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File: 39 KB, 452x553, hololink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12623993 No.12623993 [Reply] [Original]

How long before Sergy and Arthur meetup and merge LINK and HOT to topple ETH?

>> No.12624036

This year

>> No.12624630

Holochain makes Chainlink literally obsolete though.

>> No.12624639

Are you stupid?

>> No.12624642

lol the only way LINK survives is on the BSV chain

>> No.12624682

Listen, here's the Holochain redpill. I took it last night. I was enveloped in an overwhelming sea of colorful geometry which resolved into a pathway leading to a very mechanical/alien-looking Mayan-themed pyramid. I walked down the pathway and leaped up the stairway, leaping the steps in groups of 3 just as I would in real life, passing others on my way up. I felt an overwhelming sense of pride when I reached the top of the stairway and was greeted by a doorway which led into a void.

I fearlessly stepped through the doorway and was greeted by a large 'being' which took the form of an N-dimensional (where N is greater than 3) unicursal hexagram. (NOTE: I had seen this shape before and had to do a lot of Googling afterwards to find what it was called) Its 'skeleton' appeared to be made of light and an 'eye' at every vertex/intersection. Every 'eye' was a copy of the being, repeating itself infinitely. The being seemed somewhat annoyed by my demanding answers to the questions of why it was here, why I was here, and why the universe was here. I recall a feeling of embarrassment/humility as I realized I was not prepared for the answer. The being responded 'You cannot learn the 29th lesson without learning the first 28' and pushed me backwards down the steps. I began tumbling backwards and the pyramid took on a very sinister and dark quality.

At this point, I found myself in a 'cosmic emergency room' after tumbling backwards down the steps. I use quotes because that's the best term I can use to describe it. I was surrounded by 'nurses' of distinctly elfin appearance. Humanoid, short, thin, with beautiful blue piercing eyes. The younger nurses comforted me, 'said' this was a frequent occurrence and it was OK, while the 'head nurse' chided me for my arrogance. Again, 'said' is completely proverbial - no words were ever exchanged. It was as though these ideas were being communicated to me telepathically.

>> No.12624696

Holo will literally make thwir own oracles. Link is already dead.

>> No.12625363

Chainlink is a long-arm platform,
Holochain is arming everyone with a pistol.

>> No.12625388

Never you stupid cunt. Holochain solves the oracle problem by default

>> No.12625414

>my coin does all the things (at some point in the future)
>it makes all other coins obsolete (if it works)
>there is nothing it can't do (trust me)
This is 2017 vechain, iota type bullshit

>> No.12625437

Holochain isnt a blockchain so thats a weak comparison

>> No.12625494

holochain is shit.

>> No.12626305

haha, blockchain fans trip over themselves to slam holochain

>> No.12626362
File: 372 KB, 1503x1475, 1549060306446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling 4 Holo colors

>> No.12626439
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Definitely on the spectrum
You will make it

>> No.12626467

tell me how without using holo style hippy babble that uses lots of words but has no substance

>> No.12626549
File: 34 KB, 269x306, holochad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holochain's agent centric aproach solves the oracle problem by default.
Since you're not keeping track of a ledger but of agents and their reputation/state, an agent can publish all kinds of data and if he's reputable enough he can be used as an oracle, or you can even code several oracles into your hAPP by defining a trust/reliabilty threshold for your data sources.

>> No.12626587

ok so its a centralized oracle with reputation. which is probably fine for small time web apps that would use holochain but not for high value legal/insurance/financial contracts.

>> No.12626628

Wrong. Each agent in a hApp shares the DHT portions they have witnessed according to the validation rules of the hApp. All transmissions are end to end encrypted. Further security layers can be utilized by each user. Trustless is possible through self auditing nodes that maintain a public record of immutable events. Multiple oracles could be utilized to cross referrence and when divergence is detected operations could be frozen and notices sent so a human can check on the status.

>> No.12626698

I just can't imagine there being any level of acceptable security in the holochain network when most of the agents are neets running holoports in their basement. security is complex even in centralized cloud hosting environments, this just seems like a pipe dream. maybe it'll work out, but this shit is so far from a sure thing like all the holomarines think it is.

>> No.12626729


>> No.12626732

holochain will kill blockchain sorry.