't enough. Strike protection laws making it impossible to fire them for not doing their jobs.

Fuck employees. They would literally starve to death if someone weren't there to provide them with jobs. Yet they can't even do the jobs without bitching.

>> No.12627194

>and keep hustling

this is how a successful man speaks kids never forget

>> No.12627206

My businesses pay 1099 commission only.

>> No.12627214

Hundreds/thousands of employees and the owner acts like it was all his own doing. Hilarious little brat

>> No.12627216

You'd be surprised how many business owners speak unprofessionally. Many of them didn't go to college or go through the corporate machine.

>> No.12627223

Yes it literally was all his doing. The employees are just mindless labor drones, like ants.

>> No.12627232

If the owner could do it all by himself he wouldn't need to hire employees. Economics 101

Kys entitled kike

>> No.12627233

I have a masters degree in accounting. I only got it because my parents offered to pay for it. It would’ve been foolish for me to refuse their offer. It’s sort of my “backup plan” if things ever take a wrong turn.

>> No.12627250

>owns a business

>> No.12627249
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,101010_01c5ca27c6.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made you go deep into BTC in 2011, was it because muh tech ? Link: this is far beyond of PnD, why did you sell? Do you not believe this can surpass the value of BTC? Why or why not?
>Held 2011 and sold in 2018
How did you develop iron hands of steel. Nature vs nurture ?
Does she know how deep you are in wealth? Does this ruin the chances of you getting married because of divorce splitting assets?
Do rich wealthy people believe in this?

Im a poorfag, and just got a job. I hate it. My only hope is to work and invest in one shitcoin equivalent to BTC in 2011. Good or bad idea?
some proof senpai

>> No.12627251

Yeah that's why you're an employee and not a business owner :)

>> No.12627257

Sadly I got a sales job where I’ll make good money at a large company that I start in 2 weeks. I honestly feel like the underground man tho when I neet. When I work and make money I love seeing my bank account rise. I can’t wait to buy my own place later this year and be my own man , God damn it feels good to earn something!

>> No.12627258

One sec. I’ll jump on my computer

>> No.12627282

You're the one bitching about being entitled to other people's labor because you think the world should revolve around your own personal ambitions. Deluded fuck

>> No.12627303

What a retarded victim complex you have. I am entitled to nothing more than what I pay for.
You're the idiot who thinks you're entitled to more than the agreed upon wage. If you want more money, you have to provide more service.
I am a customer. You are selling your time and labor to me. Give me my money's worth or starve to death, I really don't care.

>> No.12627312

who here job

>> No.12627319

i make money off passive adsense traffic so im a neet

>> No.12627327
File: 4 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards don't even know what a NEET is

>> No.12627330

You're crying that employees go on strike. If you don't need them then do it all yourself. We all know you wouldn't piss money away hiring people if you didnt NEED them. You need them and are butthurt they're leveraging their position for maximum personal gain - just as you do the same :^)

Your anger is a result of your narcissism and inability to reconcile reality with your inflated sense of self worth

>> No.12627355

>What made you go deep into BTC in 2011
I was doing an internship at a large financial firm while earning my undergrad. At this time I was selling weed but only wholesale. The IT guy there was pretty cool and used to buy weed off of me. He told me about Silk Road & Tor. This led me to BTC. I became enthralled by it, and at this point I gave up selling weed and went all in BTC.

> Link: this is far beyond of PnD, why did you sell?
I heard about LINK through 4chan. I bought it on a whim and sold when it went up. It's never a bad idea to take profits.

>Do you not believe this can surpass the value of BTC? Why or why not?
I don't believe so, but I don't know enough about LINK yet to be honest. This board is so adamant that LINK is the next big thing though. It's the most consistently shilled coin on here the past 1-2 years.

> How did you develop iron hands of steel. Nature vs nurture ?
I wasn't desperate for money. I made a lot selling weed at the time. I made the decision to give that up and learn more about bitcoin. I used to watch OLD SCHOOL roger ver talk about it (he's fallen off the last few years) and numerous others. I really believed in it at the time, back before the block size debacle, unconfirmed transactions, high fees, forks, etc. I feel like it was a lot easier to really believe in it back then. The atmosphere as a whole back then was a lot better. Fortunately I had enough brains to know not to leave money on exchanges, I still don't. If you don't have the private keys, they're not your coins.

> Does she know how deep you are in wealth?

