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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1262424 No.1262424 [Reply] [Original]

Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/

End of May Edition

Visit the website first - www.robinhood.com

Candlestick charting guideline:
> http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:introduction_to_candlesticks

> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.

> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta ( https://robinhood.com/au/).).

> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.

> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.

> What's a good penny stock to invest in?
Don't buy penny stocks you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
Old Thread: >>1254171

>> No.1262429

LPCN has a PDUFA in the next 6 weeks. Even if the outcome is not favorable you can make mobey off the hype.

>> No.1262484

newfag here, does that mean I should buy now while it's low?

>> No.1262499

I would say so. Just don't get greedy in case it tanks.

>> No.1262504

selling CERU?

>> No.1262514


I've decided to go long for 5+ bucks. Transfer some money this week and try to meme with that.

>> No.1262561

What's the deal with ceru?

>> No.1262563



>> No.1262587

Tomorrow I'll just be shorting my MGT at $3.00P/S

If I had buying power tomorrow though I would considering going Long on more SCTY and possibly buying in on TSLA's rebound for a Short.

>> No.1262645


CLRB is the meme stock for tomorrow morning

careful boys this one is for daytrading
its a pump and dump so dont get dumped on, get in and get out quick

>> No.1262656

Any ETFs worth looking into?

I'm currently looking at

>> No.1262659

Youre saying teslas a good buy cause you think itll go up?

>> No.1262671

you can't day trade on robinhood

>> No.1262674

if you have cash settled you can buy and sell something in the same day no problem

and if you have robinhood instant you can to an extent (up to 5 unsettled trades or something before they cut you off i think, unless you have $25k account)

>> No.1262677

What's the difference between settled and unsettled?

>> No.1262678

it takes 3 days for cash to 'settle' into your account after you sell something

if you look in robinhood at your account you will see a few categories

value of stocks you hold
cash value in account (unsettled + settled)
>buying power
amount of cash that is settled

>> No.1262698

Will MGT go back over 3.75 anytime soon?

>> No.1262702

Why are penny stocks retarded, exactly?

>> No.1262706

ah, so you can buy and then sell as much as you want, you just lose buying power for a few days

Very volatile and uncertain, there's a large risk in gambling on them

>> No.1262727

MGT is a bubble that already burst, idiot

The whole thing was 100% speculation driven, not based on anything else (such as announcements, products, financials, etc.).

people were buying it soley because they wanted it to go higher.

Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc. has a drug for opiate addiction being reviewed (and more than likely approved) for opiate addiction THIS WEEK. This will boost them.

>> No.1262730
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The ceru whale has arrived.
Buy TTNP FDA decision between now and this froday.

>> No.1262733

bah now i feel like an ass.

I just got interested in making money, and got excited about it. I started talking about it to my sis who listens to daveramsey. She flipped the fuck out, and she's a RUBE, a RUBE. All she does is parrot dave ramsey. Attacking me at the jugular, just because she got knocked up early, fucking whore.

>> No.1262775

>All signs point to YES

>> No.1262866

>all signs
Which signs would those be?

>> No.1262884

>Ask again later

>> No.1262918

>I'll just be shorting my MGT at $3.00P/S
You own the stock and will be shorting it tomorrow?
Please tell me more about your strategy.

>> No.1262925

all the other schmucks that didn't sell when they were supposed to trying to hype up the stock again

>> No.1262930
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How should I distribute $200 between these. If not some of the stocks then what should I invest in instead?

>> No.1262932

I'd do 75 in CERU and LPCN with some good limit sells and the fifty throw it at whatever you want. Have fun with it

>> No.1262934

Can someone please post why I should invest in CERU?

I was in it at least 1.5 months ago when some tripfag here said it was a good idea. I've since sold. Why should I get back in?

>> No.1262940

Somebody get this guy the copypasta of the ceru301x shit or whatever

>> No.1262994


From the previous thread:

There might be a pending approval from the FCC on GSAT.


In at 2.61 for 670 shares. Not sure what the timeline on the approval usually is but hopefully this works out.


