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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12618161 No.12618161 [Reply] [Original]

what was this board like in 2015-2016?
was there the same amount of crypto threads?

because i saw yesterday in one of those datamining threads almost all of the anons there had heard of bitcoin around 2010-2015 but bought sometime in late 2017

>> No.12618175

no, there were maybe 1-3 crypto threads at any given time. There was a much larger focus on the stock market and trading with robinhood.

>> No.12618181

also more focused on job search career and interview advice.

>> No.12618183

the fact that the catalog is now filled with near 100% crypto thread mean we are late adopters then? I mean this board is supposed to pertain to all things business related yet it's nearly all crypto related.

>> No.12618184

in 2014 biz was created and it was fucking poppin

then the crash happened and this place literally got tumbleweeds. I was amazed that /biz/ even stayed open cause it was so fucking dead and useless.

i was on biz everyday in 2014 until the crash. completely ignored biz until march 2017 when btc started revving up again and ETH went completely insane. RDD, DGB, ARK, Antshares dominated in 2017.

>> No.12618188

so in 2014 bubble it was like how it is today then? almost all crypto posts?

>> No.12618197

This board was created for the btc bull run to $1k in 2013 or whenever it was. After that died /biz/ drifted into talking about index funds, value investing and resume optimisation and other such incredibly cucked topics.

>> No.12618203

from my memory yes. i believe there were cucks back then also complaning that it shud be called "/btc/" instead of biz or whatever.

i remember i bought LTC at $5 and watched it go to $50. shit was ham. i cudnt sell cuz the service that sold me LTC scammed everyone. it was the only service that allowed CC usage...gg.

>> No.12618208

>Tfw I fomod at 1k

Felt like a fucking eternity for BTC to become relevant after that again

>> No.12618211

It was as garbage then as it is now. It might actually be slightly better now. I can't remember absolutely any thread that wasn't crypto shilling back then.

>> No.12618220

This guy is lying

That was like once every month and it was mostly NEETs and NEETs larping as gainfully employed sages of career advice

>> No.12618230

The board was much much slower. Threads were much longer, average of 50-100 posts per thread instead of the 10 posts per thread we get now.

Lots of threads about earning money through starting a business, selling stiff on eBay, buying dividend stocks etc etc. Overall the board was much better, I only come here for /smg/ now.

>> No.12618247

Go look for yourself on Warosu.

The only crypto threads were the PANDACOIN or DOGECOIN threads, with the RARE thread for coins like ETH. If you didn't post about PANDA or DOGE you would get shit on mercilessly.

Just like today, if you post about Crypto other than LINK you will get shit on by the plebeians. The masses have moved from PandaCoin/DogeCoin to Chainlink.

>> No.12618276
File: 19 KB, 696x449, BitcoinSV-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not late if you dyor

>> No.12618290

I started browsing late 2016-ish. Crypto at that time still somewhat dominated the board but it was a lot more actual business related topics “how can I create more demand for my product” etc.

Ethereum and bitcoin dominated a lot of this board then. Bitcoin posts were “HE MISSED THE DIP.... AGAIN!” And there was a general no coiner vs coiner vibe back then, which doesn’t exists now considering coiners completely dominate this board.

ETH was memes heavily and touted as “the future of smart money”. Any thread asking how to make money was dominated by ethfags telling you to invest into ethereum. Vitalik was also memed heavily. Funny pictures of him with protein powder and calling him money skelly. The FUD around Vitalik was also pretty hilarious, calling him a Russian scammer and skinny autist with no social skills.

I kinda miss the old ETH threads. It was a wild ride. The DAO hack and embezzlement of millions of dollars, forking ethereum And springing the creation of Ethereum classic. I wonder how all those anons are doing now.... god I’m getting sentimental but looking back those were magical times.

>> No.12618630

I member, good times

>> No.12619083
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>mfw I used to laugh at people in buttcoin threads on /g/ in 2011 for falling for a scam

>> No.12619359

/Biz/ is and created as Bitcoin containment board.

>> No.12619371


2k used honda bruh
Dumspter diving bruh
Frugile living bruh
drop shipping bruh

>> No.12619379

the last bear market was a mirror image of this one. down to a tee.

>> No.12619388

we used to shill doge all the time and then some guys made their own shitcoin to counter wolong (a known chink scammer)

>> No.12619391

So how does it "feel" now compared to the 2015 bottom? Where do you think we are in the cycle?

>> No.12619477

good news. please explain further to someone who wasn't around then.

>> No.12619478

These, as well as college rankings, major debates, etc.

It just means this board was destroyed by literal retards.