>> No.12627358

> Does this ruin the chances of you getting married because of divorce splitting assets?
No. I have three attorneys. One is on retainer year round. My last two gf's were both gold diggers too, so I know the type. I dumped the first gold digger when I stopped selling weed so that I could stop spending money on her and buy BTC. I started dating the second gold digger to make the first one jealous. Then I broke up with her too and found a real one.

>> No.12627365

>If you don't need them then do it all yourself.
That's the idea behind my post. In my case, it's literally cheaper and easier to just do it myself, or outsource it to Indians on Fiverr when I don't feel like doing it.

>your inflated sense of self worth
Literally you. You think you're so valuable, but the truth is that you're replaceable as fuck. There are billions of people just like you on this planet with zero business sense who are forced to wagecuck instead.

Why do you think illegal immigration or h1bs are so popular? Because you're actually getting your money's worth.

Here's a novel idea: instead of getting angry at the immigrants who are charging a fair price for their labor, and instead of voting for price controls to artificially inflate the value of your labor, why don't you actually try providing a higher-quality product/service? I would pay top-dollar for a worthy employee, but they are nowhere to be found. Everyone is just looking for a handout.

>> No.12627384
File: 1.01 MB, 1717x1291, 1542409219615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real NEET here

>never had a job
>living in parents basement
>get gibsmedat from guillable socialist cuckgovernment
>saved as much up as I could over the years (31yo now)
>sleep all day and fap all night
>holding 143k chainlink tokens

>> No.12627401

>Im a poorfag, and just got a job. I hate it. My only hope is to work and invest in one shitcoin equivalent to BTC in 2011. Good or bad idea?
It's a bad idea if you don't have a plan. Even if your random coin moons what are you going to do next? Squander away your gains? Or do you have any sort of business plan? Or even a long term plan? You're basically just hoping to hit the lottery, and most lottery winners end up broke soon after.

>> No.12627406

NEET feet

>> No.12627408

>I would pay top-dollar for a worthy employee
Such an employee doesn't exist because they could never live up to your over inflated point of reference: your narcissistic self

Import the immigrants then. It will be funny when your head ends up on a pike like countless times throughout human history when the greedy parasite gets what's coming to him. Society is give and take, you just want to take take take. So be it, there is always balance

>> No.12627411

I work full time job but I consider myself a NEET

>> No.12627414
File: 12 KB, 912x72, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 11.05.59 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some proof senpai
Here's a screencap from the 600 NEO I mentioned earlier. It's one of the few shitcoins I leave on an exchange because I don't care if I get exit scammed on them.

>> No.12627415

You must cry yourself to sleep every night.

>> No.12627423

You think that about me if you want, and I'll just keep thinking of you as a scumbag trying to scam me out of all my money while doing minimal work. That's basically what you are.

The truth is I'd be happy to pay employees even more than what they're asking for, but we've hit a point where humans are so corrupt that they won't even do the job they agreed to do. They would rather cheat each other than have a healthy business relationship. You're a thief and you know it.

>> No.12627452
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Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions senpai. Good perspectives. I unironically believe you.

Is this something rich wealthy people practice/believe in?

>Free time
What are your hobbies and interest, did any develop as a result of growing wealth? Or did you just have more time to develop them.

Are you more afraid now of traveling to third world countries and getting kidnapped? (eastern europe, latin america, asia, etc)

>> No.12627468
File: 429 KB, 849x1200, 1497123643365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna take my time going to work, I got a computer and internet and ten or fifteen terabyte of porn. What the hell I wanna go off and go to work for? Work for what? Money? What am I gonna run around like some teeny bopper somewhere for someone elses money? I make the money man, I swing the linkies. The game is mine

>> No.12627471

>and ten or fifteen terabyte of porn
Do people really still save porn?

>> No.12627481

t. retard that will never truly own the sauce and then search for it like nigger in 10 years

>> No.12627486

nice larp idiot loser

>> No.12627494

In order to accurately find the sauce of something among all that data you would need a robust tagging and indexing system to be able to search for them easily. That's hardcore. I won't judge you.

>> No.12627499

this. we may pretend to be neets for the lolz, but obviously actually being a neet in the year 2019 is beyond sad and pathetic.....right OP?

>> No.12627539

>Occult Is this something rich wealthy people practice/believe in?
I actually know some people that are much wealthier than I am that believe in this stuff. If you wan't I can go deeper, but I'm not that into it myself, so I can only tell you what I've observed from other people.

