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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12600520 No.12600520 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be rich so badly.

>> No.12600618

Then just stop being poor, bro

>> No.12600632

I'm not even poor, I'm middle class. But I just want to be able to afford a nice modern house in the suburbs and a nice luxury car and never have to worry about money or working for anybody again.

>> No.12600638


>> No.12600648
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I can't buy my daughter back

>> No.12600650
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i was pretty depressed when i had €900k in bitcoin in late 2017, since then i understodd how meaningless being rich is and worked on improving my life constantly. of course you can hardly be happy if you're poor as fuck but as long as you have enough to live, money isn't what makes you happy, you need other meaningful things in life. obviously i'll be rich as fuck again when btc reaches a new ath, but this time i know what i'll use the money for to improve my life even more. you need a purpose in life, fren

>> No.12600653

Future billionaires are today's millionaires. When we are all billionaires there will be trillion dollar net worth individual. Being a millionaire will be considered middle class.

>> No.12600666

you'll be depressed as fuck when you realise what's really important in your life while sitting in your nice modern house and driving your luxury car. look at >>12600648

>> No.12600683

Bullcrap. If rich, you have freedom.
With freedom, you can reflect on life and try to find meaning.

If working? Existential crisis but no down time so it's added stress. A LOT more stress. Plus the working world sucks. Haven't had one job where people were nice. They are all cutthroat further depressing people.

>> No.12600685

I'm already depressed, because I have to go to a job I hate with a passion every single day just to maintain a below average standard of living with no hope of anything ever improving.

>> No.12600718

>Future billionaires are today's millionaires
That's retarded, inflation doesn't work that fast. It's more like $2 million will be worth $1 million in 30 years.

>> No.12600859

these fucks just want to make fun of our misery.
Rather being rich and depressed than poor and depressed decreases our chances of suicide. Money literally saves lives.

>> No.12600946

This when bitcoin was up I was drinking more than I ever have in my life
Got a gym membership got closer with family and friends and my life is a lot better now

>> No.12600965

The thing is my parents are actually rich and they think I'm a failure because I make like 10x less money than them, so I can't even be close to them if I wanted to.

>> No.12601028

I guess that's their problem a lot of boomers are retarded
I thought I'd never have kids but after realising what matters it's my number 1 goal to find the right woman
There's an insaine amount of trickery in our culture it'll make you sad depressed and crazy if you fall for it

>> No.12601055

a lot of people use this word but i don't think people understand what freedom really is. freedom from what? freedom to do what? there is nothing more freeing than understanding your place in society and having a good leader/lord. a lot of people think freedom means no social responsibilities and do whatever you want but this behavior leaves you empty and isolated unless your only goal is to leave society completely and live in the woods (which you are able to do RIGHT NOW without any money). "freedom" sounds nice, but it's just a meaningless platitude that has been programmed into our conciousness from childhood as an inallienable right (those don't exist).

>> No.12601079
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I don't even want Lambos/yatch/champagne/caviar/snorting cocaine from top class escort's butthole etc

I just want to avoid to wagecuck or work at all (I'm studying law as Plan B, it should be Plan A, but whatever...)

>> No.12601095

>freedom from what? freedom to do what?
Serious question? Freedome from wagecucking, dude. Cmon now. It's not complicated.
>but this behavior leaves you empty and isolated
That's called projecting

>> No.12601097

>freedom from what?
From having to do everything some dipshit manager tells you to do and pretending to love a job you hate every single day or face being homeless on the street. I dread waking up every single weekday and I know that one of these days I will have had enough and just off myself.

>> No.12601105
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Buy RLC and LINK right fucking now if you want to make it

>> No.12601111

Also living in the woods is dumb. Why would I give up all modern conveniences and choose to live like a caveman from 100 thousands years ago?

>> No.12601119

I detest money and I don't want to be rich at all. I do however want to pursue my projects, hobbies and wife and side chicks wet holes without being stressed about money.

I make money out of pure fucking hatred at this point and if I ever become "rich" the gods are pulling pranks.

>> No.12601136

I've had $20k in crypto for like 2 years now and it hasn't really gone anywhere. But the small hope that it might be worth something one day is the only thing that has kept me from killing myself lately.

