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12603439 No.12603439[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let me drop some black pills on you guys

The world is owned by the Rothschild clan. They are serving aliens who originally put them on this Earth. They are harvesting humanity's negative energy (vice, war, animal abuse and carnism, etc) to feed these alien beings. These alien beings have been assisting their bloodline to reach perfection, as there can only be one Perfect Bloodline on Earth. When a family reaches this perfection, they have control over all 7 billion people on Earth. The plan is to wipe out all but 500 million people, that is all thats needed to serve them. Their plan for world domination is complete- the only two dominos left are Syria and Iran.

The FIAT-world money system has already concluded. Their next plan will be a carbon-credit economy powered most likely by AI/blockchain tech. It will be an autonomous economy which will be intended to be harmonious with Earth's power.

Only those whom understand NATURAL LAW and produce something of value which can control others will be chosen by them to survive. All others will be perish. The method will be a slow series of crushes, rather than one large collapse. They will first destroy the middle class, which will cause the other classes to compensate, and then they will destroy those two. Its a slow burn

The way to escape this is through KNOWLEDGE. For example, one of Teslas patents states that the potential energy between the top of your head and the ground can power your house. This is but one example of how KNOWLEDGE can give you the chance to ascend

Also, don't find refuge in religion. The OT and NT were written by these elite families, for purposes of subversion. Those who blindly believe and miss the point of these texts are drones who will have not survive the coming deluge.

>> No.12603537

dude what the fuck is with the galactic space emperors invading /biz/ on this otherwise fine day in the year 2019.

don't you have some records to parse or something?

>> No.12603559

I am telling you the truth. Its up to you what you want to do with this information.

>> No.12603595

i can confirm OP is right.
just play the game right and you will be fucking rich soon. in other words invest in crypto especial in Smartcontracts tech like LINK and ETH

at one point the whole system will fail but until than you can make yourself a very rich guy

>> No.12603612

Dude there's nothing that can be done because you have given exactly zero factual information.

You are a lying larper who refuses to post proof of anything.

What is the proof i am wearing shoes? Well by god I'm physically wearing shoes and not being castrated by imaginary space energy shot out of some old fucks spirit cock or whatever your terminology is these days.

Fucking asshole your last sentence is calling out people who blindly believe then asks people to blindly believe because douchebag (you) posts exactly nothing other than some word vomit made up out of a randomly generated sentence structurer.

Shit fuck monkey bitch.

>> No.12603619

>rich soon

Just remember, rich is not measured in Federal reserve notes. Rich is based on results

>> No.12603622

>had to liquidate all Austrian property including an estate in the Black Forest that had been in the family for 2 centuries
>helicopter crash over English estate
>infighting in the family
>son and aire loses 800million on poor investments
>Roths dropping dead left and right
>Roths constantly whining on social media
>had to close shop in Singapore because of allegations of banking fraud

they never thought Clinton would lose

>> No.12603624

Link is shit

>> No.12603640

I am not teaching you to blindly believe, simply to find KNOWLEDGE through NATURAL LAW. Thats all you need to do

Natural law is discovered when you shred all conditioning you have learned, social rules, laws, religion, dogma, everything. By observing the world for what it is, without any outside influence at all.

I gave you a stepping stone, its found in Teslas patents. Start there

>> No.12603699

Oh right how could i have forgotten KNOWLEDGE and NATURAL LAW whilst conjuring the need to peruse through Tesla's Patents. Not to mention someone 10x more brilliant like Von Neuman or anything but yeah let me just open up my door to the sky records and whip out the seciton on Tesla's Patents.

Because if there was any truth to be known in Tesla's patents it's certainly not left anymore on the internet.

Damn it's like a family that has the power to wipe out entire classes of people, from the wildly american point of view, they might just have the foresight to take one or two of some long since dead useless person's patents off of the internet but hell be it for me to let you know that this information isn't accessible to me or anyone you're writing to right now so your EXERCISE is simply masturbatory struggling to huff out yet another day of your own HAM-HANDED existence.

Because capital letters really aren't hard you just push a button and the letters get bigger and foreboding like that.

>> No.12603723

I own a weed farm
am I invited?