Ok, here's the scoop on /ceru/ you dumb fucks. I'm going to divide this into 2 categories, CRLX101, and CRLX301.
Has orphan drug status>http://www.ceruleanrx.com/platform-pipeline/crlx101.php
What that means is less than 200,000 new cases are documented or exist each year. It also means there's currently no effective treatment for the current disease, and it's highly deadly.
The FDA generally fast tracks these, as mentioned here, under Renal Cell Carcinoma
>The U.S. FDA has granted CRLX101 Fast Track designation in combination with Avastin for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma following progression through two or three prior lines of therapy.
Basically it means they may just skip phase 3 altogether, or cut it short and say their data is just so effective, it's hard to ignore and deny these DYING cancer patients a chance to live.
The chief medical officer at ceru is Adrian Senderowicz
Senderowicz used to work for Sanofi-Aventis.
Sanofi-Aventis was FDA approved for a drug called docetaxel back in 1999 for small metastic lung cancer.
Docetaxel, as it turns out, is the main ingredient in ceru's CRLX301. Their 2nd drug.
It's already approved.... He used to work for the company which it was approved under.... It's going to work.
Altogether the markets for CRLX101 ALONE come to more than 4.5billion annually, with CRLX301 targeting all hard tumors in general there's no telling how much people may pay.
Here's the greatest catch...
They have 0 SUCCESSFUL competitors.

>> No.1262999
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>Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc. has a drug for opiate addiction being reviewed (and more than likely approved) for opiate addiction THIS WEEK. This will boost them.

Thank you based Anon

>> No.1263030

why not TTNP?

>> No.1263032

I got a limit sell on CERU for 2.45$, should I cancel this shit or should I sell most of my shares

>> No.1263035

If what the copypasta says is true it's possible that it could double in value, I'd set the limit at something much higher 3-5

>> No.1263037

Long story short they found a cure for cancer or aids or something massive, it's in clinical testing now, so if it's successful and they can use it for general public, prediction is that their stock will jump 1000+%

>> No.1263052

It's not a cure, it's a delivery system to minimize chemo side effects. Still a big deal.

>> No.1263386


thank you magic 8 ball

>> No.1263395

Don't buy NETE ever. This company unloads debts in the form of large amounts of stock sell-offs right around their earnings report every quarter. They will never get big. It's just a way for a bunch of Russians to own yachts.

>> No.1263413

Allow me to shill for a bit. If anyone is looking for a good long investment look at FRO. It is pretty much at its basement right now. I have a target of 12 bucks but for anyone who likes riding waves it bounces between 7.60 and 8.50 pretty regularly. Also it should get a bump in July after the summer driving season is over and they post earnings.

>> No.1263437

Anyone else on the ugaz train??

Were going to the moon.

>> No.1263445
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You know, there was something talking about that back in the last thread... Gotta say, Sorry i doubted you...

>> No.1263462

I wanted to buy UGAZ at 21$ but had to wait on unsettled funds. Feels good

>> No.1263466

Clrb up 30% wish I had money to put into it at open

>> No.1263473

I had an order placed yesterday but cancelled and went all in TTNP instead and now I feel like an idiot.

>> No.1263475

Buy into SPXS?

>> No.1263478
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got in on TTNP

This better be no CERU whale

>> No.1263483

I bought TTNP on friday with about 100$ of funds i had left. No regrets there you shouldn't regret either. Last friday it closed at 6.34 it's 6.90 already.

>> No.1263485

So apparently SKLN has to close above $1 a share for 10 consecutive days by October 10 or else NASDAQ is delisting them from the stock exchange.
What does that mean if they get delisted?

>> No.1263488
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Just for full disclosure I'm pulling out about half of my position on this since I've already made a really nice profit, and I'd advise you goys to do the same. There is also no guarantees in anything, and a surprise "no" from the FDA turns this thing into a penny stock.

>> No.1263495

>things you should know before getting into buying stocks for 100 please, Alex

>> No.1263498

I never bought it, Im asking what it means dipshit

>> No.1263500

Good job man! I can only hope MGT makes another pump so I can sell before the dump.

>> No.1263502


I tried to save you /biz/

you didnt listen

>> No.1263505

If i had instant I woulda dumped my ceru or some shit into this. My paypal got taken over and had to close my bank account so I can't transfer more funds yet.

I tried to listen

>> No.1263510

I'm hopping on the TTPM hype train. Now when exactly should I dump them? Just before Friday's event or after?

>> No.1263513

What are some tech companies under 10?

>> No.1263537

CERU is going nowhere

>> No.1263540

CLRB bitches, who fell in the profit meme?

>> No.1263565

Basically it turns into a penny stock. You still own the shares, and you can still vote at a shareholder meeting, but the stocks are pretty close to worthless at that point.

