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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12625889 No.12625889 [Reply] [Original]

Why do billionaires still work hard and not just fuck hot women all day?

Answer this question and you will understand why your childish idea of "making it" will only lead you to depression. Get a god damn job.

>> No.12625898

"making it" means security. When you have all that money, you can do whatever you want because you have something to fall back on.

>> No.12625899

wash your penis bucko

>> No.12625922

if that was their goal then they'd have quit once they were worth a few million

>> No.12625938

With or without money, if you have no drive and no higher goals, no will to make the world better you'll be depressed. It's not the money, it's the (You)s. There are a lot of rich kids who are depressed because of this.

You must be a virgin too, 'fucking hot women every day' is something a teenager would say. I don't even want to have sex every day, a session for me lasts several hours and I'm not always bothered for it. Snuggling is nice though.

>> No.12625946

being billionaires is a side effect of prioritizing work over everyting else

>> No.12625945

>You must be a virgin too, 'fucking hot women every day' is something a teenager would say

I was parodying the average comment from this board you cretin

>> No.12626026
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There are homeless heroin addicts fucking hot women RIGHT NOW, and not just fucking them, using them to shoplift for them to buy more heroin because they are dark triad sociopath chads

People actually think you need money to get laid LMAO

>> No.12626066


It makes it easier, but as already mentioned, banging chicks is such a teenager pursuit.

Once someone has sex, they realise there's so much more to life, it's not all that

Greed is the answer to why billionaires still pursue money, endless human greed, I wish they could be taxed on it I really do. It's more than they could ever hope to spend, but they influence the rules that allow for it.

>> No.12626155

>Why do billionaires still work hard and not just fuck hot women all day?
alot of them do just fuck hot women all day, especially in the middle east

>> No.12626190

becuase women can divide wealth by 2 each divource see how thats working put for bezos? you can soon be back to a small amount

>> No.12626550
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good post desu

>> No.12626561

Except having a job made me more depressed and stupid.

>> No.12626593
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If only you knew what the hell you were talking about and understood rich powerful people are still extremely sexual but just jaded beyond belief

>> No.12626634

Billionaires do fuck whores all day. It's just that they still have to constantly work and be in charge of things so they can fuck more dominantly. Don't listen to the brainlet virgins on here that say billionaires have unlocked some sort of asexual ascension.

>> No.12626777

some people need to make x amount to feel successful it comes down to how do you want to live your life ? for everyone is different