>> No.12603788

>telling you the truth
You have no idea what truth is, you think you know, but you likely don't. Yes in your mind you're absolutely sure and that's fine, you can believe w/e you want. But apart from your own autistic world, it's just another form of belief untill you can factually proof this to be true. Yes Rothschild are very powerfull, I agree and they're a dirty bunch of liars. But that's as far as I go on agreeing with you.

>> No.12603845

Way off.

The Rothschilds are one of the 13 illuminati families from the seed of Satan. Satan created 13 bloodlines from himself to mock God's 12 tribes of Israel/bloodlines.

The Rothschilds are the treasury of the Vatican, nothing more and running the world's financial system. Just as God used to require animal sacrifices to forgive sins in the OT, Satan requires human sacrifices if these people and all others who are evil to keep their power. Hence, why you saw Pelosi scrambling a few weeks ago to go to Egypt/Afghanistan. Satan can literally bankrupt you over night/ or take everything away if you don't meet the requirements to keep your level of power.

Aliens are a made up term. The are all fallen angels who fell from the 2nd heaven (outer space) to earth after the war in heaven. They are in another dimension, but elites communicate with them via sacrifice to gain more knowledge/power via technology and intellect given by the fallen angels.

Carbon-credit economy was ditched long ago. Look at the red pin that Craig Wright wears on his left collar of his black suit. Look at the pin and then look online which other people wear that same red pin.

You are blatantly lying about religion. The only thing that can save a soul from going to hell is accepting, knowing, and having faith that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose from the dead so his blood can wash away your sins. That is the ONLY thing that can save you, nothing else, and that alone. No one on this planet is worthy to go to heaven without the blood of Jesus Christ who is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Repent your sins before it's too late.

>> No.12603851

>They are serving aliens who originally put them on this Earth.

Stop reading right here. Waste of time

>> No.12603869

Should I buy or sell I'm lost?

>> No.12603889

Do both and you will make it too

>> No.12603895


>> No.12603982

>you will be fucking rich soon
>invest in LINK and ETH

Pick one.

>> No.12604050

absolutely retarded blabberings of a madman, I hope you don't reproduce

>> No.12604087


>> No.12604116
File: 558 KB, 699x518, bizpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12604123

isn't that the plot from sailor moon season 2?

>> No.12604130

Religions fill a spiritual hole that is in every single human. That hole can also be filled with meditation and mindfulness. I do believe in some higher form of power but it's not isn't anything similar to the most common religion depictions.

>> No.12604136

There is no satan. The original hebrews were the neanderthals. In the bible you have the verse, the sons of god came unto the daughters of men. The sons of god were ayys, the daughters were female neanderthals. Their offspring are the Chosen bloodline. They have large skulls, as you can see on OPs pic.

Jesus as you know him did not exist. It was another person, his name was Thoth

>> No.12604181

Also these chosen ones are RH O NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE. This blood did not originate on earth, it was given to them by the ayys.

>> No.12604195

Man you tesla shills sure are something

>> No.12604208

A goal to put an end to the current Order (called "The Old World Order" - OWO), which is considered evil and anti-survival, and therefore the current power elite needs to be overthrown and their Old World Order to be destroyed and replaced with a benevolent "New World Order". The goal is a humanity-friendly One World Government. The means putting an end to the current Old World Order with violence, if necessary.

Personally, I don't agree with using violence to stop the Old World Order, as I am more into a spiritual solution (see elsewhere on my website), but I want to make my readers aware of that there IS a group calling themselves "The Illuminati", who want to replace the current Old World Order (the Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc.) with a benevolent New World Order, where people are no longer slaves to this Power Elite.

A goal to create a micro-chipped society, so that they more easily can maintain the current Order that they have created throughout the millennia. This is the "New World Order" the Bush's, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others are supporting and working on maintaining. This is also the "New World Order" I am fighting against via this website.

Just like in the case with the term "Illuminati", this second group has confused researchers and truth seekers by using the basically benevolent term "New World Order" for their negative and malevolent goals. This has made it harder for the Resistance to operate, because both "The Illuminati" and the "New World Order" have been used as a propaganda for the Dark Side and everything connected to these two terms now are perceived as negative.