>> No.1263569

It's going to remain around 2.36, maybe some slow growth until more news. This is a longer term stock now. Many people did well with the initial jump and I'm still doing okay daytrading buying in at 2.28 and selling high. But today it didn't quite reach where I was hoping. Normally it doesn't spike up again late day so I'll probably limit sell 2.40 tomorrow

>> No.1263573

It's oscillating towards a median. The peaks have been settling, last week's news is done. It's a good stock to hold but don't expect a spike above 2.50. Just watch for slow growth and more news

>> No.1263584

>tfw no moon mission

>> No.1263592

>This is a longer term stock now.

Not tying up my money into this meme and then wind up missing the next MGT or CLRB.

>> No.1263593
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>finding a stock that you know is going to jump soon, having no money to buy shares and watching it shoot straight to the moon

it hurts

>> No.1263597

>Implying you'll get in on the next CLRB early enough

I hope you aren't relying on /biz/ to give you the tip

>> No.1263601

I just got the robinhood app. I have 100$ uninvested in there right now and I set it up to autoloader 25$ every week.

What should I invest in? What should I do next /biz/?

>> No.1263605


I'm sick of this game

>> No.1263610

buy CERU

>> No.1263611

Invest in the latest meme stock and hope.

>> No.1263627

Who here got in at .075 on XGTI? Today was a good day. I wasn't taking anymore chances so I jumped ship at .195

>> No.1263630


>> No.1263634

Hate to break it to you.>>1262730

>> No.1263635


/biz/ gave the tip mid-day on Friday. If you got in then and sold this morning, you had a ~30% gain.

>> No.1263637

$xgti is treating me well today

>> No.1263642

>$400 in the red

Can't wake up

>> No.1263649



>> No.1263664

Yeah I sold out of that. Was gonna hold out but I got sick of it and was causing me more stress than what was worth it

>> No.1263672

Same, I wonder if it'll continue to rise.

>> No.1263674

Should I jump into CERU?

>> No.1263678

XGTI leggggggoooo

>> No.1263681

If you want, doesn't seem like it'll be having a lunar landing anytime soon.

>> No.1263693

I'm down $250 in SKLN alone.

My average is fucking .15 now and I still CANNOT PROFIT

>> No.1263694

yeah it just plummeted again

>> No.1263698

It's not gonna skyrocket imo but yea, if you have even an ounce of patience I'd say go for it.

>> No.1263699


Hop on while you can lads, jumped in at 3.96

>> No.1263701

I just jumped on board and already made 10%. Set a stop loss to keep me green and I'm just gonna ride the rocket. I'm at work doing construction and on my mobile. Can someoned post a link to catalyst or is this just getting a pump?

$XGTI rocket

>> No.1263702
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>1.62m market cap

No thanks

>> No.1263705
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How did you fags get around this. I missed out on fucking %30 gains

>> No.1263706



Feel even better now for using Scottrade and not that shit app

>> No.1263708

SKLN is fucking killing me. I hate you memers

>> No.1263710

How deep are you in?

>> No.1263713

134 shares but I'm a poorfag. I started this stupid app with $200 and my other stocks are all making money, this is causing literally all my loses

>> No.1263715

I hope so, I bought mgt at 5.20 and need to make some money back

>> No.1263716

How do you guys find these meme stocks like XGTI? Do you just watch for stocks that have an absurd increase in volume and ~10% increase in price and just ride the wave? Is there any way I can set notifications on my phone to let me know when that's happening when I'm at work?

>> No.1263717

Is there a general stock trading thread on /biz/ or is this as close as it gets? I don't use robinhood

>> No.1263718

Which one do I need to be in, UWTI or DWTI?

>> No.1263722
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>mfw my limit that I forgot to cancel triggered at $0.21 and now XGTI is has passed the moon to mars

Whatever, still up 130% for the week

>> No.1263726

How high is XGTI gonna go boys?

>> No.1263730

I found it on stocktwits during the mgt hype. /biz/ wasn't talking about it so I took that as a sign to buy

>> No.1263733

That last dip just hit my stop loss as well. That's ok, I owned stock for 30 minutes, made 150 bucks

>> No.1263735

How do you set these?

>> No.1263738
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>> No.1263741

Sell > Order Type > Stop Loss

>> No.1263742

It's that "Order Types" button on the top right when buying/selling.

>> No.1263751

I saw someone mention XGTI being something to cash in on during the $MGT meme since they recently got a order for some systems by the military.