> What are your hobbies and interest
I like cars, motorcycles, dirt bikes, snowmobiles (my buddies and I are going snowmobiling tomorrow actually), jet ski's, boats, anything with an engine on it really. I like spending time with my family too. I visit my parents 2-3x a week on average, and try to see my grandparents as often as I can. I'm into fashion. I go out to clubs, but only nice ones that have VIP Bottle Service & good DJ's. I go out drinking with my friends on the weekends. I like going out to dinner (but my gf now likes to cook a lot so I've been going out to dinner a lot less since I started dating her). & I'm actually big into traveling. Most of my family is in Europe so I go there at least once a year. I've been all over the US, Australia, UK, Spain, Greece, Italy, Germany, Mexico. I haven't been to Asia but Tokyo is on my bucket list. Maybe china too just to visit all the factories and see what opportunities lie there. My friend and I are going to Columbia soon.

> are you more afraid now of traveling to third world countries and getting kidnapped?
Absolutely not. I'm going to Columbia in a few months.

>> No.12627551


Tips for finding a real one?

>> No.12627559

>I can only tell you what I've observed from other people.
go on...

>> No.12627565
File: 298 KB, 598x600, comfyiexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm comfy as shit
top 300 RLC holder

>> No.12627596

Just need to work for two more years. Once the Dems win the next election theyll take all of the money from those evil billionaires and give it to all of us!

>> No.12627612
File: 517 KB, 1791x1062, CagieWagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Job? Might aswell go to fucking prison lol.

>> No.12627628
File: 2.23 MB, 974x1308, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 11.39.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep dating. It's like anything else, the more you do it the better you get. It's almost like girls can smell pussy on you & you'll be able to see through all their games in no time. Be aware, don't be blinded. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there either, but never expose yourself or make yourself vulnerable.

Honestly, I'd really rather not put out what I've learned in these circles because the people are really private & they're very nice to me. I've been to parties at Chris Mark castle. Look it up. Photos attached of me there w/ ex.

>> No.12627640

then don't name names you idiot, just tell us what things you've seen or what goes on

do they actually practice magic and spells? big orgies? other shit?

>> No.12627644

>Chris Mark
no one knows who that is or cares

>> No.12627668
File: 865 KB, 2188x1600, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 8.41.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can only tell you what I've observed from other people.
Please do tell.

>my buddies and I are going ...
Are these friends pre wealth? If so, do they treat you differently? Does your close circle of friend and gf become other rich people? Any truth to Old money only associates with old money?

How did you civilize yourself to fit in with other wealthy folk?

>> No.12627678

He's related to the Rockefellers you rude brainlet.

>> No.12627688

I didn't ask you to name names, I just asked you to tell us what's going on and what sort of things they believe in

so can you tell us something, you offered afterall

>> No.12627712

>Are these friends pre wealth?
Yes. Tomorrow I'm going with my friend that I've been going riding with for 15 years now.
>If so, do they treat you differently?
No, that's why he's still my friend.
> Does your close circle of friend and gf become other rich people?
Yes & No
> Any truth to Old money only associates with old money?
Definitely. You can always become rich, but you can't become "old money" rich. That's not to say that old money doesn't associate with new money, but you don't breach into that inner circle.

>> No.12627726

do they actually practice magic and spells? big orgies? other shit?

if yes, what do they hope to accomplish by doing these things? what does their magic spells gain them? do they have different ones?

are they Christians? Jews? Masons?

what do they have planned for the future of North America?

>> No.12627786
File: 93 KB, 1066x558, F5444AD1-D70B-40D8-B17D-D054BA40F220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the answers, fren. Have a fun time with the girlfriend tonight and hope you have a great time snowmobiling tomorrow.

>> No.12627788

Pls answer: >>12627640

>> No.12627941

nice "proof". sign a 2011 bitcoin address or gtfo.

>> No.12628164

They finally accepted their shame and no longer gloat about it.

>> No.12628177

I'm a 29 year old neet, I do stock trading and e com but none of it is working out so far. Yes freelancing is pretty much neet lifestyle.

>> No.12628220

Nah dude he is right you are a narcissistic piece of shit. Hope one of your employees brings a gun to work and ends your pathetic existence one day.

>> No.12628273

you're a fucking retard shut the fuck up holy shit. i bet you're some NEET virgin cuck that hasn't amounted to anything in life. you talk like you have literally 0 life experience. have you moved out of mommies house yet faggot?