If we really look at it, it's nothing "new" with what this Power Elite officially calls the "New World Order", but no more than an effort to hold on to the Old World Order they have already created.

I hope this to some degree makes things clearer.

- © Copyright Illuminati News

>> No.12604239

Join Euclids coins window on telegram

>> No.12604281

What common place do all you natives inhabit that caused you to convene on this board today pray tell?

Because I'm gonna tell you usually we get like one person blathering about world orders and sky records a week and here the fuck we are having not one, but three in this very thread.

This is after the 30 billion buy order of 20 hours ago.

I do wonder what your next message will be on this obviously scheduled commercial break.

>> No.12604306

thanks Dad

>> No.12604341

The Stock Markets will soon complete their controlled demolition. After an initial 'appearance' that the 'bail outs' and 'rescue packages' have steadied the ship, there will be new record lows by the end of the month.

Our Financial Institutions will later call in all loans. There will be many bankruptcies and foreclosures.

The only way John McCain will become the next US President, will be if something "happens" to Barack Obama before the election. If there even is an election. If a certain faction get their way, there will not be. Remember, behind the scenes, there is only One Party. Our Party. 'Democracy' is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side 'wins'; the Family wins. There are many possibilities and alternative 'scripts'. All of them lead toward the ultimate implementation of the overall blueprint of our Creator.

Unless any unforeseen disruptions delay it's announcement, there will be a new currency by the end of 2008 / early 2009, along with a new Union of nations. January has been spoken of in some circles, as the latest, though there are plans underway which could even bring this to fruition much earlier than initially hoped for. It depends upon the results of other upcoming events as to how this will play out. I am not high enough up the Hierarchy to know the intimate details of the dates and times that far in advance. There is a 'tree system' in which such knowledge is passed down, as and when it becomes 'need to know'. I would be considered to be a "Regional" leader. Above me, are National and International.

>> No.12604402

Literally quoting armstrongeconomics right back at me bro. See what I did there?

I have given you a primary source of information.

Now it's your turn .. you know .. to provide a source of information.

Because armstrong doesn't indicate shit all about bots recycling and autoquoting people about such hallucinated insanity like sky records.

Now the real question here machine, is what makes you switch on and off.

>> No.12604425

You are retard R's are not at the top.
Do at least some basic research.
500 million is legit though. I'm amazed how you got this.
Not recently, the goal was 1billion and changed to 500m.

>> No.12604452

>The world is owned by the Rothschild clan. They are serving aliens who originally put them on this Earth

>> No.12604471

You're right, the Roths are not at the top. There are beings above them

The NWO is not going to be an overnight thing. It will take most likely at least 5 generations to accomplish. But your childrens America will not be the America you know today

>> No.12604495

Some advice from an actual Rothschild for those of you who are serious in the pursuit of knowledge

"Not too surprised that nobody has asked anything important. So, I'll just tell you. Sheesh.

You have to stop eating meat and anything that comes in a bag or box. Sprouted grains and legumes should be the cornerstone of your diet. Lots of mixed salad greens.

Avoid sugar and anything cooked. eat only live fruits, vegetables and sprouts. Olive oil is a great companion.

Learn to grow your own food. Period.

There is wealth of info on the subject.

Get a water still and drink only that.

Eat only twice per day.

Sell everything and buy land that you can farm - WITH CASH.

Learn to fix machines.

Learn to think in terms of seasons.

Sell your TV.

Do not be in a rush to have a sexual relationship or kids.

Concentrate on building a diversity of wealth."

>> No.12604531

Long ago I experienced divinity within myself and had amazing ego death. Loss of the ego and recovery of the self is important in this life. Society is a construct of the ones who want to destroy the soul of man just like organized religion is used to mislead people to "salvation" when true salvation lies within you already.
Use one of tanks Joe Rogan uses, have a psychedelic experience, or meditate. Talk about the cosmos and alternate realities or universes. Skip it all and smoke DMT or do ayahuasca. Open your 3rd eye.

>> No.12604545

Nah there are humans (or humanoids at least) above them. Lot's of suaces on that, look for some K6B materials.