>> No.1263752

>Had a little too much fun when I got Robinhood Instant.
>Now I cant sell my XGTI for a couple more days with being tagged as a day trader.

Well looks like im stuck on this roller coaster. I've never been worried about being up 140% before.

>> No.1263755

Isn't it a cash account though? I thought they don't flag you for that. Or does it also follow the 25 grand meme for daytrading?

>> No.1263766

Technically, Instant is on margin, so yes, they follow PDT rules.

>> No.1263768


I just signed up for stockwits but I see so much hyping of many different ticker symbols.

I feel like trading with a high enough % volume change in the first 30-60mins + increase in price is a really good strategy but I can't find any service that would notify me of that. For whatever reason it's really hard to find something that tells you % volume change in the first 30-60 minutes.

>> No.1263773

Are you retarded or?

>> No.1263779

yeah fäm

>> No.1263793

Loooooooooool, XGTI
Rode from 11.5 to 17.9.

Wish I'd stayed in till .28, but I'm not complaining..... ttnp, and possibly RLYP COMING UP..... ceruuuuu plz

>> No.1263798

Looks sketchy. Think it'll drop soon?

>> No.1263800

Go CERU gooooooooooooooo

>> No.1263803

Stock twits, follow the early risers who post about volume or change/volatility in pre markets.

WAKE UP EARLY and watch the pre market and be awake to buy in before the bell opens. Then watch till lunch.

>> No.1263808
File: 164 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160523-101912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CERU whale back again.
I hope yall are on ceru and ttnp rn.

>> No.1263810

XGTI still a good bet?

>> No.1263813

I would watch how far this dip goes

>> No.1263818

Might rise again later but for now it's going down. Could be a good idea to buy if it gets any lower tho

>> No.1263819

I wouldn't at this point. Its wild speculation/greed driving this upward.

>> No.1263821

Definitely, although I doubt it'll be more than a dollar or two since they're presenting more data at a conference on the 6th

>> No.1263824

I've been on them for months. I'm sticking with them for the long run.

>> No.1263827

UWTI. Ride it to ~$51

>> No.1263831

I bout 570 shares of AZUR at .85 cents. How boned am I? Should I whale mode for the rest of the week or what?

>> No.1263833


>> No.1263834

Same famalam. Bought 50 shares at $2.31 and sold 40 of them for short term profits because I panicked.

>> No.1263839
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I'm calling the bottom, if you want to get in on this, get in now.

>> No.1263841


>> No.1263843

Use tradingview for indicators. They even trollboxes for different symbols, users, and feeds.

>> No.1263850

for a couple weeks it was bouncing from .80 to 1.00 or higher and I thought I could rake in a bit more cash off of it bouncing before moving on to another stock, but instead it just started dropping like a rock when I went in heavy on it

>> No.1263852

I'm officially out. I'm bad at this, lost $500 in a month. Fuck me.

>> No.1263856

Damn bro.

Up 41% in the past 2 months man. Don't fall for the penny stock meme.

>> No.1263857

Would anyone still get in on CERU today?
I feel like I have missed the boat.

>> No.1263861

I'm just too indecisive and greedy, even when I'm in the green I never sell, I always wait till it's too late

>> No.1263865

>possibly RLYP COMING UP
What's the upcoming catalyst for this?

>Relypsa plans to submit a supplemental New Drug Application (sNDA) by mid-2016 requesting a label change for Veltassa based on positive results of Phase 1 drug-drug interaction studies
That's all I see on their site...

The results were released yesterday in the press release, so I don't see what would cause this to go up...

>> No.1263867

How do you figure? It hasn't even spiked for weeks now. Past 3 weeks looks flat on a chart mostly. Get on it bow before it hits 3 dollars and get off at 4 or 5

>> No.1263870

I bought it friday hoping it would go up by monday and sold it at a slight loss. It looks like it might go up one more time other than the gamble with the fda approval.

Also whichever anon suggested holding DWTI last week I bought on a whim and want to say thank you

>> No.1263878

I just am hesitant because I see a general downward trend save for the spike to $4 on April 21.

I also worry about the FDA thing, I think I may still buy In though, I don't actually think I will lose on it and I COULD potentially make some decent gains in the next few weeks on it.

>> No.1263886

got off at XGTI ride at .20

Is it worth getting back on?

>> No.1263890


>the fda approval.
>the FDA thing

When is this FDA approval you all speak of?

