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12611426 No.12611426 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it i see guys promote this life heavily on social media along with the cring “build my empire and business” yet i get the feeling most of them are low IQ and definitely not doing as well as they try show.

I considered trying to mane a living abroad with my software dev skills and even trading but it makes no sense.
Especially with forex. Most the good traders i know dont talk about it. And they dont meme day trade. They swing and trend trade. They dont use millions of meme indicators either. Just common sense and risk management.
I can even speak from experience swing trading for 4 years without quitting my job.

Every one of them idolizez Wolf of wall street as their favourite film or some shit. Are they all fronting young brainlets or is it legit that easy?

>> No.12611476

>Why is it i see guys promote this life heavily on social media along with the cring “build my empire and business” yet i get the feeling most of them are low IQ and definitely not doing as well as they try show.
because they can't actually make a living off trading and rely on those more stupid than them to sell them their "trading course" (literally the same thing you can read for free on investopedia or youtube).
it's marketing 101

>> No.12611509

Wanna go on travel with me anon? I can imagine we trade together in a hipster cafe or something and laugh at stinkies linkies

>> No.12611842

They don't even trade they are just selling affiliate shit

>> No.12611999

Fronting brainlets. I spent a year following popular boomer fx traders who do live trades, even paid for a couple courses. All but one were complete bullshitters. They are mostly narcissists who end up talking about the same shit every trading session; how cool they are, how bad other people are at trading, acting like their 'patent pending' trade setup is just about to trigger, and making up excuses for exiting against their 'rules' or not entering (these markets are just SO manipulated!!). Sometimes they won, more often they lost or would break even in price, but you just knew they were negative on commision from shit like massaging 10 entries/exits on a 1 minute chart setup. The one I followed who was actually succesful charged nothing for his stream/indicators and mostly swing traded. Most of his streams, he'd go over the major world markets and then talk about if/then scenarios and risk management for individual pairs. He just seemed like an autist who genuinely liked trading and talking about trading.

>> No.12612127

I'm a trader, and honestly I would find it very hard to travel the world whilst doing this. I'm always extremely busy and I find little time for other activities. It's also quite lonely, sitting in front of your computer all day but I take great satisfaction not having to listen to anyone.
They are selling a lifestyle to gullible people who unironically only pay for the tutors lifestyle and he can then in turn keep pretending he's doing it because he's a good trader.

>> No.12612149


The funny shit about this "lifestyle"... As people who trade we know the reality of it.

you know what i think of when i imagine a "day trader" as a ocupation? guy with no job sittin in his pants on a computer all day usually barely scraping a living.
Basically a step above unemployed.

Yet they sell it on social media as some kind of lifestyle. Really funny.

>> No.12612189

Good traders can make good money, but I've tried to day trade and wanted to kms, it's boring as fuck, but if you're an autist, it's better than other jobs ofc. But put that together with how hard it is to become one, and it's not worth it for most people.

I like swing trading crypto, for example if see a few more drops in btc and people start shilling projects again and shit like get I will buy, but I know it may take years, I just like the feeling of being right. I prefer to actually have a job than would day trade

>> No.12612200

Yeah because it makes them tons of money. People are always looking for ''the easy way out'' the funny thing I find is how these guru's show up near the peak of a market. Like that options guy, ragingbulldotcom, he's standing in Italy or w/e showing some luxury jet saying the market has been on fire and what a great time it is to get invested, I started seeing that ad maybe like a couple of months before the DJI peaked.

>> No.12612236


yeah, guy goes and stands around some other persons mansion sets up a camera and gets to work LOL.

Reality being he spends 99% of his time like a NEET.
Look at all these disgusting crypto twitter cunts. how many cropped up in bull run? most of them. they have all been wrong wrong wrong and still are here. they just love the attention and nothing more. i counter trade Crypto twitter all the time.

as for these guys shilling the forex lifestyle.. yep, they show up when things are good and people fall for it. but even in average markets, they still get suckers. the reality of day trading is a fucking meme. I don't even really respect people who say they make their living from day trading. maybe swing traders more so.

>> No.12612279

Nah I agree, I'm not sure about day-trading profitability but I know its like the most difficult style of trading you could possibly get into and thus also has the lowest odds of succeeding. It pretty much defies common sense

>> No.12612369


every "scalper" i know does well till they don't.

They trade daily, maybe manage to make a 150% gain in 3 weeks, then they get it wrong and get fucked and shit gets wiped out.

Al the while they post their bitmex or whatever ROE percentage while hiding the collateral used ( they enter on cross then put up to 100% lev to look cool) and people fall for it and the guys feel like cool big shots.

then the bigger trend comes and kicks their ass while swing traders like me or you have finished getting our positions, which we let ride out and make way more than they did and laugh.

>> No.12612385

yeah I remember when I first got into trading and I was really quick, in and out of positions. Then one mistake and everything I worked for the entire week was gone, and on top of that to find out that if I just held my initial position I would have made 2x the money I did in the first place haha

>> No.12612392

the idea is get rich then travel, and be able to manage your money anywhere in the world

its not move to some third world shithole and try and scrape together a first-world poverty salary by working normal hours.

>> No.12612400

I was meant to reply to your comment

>> No.12612460

>Good traders can make good money
Look up how many actively managed funds are able to beat the market in the first place.
Then, look up how many of these had a better performance than index funds.

Even these actively managed funds are most the time managed by people with experience and education. Sometimes hundreds of years of accumulated experience in markets, if added alltogether. Even they cannot beat the market.

Then, there is a young person with low experience and - at best - a Bsc. in finance. Often, they are even admitting to be school dropouts. Alone. In their early 20ies.

And when you are sick: would you like to trust a doctor, who AT! LEAST! has a diploma to show for, that he has studied countless hours to become a doctor? Or do you buy advise from a school-dropout, who shills himself to be a "genius doctor", who "healed several persons"?

They never live the life they proclaim. They likely would say "everyone lies on their resumé, so I do it that way" and go on to tell lies all day, as long as a couple of idiots buy their MLM-guide.

>> No.12612500


it reminds me of social media "influences" and wannabes. honestly the number of these ppl who watch wolf of wall street and are all about that life next is cringe.

>> No.12612560

In small quantities of money there are way more inefficiencies in the market, so it's actually easier to make money in penny stocks, crypto, and similar things where you potentially make $100k-$1M /yr at most.

Of course those guys who aren't educated and say the beat the markets (stocks, forex, options, etc.) are lying because those strategies can't obviously work since the big guys have enough resources to learn those strategies from the "small" guys and take their money if revealed.
But there are some autists capable of making small amounts of money comparable to the whole market

>> No.12612703

>some autists capable
This "some" is thrown around day and day again, just so many people can identify with this image.
Maybe YOU are this autist.
Maybe YOU are the chosen one, who knows exactly when a graph turns south/north and places his trade exactly the correct time to make a fortune in a short time.

But if you research legendary TA-practitioneers, you find people who backtest their theories with tools nobody used before (Seykota), people who researched fundamentals for years before setting up a trade (Sperandeo) or even decoding messages in the vietnam war (Simons).

You wont find autistic nerds among those who made big money with trading. Occasionally, you find people who overleveraged, ended up with a huge profit because they were lucky and then they stoped doing it, because they knew they were lucky. But most the time, you find people who were lucky sometimes, but way more often got greedy and lost way more than they put into it.