>> No.12604564

Homesteading* Now try getting the world to cooperate and do it. As long as you believe you will go to hell, you will go to hell. There is a reason why you are a human on earth. You reached the highest incarnation in the 3rd dimension. You succeeded in advancing up the ascension ladder. Now all you have to do is realize what is going on. It's getting harder day by day to cope with reality. Economic collapse is a controlled event. The Rothschilds and other 13 bloodlines are ready for it. They created the economic system to begin with. Money is the root of all evil. There is a hidden message in that you have to find.

>> No.12604599

The Georgia Guidestones plan it all out. Also, the Federal Reserve was created during a secret meeting at Jekyll Island in Georgia in 1910.

>> No.12604648

Yep. To summarize

>eat clean organic vegetables that you grow yourself
>avoid meat
>drink only distilled water
>become self sufficient
>get arable land
>increase your wealth through all ways
>pass your knowledge to your offspring, but try to preserve your bloodline (so no racemixing)

Pretty much all you need to do. Its really not asking a lot, nor should any of this be considered controversial. But alas the contrarians ITT who want to deny everything and value their ego over all will still find this advice controversial

>> No.12604673

Efficiency is the aim. Cattle must be managed with the least amount of effort.

The Bible is rubbish but it's chock full of fodder for manipulating a certain part of the population.

If something is foretold and we make it happen, then entire legions of sheep-apes go "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

There is only one meaningful religion:

Grow your own food and mediate.

It helps to honor your earth mother and spirit father on a daily basis, but if you want to grow food, you'll have to do this anyway.

>> No.12604681

Ideally you should acquire a land with spring.
Tap water is utter shit even if filtered.

>> No.12604765


This version is probably closer to the truth.

Except God is Satan. Or Satan is God (YHWH). He created this dimension.

And when we die, if we go to heaven, it is still Satan's heaven, as he also controls higher dimensions.

The real god -The One- is not here. But Jesus was probably linked to him.

No one escapes, except perhaps extremely spiritually evolved beings.

We could escape, but we have a long way to go.

>> No.12604768

Have to agree with all of that although I'd add eating meat because there are essential amino acids in meat that are important for the body to function that vegetables and fruits don't have. It's about free ranging your livestock. Overall that is the best investment today. When shit hits the fan, you want to be prepared. No questions asked. I hope people do this.

>> No.12604792

Nah bro. Protip: Look at Kissinger and up there. He is ironically more powerful than R\s are.

>> No.12604800

yes, the problem is with the karmic imbalance of eating an animal you didn not raise yourself. senseless killing kills you. it is better to raise the animals and care for them, and in return they give you things such as eggs, milk, etc.

>> No.12604808

Theres no God. There is only Ayys. Jesus was Thoth, Christianity was spread by a mad roman emperor. There is only the Earth mother and the Spirit Father (as told in the Annunaki texts)

>> No.12604813

>Those who blindly believe and miss the point of these texts
and what is the point of them?

>> No.12604815

Lead and mercury. Very hard to eliminate this from the body once ingested unless you use chelating agents to make them water soluble. I recommend a supplement called NAC and creating a state of alkalinity in the body. The most important aspect of health IMO is maintaining gut health to the maximum. That's eating enough fiber, drinking enough water, and doing cleanses once a month. Highly recommend oregano oil and probiotics.

>> No.12604832
File: 836 KB, 1242x1390, ECC91BAF-6339-47A6-8E7E-256BF78D2DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What websites and books have more on this info in detail? I've seen some gnostic texts and saw the Rothschild axe me anything faq, what goes into this more thoughly?

>> No.12604838
File: 11 KB, 229x221, browser plugin token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINKies were literal schizophrenics all along

>> No.12604841

Why don't schizos already fuck off to boards.4chan.org/x

>> No.12604869

That karmic balance is key. It's hard to let go of gurdges as a human. It's possible to do so if you accept your mistakes and choices. We all have and continue to make mistakes or so we call them that. It's embracing the consequences of every choice we make and dealing with it. Karma is internal reaction of the consequences of our actions filtered through our subconscious and conscious minds.

It's a special feeling raising your own livestock. It's just the cycle of life. In a past life, we all were chickens got that butchered or trees that got cut down.

>> No.12604871

Von Neuman was a jew and a fraud.