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File: 478 KB, 2000x1372, IBM-Intel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12606134 No.12606134 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, redpill me on this shit.

Why do i have never heard about it before last week with all your meme shills ?

Why the fuck IBM, Intel and Tfcloud are working with them ?

Why the team look like fucking genius but noone mention them anywhere ?

Is it really the next eth ?

>> No.12606158

Hello pajeet

>> No.12606167

iExec (RLC) aims to be a marketplace for off-chain computation. From what I can gather, it is a decentralized marketplace for any computational service provider, whether that be cloud providers, personal systems, IoT devices, decentralized protocols, etc. Any system that does computation can sell it on the market place.

The question is why would it be valuable and why would someone chose it over a big cloud provider?

1) It can be more secure given there is no need to trust a central cloud provider. There are all types of options and likely even the ability to use several at the same time for different needs.

2) It’s flexible since there is no need for contracts so again you could leverage several at the same time and stop and start whenever.

3) It’s accessible for small and medium size businesses not just for major businesses. This is especially true for companies who want to leverage new AI, CRM, and different data analytic systems but can't afford it in today's models.

>> No.12606176
File: 495 KB, 2277x1699, dbz rlc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4) Big businesses can use it to undercut competitors by seeing what computation is available for cheap. So if a business is using AWS, AWS can actually undercut their own costs by offshoring some of the computation to a provider in an area with cheap electricity to save AWS money. Big cloud providers will likely use it to hedge their own cost budgets.

5) Big businesses can build out fog systems. Instead of having to build from scratch their our fog computing network, they can use use already existing computing networks as connection points between their clouds and local IoT devices. This brings computing down to the local level which is cheaper and more efficient. It would be quite expensive and costly to build from scratch. It’s almost like taking advantage of mesh network type system of already available devices, similar to how Uber uses cars already in existence instead of having to create an inventory. AWS doesn’t need inventory, but instead can focus on selling a service that they help facilitate.

6) Big cloud providers have to spend a lot of money maintaining their systems with devs and repairs etc. In a system like this, providers are responsible for repairs and the dev team of iExec or another similar protocol like Golem, SONM, etc can maintain the system. If a provider goes down, they just route to a new one.

>> No.12606193


Ok. But isn't aws cheaper and easier to use than iExec ?

Why decentralized computing is important ? Centralized data center can hold heavy computation.

Why don't they burn or take fees with the market ? How do they earn money with a free market ?

>> No.12606249

AWS wins out now because there are only a few major cloud providers who can handle large data. AWS can beat out competition because of scale but having an open marketplace where you can purchase power from anywhere in the world with no contracts and dynamicly, meaning you can change depending on costs or needs, then AWS will find the competition tougher. I envision AWS actually outsourcing their computation, atleast some of it, especially when low cost providers are available. This can actually save them money.

>> No.12606260

Decentralized cloud also gives medium to small businesses opportunities to get advanced analytics, which now they couldn't because of high costs and only being provided at high end cloud providers.

>> No.12606275

Computation is purchased with the RLC token in the market but to become a worker and provide computation you need to stake RLC, which I believe they are exploring a collateral model similar to LINK. They are still looking at different options with the token but the utility and staking store of value mechanism are present currently.

>> No.12606322


My guess is once its running, nobody really needs to be making money. The founders/devs are going to walk away multi multi millionares and ibm/intel make tons of money getting in early, but even better is taking a giant hack saw to some of their biggest competition with google and amazon. Then, consider companies like ibm/intel might actually be able to drastically reduce their own overhead by having a service like this in the future. At the end of the day, I wouldn't bet long against IBM or intel. Google/fb are getting more and more bloated and they are going to get shit on if an advertising alternative comes up. Amazon takes the walmart approach by being cut throat and squeezing everyone out penny by penny, they got first move advantage and dominated the shift to online retail but once they get pushed out of their conversion to tech expect them to massively downsize in evaluation and that reduction/retraction in growth will give room to start slowly picking apart their market share. IBM is OG and always finds a way back in the game, any other company would of been yahoo'd when microsoft pushed them out. Intel is probably tied to a global shadow government so expect them to have big pockets and connections.

All that said, I don't have iexec. If it dips in 2 days I'll throw 1500$ in it, but I want to see how far this xrp hype will pump first

>> No.12606367


I prefer the models where a user could pay in any currency they like and the RLC token conversion then occurs in the background on a dex.

>> No.12606400

That could happen too. They explored a burn model as well. They haven't set it all in stone so those are good models to bring up to the team. My guess is they would price in dollars and conversion would happen behind the scenes. The staking part is where the value will grow most.

>> No.12606444


I hope they can do that. Because as a shitty-technical guy, i am not going to buy rlc to use the service. I just want to pay with btc/eth/ltc.

Anyway, thanks for the answers. If it go down a bit, i will buy a small stack and do my own research to see if i buy more.

>> No.12606496


ikr, literally all dapps should have that functionality

>> No.12606504

It's not that difficult to do behind the scenes

>> No.12606521

buying rlc at 8250 sats was the biggest mistake of my life

>> No.12606532

Screencapped and will post in a few days when we are at 10k sats

>> No.12606543

Ibm and Intel aren't working with them, RLC is using their startup programs.

>> No.12607321


mods pls ban

>> No.12607833

The only startup program iExec uses is Station F in Paris. Which belong to Ubisoft. I guess they are exploring off chain game’s development

>> No.12608428

Been shilling it for a year. Your fault for not seeing it

>> No.12608447
File: 185 KB, 1280x1003, IMG_20190130_140351_401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k RLC will bring you 1 million EUR by 2021

>> No.12608465

Got 20kRLC. I guess I need more then. Want 5k at least for retirement.

>> No.12608476

Your 2kk will bring you healthy interest from passive index funds

>> No.12608477

Below ico price, there is still time left.

>> No.12608489

Ban the truth?

Jesus you guys are un real...


>> No.12608497


>> No.12608663

I dont's see iExec on that page. What are you trying to show with that link?

>> No.12608904

You had me up until XRP. Kill yourself.

>> No.12608914

See you next week at 10k sats

>> No.12608927

>Why do i have never heard about it before last week with all your meme shills ?
Your new!
>Why the fuck IBM, Intel and Tfcloud are working with them ?
Partnerships are meme, wait till its actually released!
>Why the team look like fucking genius but noone mention them anywhere ?
Typical ICO scam (Unregistered securities)
>Is it really the next eth ?

>> No.12608981

10 SATs this week. There is no volume on the dump menaing very few sellers.

>> No.12608983

Typical linky pajeet