The next event is a June 5 presentation of their 301 drug at a conference.


>> No.1263895

Limit buy 2.29 and wait

>> No.1263896


Anon I'm trusting this, it seems good

>> No.1263897

Refer to this post: >>1262994

>> No.1263898



You think that's what happening? It would explain the huge dips for no apparent reason.

>> No.1263909


Isn't oil getting murdered?

>> No.1263915

Fuck, why did it take off like crazy today?

>> No.1263918

No idea. Meaning it will crash hard sooner or later

>> No.1263919

Anyone have thoughts on DDAY? It was floated as meme last week. Lost like 10% on it and not sure if it's going anywhere...

>> No.1263920

ER coming out in AH.

>> No.1263922

If you lost 10% you can make it back by buying the daily low (I think it's .31 or something Idk without looking) and selling on the .39 high. It's been reaching the same lows and highs everyday since I bought it personally

>> No.1263931

By June 30th

>> No.1263934
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Made $500 off of CLRB and $600 on XTGI. I fucked up and missed out on an extra $300 on XGTI by selling at $0.25 instead of waiting to sell at $0.28 shortly after. Still a great day

>> No.1263938

Congrats buddy

>> No.1263944

How much money do you have in your account?

>> No.1263946

Why are there so many pumps lately?

>> No.1263947

You did great, dude! Calling the top or bottom of a movement is not nearly as important as just riding it for some safe gains. Sell whenever you feel uncomfortable. You did awesome!

>> No.1263949

This generally happens before the market tanks. Nothing with real strength is worth putting money into. So people buy shit lol. Watch out and good luck everyone. Gonna be a down week. Then gap up after the holiday.

>> No.1263953


How long have you been investing? What news sites do you follow for the market?

>> No.1263954

I started with $860 CAD on May 12 and rode MGT for 4 trading days, bought CLRB on Friday (after the 200% gain unfortunately) and XGTI today. Now I have about $3320 CAD.

>> No.1263955

Anyone seen XCO? It tanked recently so it might be a good time to buy. I'm gonna read up a bit on it, but I thought I'd point this out.

>> No.1263964

I don't follow news lol.

I'm really into Elliott Wave theory.

Not all stocks follow Elliott Wave patterns, but it's almost painfully obvious when they do. Check out the 1D Crude Oil chart after watching the video and tell me what you think ;)

>> No.1263971

I'm hoping to one day have enough money that I can make at least $100+ or so with even a little percentage gain.
Sounds like you're on your way there.

>> No.1263981


No thanks chartist

I need something to show me what stocks and industries to look at

>> No.1263982

Just made an account.

Let's see how fast I can lose 50 dollars.

>> No.1263986


>> No.1263987

Faster than you think. If you have any common sense you'll get the fuck out right now and save yourself a lot of stress and time and money. Go take courses and learn shit before you get hooked into the idea of getting rich quick.

>> No.1263989

took me 10 days

>> No.1263993

Losing 50 dollars doesnt scare me. This is just a game since weseed is gone.

>> No.1264000


Are you only throwing 50 into your robinhood account?

>> No.1264006


>> No.1264009

how do i set up auto sell and buy in robinhood?

>> No.1264010


Not even the same id, my only suuggestion is do your research and toss it all into something you believe in, not a meme stock

>> No.1264015

I'm on mobile. Changes IP a lot.

All into 1?

>> No.1264026
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who /atvi/ here?

>> No.1264029

Anyone know a good long term growth stock? BAC has been limp dicked for a long time.

>> No.1264032
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>> No.1264035

What's your portfolio consistent of?

>> No.1264036
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holy fuck ceru

>> No.1264038

It's fine

>> No.1264041
File: 168 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160523-122219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously didnt buy the dip when 0 news came out?
Just bought 200 more shares.
Some whale with 5000 plus shares probs sold. Small trading volume today.

>> No.1264047

All my funds arrive Wednesday :(

>> No.1264049
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MFW I can write off up to 3k in stock loses on taxes. If CERU fucks me gubment will reimburse me for playing meme stock. I'm still long though. I think it is safe to say it will hit 5 bucks.

>> No.1264059

Now look at how silly you all look.

>> No.1264060
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Woops, the irony.

>> No.1264061

All this /biz/ rubbing of the ceru lamp to awaken the magic meme genie. Better work whale boy.

>> No.1264072
File: 79 KB, 635x464, TheFuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceru fucking M00N

>> No.1264073

Its happening...

