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File: 2.87 MB, 2550x1556, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 6.43.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12625520 No.12625520 [Reply] [Original]

i rarely post here, last time was exact 13 months ago, but if you think chx (Own) is anywhere near it's top, you must either be new to crypto or haven't done your research

ceo said we can issue tokens right now in europe and next week we will announce a partnership which will let us do the same in the US

now explain what that could mean?

this coin can easily, easily, pass ripple-level partnerships and generate millions of revenue but listen:

everything aside, all the staking, nodes, partnerships, all aside, even the fact that they are tokenizing debt, the fact that this space is worth 100s of trillions of dollars and these guys are operating in europe, us, and asia, all these aside, look at these 2 facts alone:

1. They applied for a banking license
2. They applied for a security exchange license

over the past 5 years i have never seen a single project even close, even remotely close, to these guys.

i have been around for a long time and i have seen the different market waves and opportunities, this coin belongs to top 10 this year and top 5 next year, at the very least.

now i don't care nor should you care about any fuds or any hypes or any of that bullshit, just buy and hold for a few years, and not sell, even if you see a 30-40% drop or if you see a 100% rise... this coin should be >2-3 billions before you even consider selling a fraction of your holdings.

all the best folks

>> No.12625585
File: 34 KB, 329x399, Randy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off

>> No.12625599
File: 28 KB, 499x499, 1545743519704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all have seen you chx shills in every thread in the last hour could you please go fuck yourself?

>> No.12625600
File: 26 KB, 1860x274, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll dumb this down for the brainlets on here...

chx will be a 1 trillion dollar marketcap cryptocurrency in 2-5 years. if you invest 1 dollar today, it will be worth 100,000 dollars. you only need to invest 10 dollars to be a millionaire.

bitcoin mooned because it was the first. ethereum mooned because people bought it to buy ico's. regulations killed ico's. sto's will replace ico's. chx will moon because people will buy chx to buy sto's.

>> No.12625602
File: 4 KB, 225x225, dddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US partnership which allow them to legally issue security tokens in the US and they have already built the platform which allows anyone to create their security tokens within minutes. this fact alone should blow your mind. 200-300million dollars market cap in the next months or so is my guess

>> No.12625653

so you're saying I'll have 6 billion dollars in 2-5 years?
are you actually retarded?

>> No.12625671

I didnt kniw this level of retarded existed
Still fuck off. A few months ago the volume for was what 1k-2k? Foh

>> No.12625695

is 10k CHX enough to be comfy?

>> No.12625839

10,000 chx to be a millionaire at $10 billion marketcap

>> No.12625886

According to CMC, from early June last year to October CHX volume mostly stayed below 10K, except for a couple of days where it still didn't break 60K
Then suddenly in mid-October it starts breaking 100K and the price pumps, then it eventually hits 1 million by early January
Anyone knows what happened in October to cause that initial pump?

>> No.12625978


>> No.12626018

>Anyone knows what happened in October to cause that initial pump?
I'm going to guess they found partners/clients to get on board.

>> No.12626135

binance accumulates future listings before they list them

>> No.12626576

Don't be mad you didn't get in. It's not too late. Sorry that your linkies didnt live up to the hype. Chx will.

>> No.12626608

"RialtoTrade AG will utilize a blockchain based digital share register provided by Liechtenstein based company Own AG (http://www.weown.com ), which will enable us to tokenize its shares in the future."

Fudders BTFO!!

>> No.12626958
File: 54 KB, 341x486, CHXcampaign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid marketing campaign, good job.

>> No.12626969

pretty sure that means that they will market the platform once it is released.

>> No.12626973

please tell me you are not this retarded

CEO mentioned they haven't invested anything into marketing yet and that will start in February (with google ads, etc.) when they go global in US, Asia, Europe.

lmao this project is way above any other project and you guys are going to kill yourself when you look back in 1-2 years.

>> No.12627019


DOCK's volume spiked before binance.