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File: 14 KB, 300x178, CZ-300x178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12605902 No.12605902 [Reply] [Original]

>CZ was born in Jiangsu, China. Both of his parents were educators; his father, a professor, was labeled a "pro-bourgeois intellect" and temporarily exiled shortly after CZ was born. The family eventually emigrated to Vancouver, Canada, in the late 1980s. As a teenager, CZ pitched in to cover the household expenses, flipping burgers at McDonald's and working overnight shifts at a gas station.

>After studying computer science at Montreal’s McGill University, Zhao spent time in both Tokyo and New York, first building a system for matching trade orders on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and then, at Bloomberg’s Tradebook where he developed software for futures trading. But even after the 27-year old coding whiz was promoted three times in less than two years to manage teams in New Jersey, London and Tokyo, Zhao became impatient. So in 2005 he quit and moved to Shanghai to start his Fusion Systems, a company known for building some of the fastest high-frequency trading systems for brokers.

Think what you want about Binance, but you can't shit talk him. This is a genuine self-made billionaire.

>> No.12606156

Chinks are the niggers of asia

>> No.12606268

Glad to be one of the first ones to use Binance

>> No.12606289

CZ is a very rare breed. I like him one in a billion.

>> No.12606299

One of the few guys in crypto that truly deserve their wealth. Retards talking shit about binance never experienced the pain of using kraken or poloniex.

>> No.12606325

Kraken is solid to learn how to margin trade

>> No.12606330

Or Cryotopia or Bitfinex or Bittrex

>> No.12606374

Binance by far the best exchange, but we still like to shittalk about the chink

>> No.12606384

And yet he feels the need to blatently scam people with the BTT ico. And for what? 10-15 mil? Should be fucking peanuts to this guy but he still does it. If nobody else makes a proper compilation of how rigged this shit was from the start I'll do it myself in a few days. Can't believe how obvious this was and the lack of coverage on it.

Watch some non-propaganda things about China, most of these guys have absolutely 0 business ethics. If they can make some money it doesnt matter who and how bad people get screwed over.
This last ico is a perfect example of a possible turning point. if he fucks up like that again in the near future AND another exchange pops up with the same/better fees/interface compared to binance they will go down, much like bittrex. This last point, other exchange is critical though.
Bittrex fees+interface is shit. Need to lower their fees and revert to their old interface.
Krakens interface is the worst I've seen period. Dont even know how the fuck they managed to fuck it up to this extent.
Bithumb pos with blatent wash trading, to the extent that I'm very curious what happens if you marketsell a semi-significant amount.

Also; exchanges need to enable the depth graph for THE ENTIRE ORDERBOOK, not this fucking zoomed garbage that doesnt allow you to sensibly put sells/buys significantly below or above what the market currently is trading at

>> No.12606398
File: 29 KB, 393x393, cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNB will be the #2 crypto after binance chain is released.

thank you cz

>> No.12606420

You honestly seem more knowledgeable than me. Please do make it yourself in a couple of days.

>> No.12606465

He's so goddamned based

>> No.12606475
File: 61 KB, 656x633, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like CZ, Arthur Hayes and Brian Armstrong give me hope for the Crypto space. They're proof that if you're brilliant, clever, and early, there's fuckloads of money.

Legitimate go-getters. You can talk shit about any of those three but they'll always have more money than you and they're making it doing cool fucking shit.

>> No.12606640

its atbest a grey area. not for nothing has he "decentralized" his company in all kinds of these tax haven that attract guys like him with very few regulations. all they care about is that you bring them their "business". its quite genius after all. online casinos etc tapped into such opportunties before. but now with crypto he doesnt even have to put all his cash into this offshore privat banks that are all gathering so dense in these places that only put up for clients like him.

from business ethics side: exchanges and whales were the manipulators and marketmakers since day one in crypto. this game is rigged by them. the percentage of the guys making accounts on binance during the mania that actually got more money out than less is probably 10-15%.
there is a high chance he took part in some kind of inside ico enlist deals of various kinds putting some btc aside in some private wallets.

but other than that binance and its profesionality is pretty advanced. not hackd once - sophisticated UI UX build from scratch - inventor of their own destinctive token for lower trading fee purposes. no stealing money out of customers wallets etc...
they are the first sucessfully scaling shitcoin trading to the broad retail.

>> No.12606675

>And for what? 10-15 mil? Should be fucking peanuts to this guy but he still does it.
This is why you're poor

>> No.12607123

He was raised in Canada so he's a cool Canadian. That's why he's good.