>> No.1264079

Who in AMD waiting for polaris?

>> No.1264109

Had a stop loss at 6.50 on TTNP that triggered cause apparently it dipped that low for half a second. oh well, hope it dies now

>> No.1264115

Chill dudes $CERU fluctuations have been very predictable. Look at the last 3 businessdays. The highs and lows are pretty much the same daily approaching a mean and the dips and peaks are occurring at the same times of day. If I remember Friday had a low 2.19 and high 2.45.. Thurs was lo 2.17? And hi 2.55. I expect tomorrow will be more of the same. Average over last three days is about 2.35

>> No.1264119

Why did oil prices increase?

>> No.1264158
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I trusted mcafee and he provided. Praise him!

>> No.1264175

If you have a stop loss and a stock reaches that price afterhours what happens? Does it still sell?

>> No.1264185

Idk probably venezuela or something stupid

>> No.1264191

Nothing happens until market open.

>> No.1264215

/biz/ has given me the tip many many times

>> No.1264220

>Just the tip

>> No.1264237

i thought instant was still cash, as far as I was aware Robinhood doesn't have margin accounts

>> No.1264241

So if it drops like dickall during after hours you're just fucked?

>> No.1264246

Margin is the only way instant can even work.

>> No.1264263

How does Stocktwits work?

>> No.1264273
File: 1.61 MB, 247x180, lemmings-off-the-cliff-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It operates under the laws of natural selection.

>> No.1264290


>> No.1264307


Which one of these should I dump my remaining cash in

>> No.1264316


Bit of a gamble, but you can always dump right before they announce a price.

>> No.1264330

I had TTNP and CERU, both hit my sell limit.

I'm conflicted if I roll the dice with AMD, or go with an anti oil fund.

>> No.1264331


That ship has already sailed. ER Just came out and a lot of idiots who bought in the mid .20's will be scrambling to sell at a loss tomorrow morning.

Everyone seems to think that their drug has a 75% chance of being approved by the FDA later this week. With the price doubling if its approved. The caveat being if the FDA shoots them down the company is royally fucked.

>> No.1264363

TTNP fucking blasting in after hours

>> No.1264367

Roll the fucking dice.

Then roll them again on nvidia once they bomb.

Roll all the dice.

>> No.1264435


what is ER

>> No.1264437

Earnings report. AH is also after hours.

>> No.1264439


That's when I run out of fun and have transfer funds from the bank though.

>> No.1264445

I think 75% is an unfair estimate considering it was supposed to happen in 2013, and they got butt blasted when for some reason the FDA ignored the panel majority that approved it. If they nearly had it last time I imagine the 3 years to fix their mistakes will be enough. Especially given how much the company needs this to not fail.

>> No.1264455

>Everyone seems to think that their drug has a 75% chance of being approved by the FDA later this week. With the price doubling if its approved. The caveat being if the FDA shoots them down the company is royally fucked.

Plenty of reason to be skeptical on this one...

>> No.1264456

AMD probably isn't safe honestly. I follow AMD and nvidia like nothing else. AMD always gets btfo come announcement day and this time nvidias announcement was so good you just know they are going to bomb.

I only have a few shares to toy with now but I will probably buy after the polaris announcement.

If I knew how to short, I would.

>> No.1264461

Does this mean I should buy nvidia now?

>> No.1264472

what happens if I set a stop loss that's higher than the after hours price? the market opens at the same price it closed right?

>> No.1264475


>> No.1264488

Except that's from when they were rejected in 2013...

>> No.1264507

Nope, unless you cancel the order it'll sell as soon as market opens

>> No.1264511

What determines the changes after hours?

>> No.1264522

But the market opens at the same price it closed correct?

For example, I want to sell a stock that closed at .22 but is now around .17. Can I set a stop loss for .22 or .21 and it'll sell for that price when the market opens?

>> No.1264525

People buying and selling of course

You dont have access to afterhours/premarket trading with robinhood

>> No.1264526

People buying and selling after hours. No, you can't do that with RH. Get a real broker.

It'll sell at .17 if that's the price when market opens. Don't fall for penny stocks

>> No.1264529

>Don't fall for penny stocks
Too late, made money though


>> No.1264539

How long does it take to transfer from RH to your bank lads?

>> No.1264542

3 days

>> No.1264545

wew I should start now, thanks.

