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12603280 No.12603280 [Reply] [Original]

>Each worth tens of millions
>decades of platinum records
>family and friends
>overcame hardships
>made it in every sense of the word
>both ended their life by suicide in their adulthood

is money the ultimate black pill? you told me that money makes happiness /biz/. why did they do it?

>> No.12603300

No, you make your own happiness in life. Money definitely helps tho.

>> No.12603332
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its called "selling the top".
>bagholding your life

>> No.12603354

Substance abuse a bish man

>> No.12603401

When there are people who are fighting in wars or for food everyday and even if you're europoor living paycheck to paycheck you're easily in the top 5-10%, middle class top 1% easily. Most of use here already made it but obviously the neuroreceptors in the brain adapt to every person's experience. A lot of healthy people kill themselves while cancer pacients and people who were abused and shit live on.
In order to feel good you just need to try diferent things and see what works, including your thoughts so that you don't fall into the rabbit hole, it's all that matters.
For me, not giving an absolute fuck about anything, including success or failure, while trying optimizing your position in several aspects, and not be just a follower, that's success for me. It doesn't matter if I compare myself to others or any superficial bullshit since I'll never be the best at everything. It's about the attitude.
Maybe you're a fag and want to help people or something, who knows. Just try different routines and thoughts and see what works, don't focus on normalfag shit

>> No.12603418

We're just fire monkeys with undeveloped brain. Tiny little deviation in your brain's chemical balance and game over.

>> No.12603494

He is probably an illegitimate son of John Podesta. Chester Bennington was molested and abused when he was a child like most of UnHolywood celebrity. Later in life, he learned about his real father. When Pizzagate hit hard he connected the dots about John Podesta. He literally breaks down for a while. After overcoming this phase he planned to disclose some pedoshit to the public with his friend Chris Cornell. That's why both of them suicided by (((them))). Hanging by red scarf is a symbol of punishing the insider informants. Of course, sheeple will never know any of this and deny this as a rambling of a lunatic, as always.

>> No.12603508

stay woke my (((brother))) ;)

>> No.12603532



>> No.12603542


You ever actually listen to Linkin Park lyrics? I've been suffering manic depression a long time. "Faint" never lost its meaning through all these years of dealing with people's shit, abandonment, dishonesty, and the constant struggle to accept the futility in the struggles of life. Accepting that as much as you want to pretend you aren't alone with social circles and a partner, ultimately those bonds are only as strong as what you continue to offer them. Deep down you know eventually those nasty thoughts will catch up to you again when everything goes quiet and you run out of distractions .

Wealth, appearance, status. Those things get you distractions and a facade of outreach. But you know, when you see the homeless guy with the same look of dispare as you deep in his eyes, that it could just as easily be you. Call it bitter maybe, going from having nothing and nobody was there for you to rich and suddenly you have people reaching out. Chester had an outlet in his music at least, maybe his therapy was gone and couldn't find a replacement to hold him together. My only outlet is weight lifting, and I don't know what I would do to cope without it. I've literally been full out crying while deadlifting 500, or when I feel suicidal go squat until I can't walk anymore.

Maybe that helps you understand

>> No.12603554

Based and redpilled

>> No.12603557

Untreated mental illness

>> No.12603607

Listenin to “Crawling” from the One More Light Live set list. You can hear the pain in Chester’s voice.

>> No.12603611
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>> No.12603651

Yea, that was of one the weirdest shit I had looked into. It's probably linked to one of MKUltra programming.

>> No.12604067

Man that's sad. But then they pan the camera to some normie white girls giggling and fucking around. I'm convinced 99 percent of women dont and will never understand what real depression or isolation is

>> No.12604199

This. I'm living until 60 yrs old because there might be anti-ageing therapy by that time though. If successful, old people will become young again

>> No.12604210

Money only enhances your happiness up until you make $70k per year

More than that and everything is “meh”

>> No.12604214


>> No.12604227

>Dying a hero before old enough to be douche cunt sellout villain.

I’d probably choose seclusion and hermitage, but I know how to live simply. It’s not for everyone, and depression can be all encompassing.

>> No.12604309


>> No.12604507



>The Chris & Vicky Cornell Foundation was formed in late 2012 with the mission to protect vulnerable children around the world. The foundation supports organizations that provide shelter and resources for homeless, abused and at risk youth, children living in refugee camps and victims of human trafficking.

>> No.12604532

Love you

>> No.12605623
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>overcame hardships
obviously not.
They whined about their pathetic lives to strangers for a living.
Maybe they were too spoiled to appreciate life.

>> No.12605663

No idea who they are

>> No.12605908

>Implying Chester didn't sell out long before dying

>> No.12605923


>> No.12606285

>is money the ultimate black pill? you told me that money makes happiness /biz/. why did they do it?
Because depression is real and no matter how much money you have or young pussy you fuck eventually in the wee hours of the morning, sitting alone staring at the walls, it catches back up with you. Cuz it never really went away, you just papered over it for a while.
>nb4 2edgy4u
Linkin Park was never a tier 1 band for me but this is good shit. Thanks

>> No.12606332

do you make 70k+ usd per year?

>> No.12606339

funny but makes you think

>> No.12606378

that was a little too close to a nerve, take it easy anon. Also their only good album was hybrid theory.

>> No.12606644

This is true but money only helps to a certain extent. Once you get rich you will start to take it for granted. Vacations, Cars, Mansions, After a while the world starts to seem like a smaller place. Probably pretty horrifying actually.

>> No.12606656


>> No.12606669

>implying that fact wasn’t a contributing factor to his suicide.

You’re making my point

>> No.12606685


>> No.12606694

Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the Bennington swings

>> No.12606729
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