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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 53 KB, 800x475, ethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12626083 No.12626083 [Reply] [Original]

So ETH was a scam? I spent $1300 to buy one of these, and now its only about $100? What happened? I though it was going to be the leading platform for smart contracts and a world distributed ledger. I was also told there would be staking and faster transaction scaling. Why did you tell me it was a good investment? I'm down 90% of my wealth please help. wtf is happening? Is my money gone?

>> No.12626097
File: 21 KB, 606x201, ethereum_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a shit coin that can fulfil its purpose, Ethereum isnt Bitcoin. Its value comes from its utility, when it fails to provide that, it goes to 0

>> No.12626098

s o o n

>> No.12626103

> fell for the world computer meme

> trusted the money skeleton

>> No.12626126

wow fuck you guys. I literally bought 10 ETH at $1300 each. and this is all that we have so far? Literally NOTHING new added to the network in over a year? this is ridiculous. Has anyone taken legal action?

>> No.12626260


ETH unironically waiting for chainlink mainnet, maybe then it can do something useful

>> No.12626306

Shut the fuck up larper. If youre not larping you deserve whats happening. Who the fuck buys at the ATH? Who the fuck spends $10,000 because they got advice from a venezuelian dog-eating forum? Go choke on your boyfriends dick and die faggot.

>> No.12626322

obvious larp is obvious. literally nobody in the 1st world would have been retarded enough to buy eth above $1000 let alone hold it for all of 13 months while it dumped 90%

>> No.12626360

>fell for the coma larp

>> No.12626447
File: 2.86 MB, 469x294, betterwillhunting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence. I sold 10 ETH at $1,300.
I remember warning everybody that the entire ecosystem was overvalued and underdeveloped after CNBC started hyping it. Same as the dotcom bubble, beat for beat.

Sure there's a future in programmable money, but it's not in the immediate future. It's gonna take time to scale it safely. And just like the dotcom bubble, the ultimate winners may not have arrived yet.
For example, search engines were a hot stock in the 90's but none of those stocks were google and none of them recovered to their ATH.

>> No.12626462

>600GB ledger used only for scam ICOs

>> No.12626651
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>literally nobody

>> No.12626663
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>> No.12627702

Larp changing story from 1 eth to 10 eth.
Better larp next time.

>> No.12627716
File: 311 KB, 695x517, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 11.55.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12627742

they're all veteran link marines

>> No.12627751

that's a fancy way of saying they're homosexuals

>> No.12627771

that's what the link to the dungeon of delight was trying to explain

>> No.12627793

He meant link will be the #4 top crypto in the next bubble.

>> No.12627948
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>>Leading platform

>> No.12627957

>Respect each other

>> No.12627991


it still is the leading platform for everything, the only thing bigger than it is bitcoin, and nothing, absolutely nothing, has come even close to threatening its position.

ethereum has already won smart contracts

>> No.12627999

ironically bitcoin maximalism is the reason why ethereum is completely unbeatable

>> No.12628007
File: 22 KB, 992x527, LEVELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened?

>> No.12628015
File: 19 KB, 696x449, BitcoinSV-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking about segwit coin