>> No.12628299

Ignore the wagies I understand your feels. A good idea is to do a fresh start
My dad's company saw lots of backstabbing employees/partners since 2004 but now we have great people
All the bad people magically left

>> No.12628331

dude shut the fuck up lmfao. if youre not working a job youre sucking off your mommies tits as a NEET, a trust-fund baby, or had some lucky break with a business or investment.

>> No.12628379

Triggered blue collar nigger

>> No.12628481

where were you for the past few days? there were couple conspiracy threads on biz dig warosu

>> No.12628578

Nice 1 dude.
So how did you pay taxes when swapping from Bitcoin to alt?

>> No.12628615


>> No.12629367

the shear amount of larp in this thread good god

>> No.12629386
File: 6 KB, 250x250, F761213A-4B5F-45BD-BFA0-F76F6F0927D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m self-employed but larp as a autistic NEET

>> No.12629406

>where are all the NEETS

it's Saturday morning. They will return Sunday evening to start taunting wagies.

>> No.12629657


>not buying TRUE
>Shorting Okex
No wonder you're a poor neet still

>> No.12629670

Nice got 10k

>> No.12629673

Implying you would make it past the kyc lmao fuck off

>> No.12629676

Im a neet and still here. I will never be a wagecuck

>> No.12629682

The KYC on OKeX is a joke, anon... Just google "Korean" or "Chinese" ID and use the 6+ page...first ones are taken. Will 100% get you approved. Either that or stay poor I guess. Doesn't matter to me.

Unironically got 2k

>> No.12629696

This is how you can spot a newbie.

>kyc being taken seriously in 2019
>Forced regulations


>> No.12629756

embarrassing, like a desperate school girl all excited for the rich chad to throw you a bone. Rude too, like he owes you answers. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.12629796

Literally free money

>> No.12629954

OWO thanks anonsan!!!! *meep* just made 2 ethers because of you <3

>> No.12629978
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They still comfy af

>> No.12630151

making enough money in a bear market to pay property tax and utilities as well as gas and food money. sure I can't buy as many nice things as I was during the bull market but I'm a NEET, we're pretty talented at wasting time and not needing expensive stuff. entertainment is free, just torrent everything.

>> No.12630249


It serves as a means to signal something, such as one's political views, or, more precisely which tribe one is allied with.
Higher education teaches us what a signal/message is in communication, and how to use it.

>> No.12630662


>> No.12630812

Only sub 80 iq pajeets will sleep on this kek

>> No.12631287

How retarded do you feel on a minute basis ?

>> No.12631295

this, i can morph into a bizfag or a dank chad whenever i desire

>> No.12631644

Based and redpilled

>> No.12631979

is torrenting still a fucking thing? how the fuck do you not get caugth with this? i remember lawyers fucking larping as leechers and enforce the fucking copyright rights of their clients of really popular torrrents. calling up your ISP and getting letters demanding thousand of dollars reperation in your mailbox

>> No.12631999

Spent the last 4 years as NEET, made 200k in the last bull run, lost it all on bitmex, had to get a job again on november, feelsbad

>> No.12632007

why is it always the retards hit the jackpot? I could make a lot of magic happen with 200k

>> No.12632017

>he doesn't know about private trackers

>> No.12632231


>> No.12632248

real battle hardened NEET here, no job no eomployment no training and no looking around for it. i need money, holy shit lmao. I'm running out of my stuff to sell

>> No.12633427

lol, why can't you make 200k now?
You can't do shit.

>> No.12633727

>ssh tunnels so no VPN to sell details
>anonymous vps.
>IPFS shares found via IRC rather than old school torrents
Tell me about these "regulations" of yours? They sound like a blustering threat by boomers that haven't got a hope in hell of being enforced.

>> No.12633885
File: 340 KB, 1280x582, 38241-teaser1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


31yo living from welfare and still living with parents , probably kissless virgin.


>> No.12633936

I'm 26. Got into crypto during the December bull run. Mind you, I had zero market experience at that point. Watched my $ value go up. Then watched it go all the way down to the point where I owe my grandmother lots of money and I don't even call her anymore due to that. So I have to pay her back on top of my fucking school loans. The only upside to this story is that I just recently got my first full-time job (did shit jobs everywhere prior) with that open office bullshit type layout where everyone can see you. I don't mind the work, but I can't stand all the fucking walking bundles of fucking energy that are moving around behind me and shit.

How the fuck do people operate in an open office style floor?

>> No.12634092
File: 49 KB, 612x612, 1548370950071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you indian?