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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 696x449, btt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12625761 No.12625761 [Reply] [Original]

if /biz/ misses this, it's seriously time to retire this board

>inb4 p&d, circ supply, justin sun, kys

>> No.12625782

>dude lets monetize piracy lmao
when tron finally goes down it will be in a pit of flames. it lasted a long time but like bitconnect the fall will be sweeter

>> No.12625788

Clue me in. Why should I pay for something that’s always been free?

>> No.12625789

It has the brand awareness to be big. Imma let it drop to bottom first though.

>> No.12625794

You shouldn't. This a retard token for retards.

>> No.12625804

how much money can you make for seeding 1gb?

>> No.12625815

Somebody got suckered into buying a big bag this morning! :^)
Retard... for the millionth time, if you're seeing an """investment product""" shilled on biz, you are the mark.

>> No.12625822

Its still free, You can now pay for seed priority if something you want to download has no or few seeders

The utility is valid, The problem its already over valued. Only like 1% of torrent users will ever need to use this feature, the token isnt worth a 1m market cap, but i bet it will be top 20 in a year

Who gives a fuck, just throw a little bit in as a bet that Justin Suns bot team can continue scamming people the same way he has year after year

>> No.12625828

it doesn't matter...how new are you? nothing in crypto matters...it is all a meme...nobody uses this stuff and probably never will in the next 5 years. just trade it, brainlet

>> No.12625830

about tree fiddy btt

ur gonna be rich anon

>> No.12625843

>just trade it
how heavy are your bags

>> No.12625847

Fuck of pajeet
If you didnt get in the airdrop or ico avoid this trash until it's below ico price

>> No.12625856

>just throw a little bit in as a bet that Justin Suns bot team can continue scamming people the same way he has year after year
based...this is like the only anon here whose synapses still work...you're going to make it, desu

>> No.12625863
File: 2 KB, 691x28, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fill me sirs

>> No.12625977


So what's going on here? a couple retards thought they were in early on this chink scam and didn't realize were the mark? Lol no one will buy your bags when you chang with chinks you get jipped

>> No.12626023


Spotted the commie.

Nothing is truly free even piracy. It might be free to you because the costs are insignificant but it ain't free someone needs to get paid something in order to cam all those videos and seed them even if you disagree with the legality of it.

Now the true usecase isn't just a single torrent. ohh no no no.

Imagine a youtube alternative with millions of videos that all need active seeders. That is the true use case of BTT.

The vision of BTT and Tron is much bigger than just muh piracy it's a completely decentralized web free from the censorship of the big tech giants. Isn't that something you wanna see happen /biz/

>> No.12626030

Buy in the USDT market, retard.

>> No.12626457
File: 18 KB, 714x119, sn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let this sink in: you literally do not know how to think.
>pic related