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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12626280 No.12626280 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work as software dev
>meet Mr. Lucky coworker
>he fucks around at work all day on his phone
>he doesnt even know what an array is
>meanwhile i study all the time
>one day a dev job paying 30k more just falls into Mr. Lucky faggot's lap
>meanwhile i can't find shit despite a year of searching
>hang out with Mr. Lucky faggot one day
>girls hit on him everywhere we go
>he's not even attractive, has severe acne scars, super awkward
>meanwhile i've been laid once in the last 3 years
>one day Mr. Lucky faggot manages to procreate
>hes pissed off about it
>meanwhile I've wanted a family for years to no avail

seriously FUCK this shit. he is the laziest dumbest faggot yet life just hands him an ez pass. then I hear about other people who do nothing and their business just takes off. it's all fucking luck.

>> No.12626298

you know what to do
xyzz him

>> No.12626303

Maybe you'd have more "luck" if you weren't an angry and vindictive sperg.

>> No.12626327

the answer is yes
there is a spectrum.
some people can't lose other people can't win
most people are in the middle
this shit is not a coincidence. we are probably in a simulation. if you are very unlucky you are probably going to the opposite with your next character

t. ex poker player with millions of hands played and analyzed

>> No.12626331

how am I being vindictive faggot?

I've never done anything bad to him or wished bad upon him. good for him he's doing so well...but I sit here and compare think about how easy he has it to others and it's just ridiculous

>> No.12626332

Wow, great thread OP! Thanks for the peak into your shitty life!

>> No.12626341

you're on 4chan(nel), fuck off

>> No.12626346


So after millions of hands played, does luck usually still end up prevailing over skill?

>> No.12626352

Why don't you just try being more lucky?

>> No.12626410

congratulations OP you've finally realized business and success is entirely luck and there's no point in trying at anything when some other person can come along and have it all handed to them. whatever is going to happen will happen no matter how hard you fuss or fight

usually it's normies this happens to for no real reason. the only common denominator is them being normies

>> No.12626421

for me yes. i sit on the shitty luck side but only slightly
and when i suck enough dick there is always a big spicke og good like that lasts a few days
but my unlucky streaks are much longer(sometimes months)
i just have to grind out the shit luck streaks and play a bit differently when i realize i'm in one

>> No.12626431

>big spicke og good like
big spike of good luck
what the fuck

>> No.12626469

>he doesnt even know what an array is

how do people get/keep their job as programmers when they can't program? i'm not in tech and i've never understood this

>> No.12626489

You are obviously a fucking retard. Statistically significant events like that can be identified with simple statistics. Outliers exist but not like you describe them. Read about the gamblers fallacy. Then kill yourself

>> No.12626498
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Does this thread look like a motherfucking blog to you, NIGGUH?

>> No.12626504

luck = recognizing opportunities when they present themselves and taking advantage. you've probably had plenty of shots but are too autistic to see them right in front of your face.

>> No.12626522

It is fucking insane.
It is 100% due to nepotism. Either they have family working there, or they have a friend on the inside. Either way, their resumes are put on the top of the stack and they are given TONS of slack during the interviews.
It is bullshit and the problem is only getting worse.

>> No.12626544


how do they keep their job though? programming seems really black and white, you can either do it or you can't. not like some other jobs where you can bluff your way along.

>> No.12626567

You’ve got absolutely no idea how to get through life do you?

There’s one word that can sum up what Mr Lucky has that you don’t.


t. Another Mr. Fortunate

>> No.12626588

i made a shitton of money on people like you

>> No.12626614

It's not as black and white as it seems.
People can write code that "works" It's bug-ridden, slow-running, and extremely prone to breaking, especially as development continues.
The problem is, unless you have a very dedicated team, and a PM that isn't completely braindead and understands the basics of CS, no one is going to raise any concerns. Mostly because they also suck as developers and are just there for the paycheck.
You would be astonished at how poorly things are written. A product may look clean an polished from the outside, but it is just barely being held together by bandaids on the inside.

>> No.12626645

they write shitty code that isn't scalable and has to be redone at a later point in time.

every fucking time I interview somewhere I have to take a 1 hour coding assessment beforehand then do a white board test at the actual interview. I know people who have never had to do a single one of these before, not even from nepotism, just sheer fucking luck.

>> No.12626806

>I know people who have never had to do a single one of these before, not even from nepotism, just sheer fucking luck.
That's incredible. I literally cannot think of anything to say about this. Just seething with jealousy I guess.

>> No.12626884
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There's a bell curve for everything. Looks, skills, talent, and even luck.

>> No.12627125

bumping for more luck stories

>> No.12627193

so the cs bubble is just a meme? Actually competent devs will still be needed?

>> No.12627200

Yes. But proving your a competent dev is difficult, especially when HR is riffling through 100s of resumes a day. Just better hope you already know someone at the company that can put in a good word.

>> No.12627208

>Actually competent devs will still be needed?

lel, no

>> No.12627273

no, it's not a meme at all. CS is shit. I would never do it again knowing what I know now. I'd still program as a hobby, but not as a career choice. so many better careers out there. for the same amount of time invested into a CS career, you can invest that time into so many other industries and come out with comparable pay without having to study all the time.

I interviewed for a position last week and since now we're in a "global economy", they want their devs to rotate every week. so one week you work days, the next week you work nights so you can be on the phone to hold the hand of chinks who call you confused.

>> No.12627288

>How to die early due to always fucked up sleep schedule
That sucks anon. Frankly it should be illegal

>> No.12627294

CS is being shitted up by people who want to do video games. I'm in college for CS right now and like in all my CS classes half the the people want to do video games.

>> No.12627320

will be a freshie in uni next sem and can't decide between CS + math or EE + math double major

doesnt all the interesting research level CS stuffs pay well and need more math? Like these stuffs: https://www.data61.csiro.au/en/Who-we-are/Our-programs

>> No.12627321

That's not new, most competent cs people wanted to do video games at some point.

>> No.12627338

I have an awesome book that I would like to recommend to you, friend. It’s called ‘fooled by randomness’ by Nassim Taleb. It’s a great book, Nassim is an unexpectedly humorous guy, and he picks apart and analyzes the concepts of “luck”, and “streaks” that you speak of. I think you will enjoy reading it

>> No.12627345
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its called Being Yourself

>> No.12627348
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>you've probably had plenty of shots but are too autistic to see them right in front of your face.
This. I've missed so many opportunities because I'm such a sperg. Now I've ruined my life because of it.

>> No.12627349

if I were to go back to school I'd go for EE, Civil, or Environmental Engineering. a huge company where I live just built a brand new campus for the Environmental Engineers, meanwhile the CS code monkeys are all working out of the shitty dimly lit building built back in the 70s. companies are dumping a lot of money into Environmental Engineering. my friend who is a Civil Engineer just travels all over the world on various projects, they give him a $1500 truck allowance each month.

>> No.12627364
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>> No.12627375


>> No.12627412

You have no idea man, I've met people that have finished data structures and have no idea how objects work and other basic shit. It's like they are in it only for video games and nothing else.

>> No.12627438
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>> No.12627456
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hey /biz/ is there any place I could do data entry online for minimum wage? I really want to get out of doing manual labor because I'm introverted and its not really cut out for me. I have a WPM of about 130 and I hear thats really high compared to the average. Any suggestions?

>> No.12627465
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>> No.12627907

Would they at least know the difference between a class and an object?

I know my first time thriugh a C++ class, I had no idea what I was doing and just typed a lot.

Going through CS classes again in my 30s versus my 20s and things seem to click and be more understandable.

>> No.12627926

Just watched that clip a couple days ago. Good choice lol.