>> No.1264558
File: 72 KB, 540x568, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exco Resoucres Inc. (XCO) is about to hit the fucking ROOF! I'm not talking Moon, I'm not talking Mars, I'm talkin fucking SATURNINE GAINS!!!


>> No.1264561

It's still falling tho

>> No.1264565

what makes you think this

>> No.1264566
File: 13 KB, 119x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you; already in $5,000.

Yeah? You think it won't turn around soon?

>> No.1264568


>> No.1264570

>You think it won't turn around soon?
Why would it?

>> No.1264575

How do I buy afterhours.

>> No.1264579

See >>1264526

>> No.1264582

I'll wait until morning.

What's the speculation coming from?

>> No.1264586


What are the pros and con?

>> No.1264599

Volume means shares, right?

Do not a lot of people invest or are you guys just recommending companies you can temp inflate with a few grand and cause a crash?

>> No.1264615

>a : cold and steady in mood : slow to act or change
>b : of a gloomy or surly disposition
>c : having a sardonic aspect <a saturnine smile>

wew lad

>> No.1264616


What are you basing this on? They are probably going bankrupt as we speak from this article


>> No.1264622

That websites "secret stock" was apple. That's kind of funny.

>> No.1264624

I can buy AH with etrade?

>> No.1264627

>Here's an industry to look at
>Here's a way that you can learn to predict broadly what will happen over the next month or two, and you can learn how I only a hour or two.
>This method will also help you to forecast many other industries in the future as you build confidence

"No thanks, give me an industry to look at"
Oh-ok. SSKN is gonna be hot tomorrow. NETE might hit a dollar next week, get in early.

>> No.1264636

What makes you think xco is going to take off?

>> No.1264644

CBYL ready for lift-off tomorrow morning

>> No.1264656

I'm into AMD. It's been doing pretty well for me. I'm about to throw some more money at it.

>> No.1264659

Same, but nvidias price to performance is hard to ignore this iteration.

I highly doubt AMD can beat it.

I will be selling before their announcement.

>> No.1264668

And when is that announcement?

>> No.1264674

On the 1st in a week.

>> No.1264676

I might take that advice. I just sold SKLN because it was a fucking meme. I need to get out of ADM while I'm on top. I'm going to stick to guns and water, which is what is getting me steady gainz.

>> No.1264679


Got good water stocks? And reasons it's doing well?

>> No.1264682

Only one, XYL and I work in the water treatment industry. They're just used everywhere in the US and Canada and aren't going anywhere. You aren't gonna go to the moon with them but they're a safe place to park some money and let it slowly grow.

>> No.1264700

Do these investment website work like this:
> website invests in something
> "guys you need to invest in this!"
rides wave and sells

>> No.1264704

That's called shilling and mainly what this entire thread is about.

>> No.1264733

Alright I forgot to buy this morning. How should invest tomorrow morning?

>> No.1264734

Should I be doing meme stocks to get a decent amount of cash before expanding my portfolio?

>> No.1264754

Either that or get a job. One is more risky than the other

>> No.1264755


>> No.1264759

I should say no but thats pretty much what I did. I jumped on NETE at .20 cents and rode it to .40 cents for a 4k profit.

The problem with these meme stocks is you have to watch them very closely it only takes 15 minutes for the lemmings to go from prophesying that the stock is on its way to the moon to rushing to sell as fast as possible.

>> No.1264762
File: 95 KB, 150x100, 1404097663831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else took the XGTI ride today?
>Be me, buy 500 XGTI 5/11 @ 0.1161, expect to make a few bucks on a one-day flip
>Watch as it fucking falls to 0.081
>Figure might as well gamble, buy another 1000 shares
>See it jump to 0.1125 on 5/18, 0.1189 on 5/19
>Wild guess and set limit sell on 1.5k shares, 0.25
>Notification at noon today "Order complete"
$236 profit

>> No.1264764

(Fail to Ctrl-F, fail to notice 17 other XGTI posts)

>> No.1264766

How much are taxes for gains so I can calculate stop loss?

>> No.1264778

Depends on whether or not they're short term or long term. Short term cap gains are taxed as ordinary income. Long term cap gains cap between 10% and 20%.

>> No.1264796
File: 8 KB, 953x64, servesmeright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's funny. I did the exact opposite and sold on a bad feeling. Wish I didn't. FML

>> No.1264814
File: 201 KB, 500x373, 1451121626752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys just wait til friday $MGT is going to blow up to at least 10 a share

>> No.1264818

Yeah, but you're working with "real" money. If I lost it all, would have only been $130 or so.

>> No.1264822


I see, I'll try it then. Thank you both.

>> No.1264825

just went all in CBYL

>> No.1264829


This is true. You really can't trust penny stocks though... even with good ER. 99 percent of them are pump and dumps. Including XGTI.

I'm actually laughing at all the idiots on stocktwits holding on and thinking it will go up to 1 dollar.

>> No.1264926
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For non RH fags. SAKL

>> No.1264930
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>> No.1264931
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That steady climb.

>> No.1264999

Give us some memes bizness men or your a cuck

>> No.1265007

$SCON moon mission in progress

>> No.1265053

>$ .15 div
We /highroller/ now

>> No.1265098

>$0.43 div
Las Vegas, here I come

>> No.1265101

This goes against Napoleon's core maxims but ive literally made millions of dollars off shorting every single stock that you guys keep saying will fly to the moon

>> No.1265337



>> No.1265343

Whose stock twits do you watch?

>> No.1265364

I think when the COD:IW sells the company will jump

>> No.1265381

stop thinking like this

i remember a few months ago when these thread were like

and it did. it did great

then DIS fell 10% in the following weeks

>> No.1265424

How far is TTNP going to run?

>> No.1265428

Dunno, I know I'm jumping ship on a feeling personally.

>> No.1265431


>> No.1265443

You sound salty. How much did you lose anon? Who hurt you?

>> No.1265478


>> No.1265482

>tfw missed out on TTNP
I fucking hate working in the morning, i miss all the good shit

>> No.1265488


>> No.1265493

>tfw sold sightly too early on ttnp.

>> No.1265500

SCON is going up to .35 today mark my words. Limit buy .23 while it fluctuates early

>> No.1265503
File: 48 KB, 351x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw this guy says "tfw" and doesn't post a picture for his tfw

>> No.1265504

>tfw no face

>> No.1265505

Why did I buy clrb at 3:50..

>> No.1265512
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, B5i6HoHCcAA5ET5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under armor

>> No.1265513

> Dig myself into a hole for 4 months straight
> Climb out in two days
Thank you based $TTNP

>> No.1265518

So I'm trying these stock simulators while I wait for my real stock account to get up n running. Why is it that I can't find ceru and ttnp on them? Tried 5 different ones, ttnp only showed on one, ceru on none.

>> No.1265521 [DELETED] 

just created an account and put 40 shares into ceru @$2.38

wish me luck boys

>> No.1265525
File: 9 KB, 220x165, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you take your qt3.14 to the beach to swim, but she just wants to get a tan

>> No.1265527

buy GBR that thing can pop real easy set your sell limit real high

>> No.1265532

Newfags detected

>> No.1265538
File: 8 KB, 128x115, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mon visage quand nobody cares nerd

>> No.1265539

XCO about to blow up.

get in now while you can. srs.

>> No.1265542

but hasn't it already blown up

>> No.1265545

going back over a 1.00 if not higher.

>> No.1265547

taking off?
NVidia just announced their "better then tintin graphics card" I'm pretty positive amd is going to drop like a duck eating poison

>> No.1265550

also amd is not competing with top tier cards amd will be focusing on laptop gpu and apu and giving mid range cards that perform very well with low cost. vega will be the high end cards wich we can look forward to end of 2016.

>> No.1265559
File: 143 KB, 1080x1920, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes people put a little too much trust in penny stocks, but god damn it worked for this nigga.

>> No.1265569

man fuck CBYL

>> No.1265571

Very fucking nice

>> No.1265577

What'd I FUCKIN' tell you guys!

>> No.1265578
File: 55 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, forgot image!

>> No.1265580

damn, is it too late to get in on this

>> No.1265582


>> No.1265586

missed it
might as well stay away now

>> No.1265589

it's still growing senpai, i got in at .75 and could make a nice profit

>> No.1265590

Should I buy TTNP or get back into XGTI?

>> No.1265595

good for you bro

>> No.1265600

someone make a new thread pls

>> No.1265609

TTNP is going to the moon thursday fucking forget about XGTI

>> No.1265614

I gotchu senpai

>> No.1265616

thanks senpai

>> No.1265618

>I should buy into UWTI, that seems like a solid investment
>dips 60 cents the moment I do

>> No.1265624

New bread >>1265623

>> No.1266739

>mon visage

>> No.1266784
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, RobinHood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where's my bar mitzvah gold goyim?