>> No.12601150

checked, but depend on person, money can and will make you happy, once you realize you dont need to work 70% of your life, 40 hours per week, taking a fucking mortgage to buy a house or lease a car and then working thouse 40 hours to pay your debt... its stupid, every person on the planet should be able to travel, seee the world, have something to eat, have a house and not wagecuck 70% of their life

>> No.12601164

So, you want to live in society but don't want any responsibilities or understand that you were born into the serf caste. you're angry because the elites lied to you, telling you that you are free to be whatever you want but that's not true, is it?

>> No.12601165

For me it isn't even about the money itself, it's the fact that having all the conveniences of modern civilization pretty much requires you to be rich. For example, I can't buy a brand new house in a decent area for less than $800k where I live and living in an old house or any kind of apartment is pure suffering.

>> No.12601177

>freedom to do what
Freedom to wake up and go to sleep when i want
Freedom to buy whatever food i want
Freedom to buy whatever car i want
Freedom to travel wherever i want

Just freedom, im not talking about social responsibilites, im talking about freedom to do what i want what i cant do when wagecucking, im not talking about breaking the laws...

>> No.12601215

>the serf caste
That's not a real thing. Honestly anyone with a high enough iq could become rich from nothing. My parents were actually poor when they were my age but my dad is pretty high iq and worked his way up to executive level positions over his career and now he makes over $500k/year. The problem is that I'm not very smart (probably inherited that from my mom) and I'm never going to get anywhere with hard work.

>> No.12601229

>So, you want to live in society but don't want any responsibilities
Yes. I don't owe anyone anything.

>> No.12601243
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was up 2.2m, didnt cash out at the top, it literally didn't change my life at all other than disappearing to travel the world for 8 months, coming back to work realizing that i needed some sense of meaning in life beyond hedonistic pleasures. Sounds like a meme, and as somebody who grew up super poor I certainly thought my experience would be different. The reality is money doesn't buy happiness but it does alleviate stress/pressure. It will likely bounce back but I don't really give a fuck either way. This is not cope - anybody else who /madeit/ will agree w me.

>> No.12601282

>obviously i'll be rich as fuck again when btc reaches a new ath

Crypto is dead.

>> No.12601319

I was at one point able to invest like 100k into crypto during 2015 but was in a really fucked up position in life I would have just blown it all on drugs and whores. I've gone through a transformation as an individual which I think is key. If I was rich now, my most frivilous expenses would be occasionally traveling but otherwise I'd stay at home reading, shitposting and chilling with friends when they're free. I'd appreciate it much more now than before

>> No.12601393

im sorry to say this but ive been there. at the end of the day this >>12600650 happens. youll never find happiness in freedom if you cant find the true meaning of it

>> No.12601515

>money didn't change my life
>traveled the world for more than 6 months

Go to tell some starving kid in Africa that money won't make him/her family happy. Money allows you to have more choices that can help you live a peaceful and happy life. It just depends on the decisions that you make when you reach this level of wealth.

>> No.12601601

>its stupid, every person on the planet should be able to travel, seee the world, have something to eat, have a house and not wagecuck 70% of their life
and who is going to farm or raise then transport the food you eat? or who's going to pilot the plane you'll travel on, who will say why your house os yours and punish thieves for stealing it? who is going to build that house even? who will break the rocks and shape them and dig a hole and melt and shape steel and make glass to make that house?
You are a nigger, no one should just be able to have those things, unless they create value or perceived value others are willing to buy.

>> No.12601905

>or perceived value
Oh no no no
Seems like we're not at capitulation yet

>> No.12601914

> tfw ur celary is 3x average in ur city
> 5x average in ur country
> still cant afford a flat, car and vacations, cos u live in a slav shithole
At least I got 6k in crypto after a year of waging it.

>> No.12601953

Easy, be a hot girl and do a little twirl.

>> No.12601965
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Don't worry anon we'll all make it

>> No.12602648
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money isnt everything anon. eternal life is free, if you just call on Jesus to save you.

>> No.12602702

what happened f-a-m?

>> No.12602719

>Go to tell some starving kid in Africa
Where are their parents?

>> No.12602732

Nigger what????? That's the whole point of you to be rich. Stupid ass faggot. You don't need to be rich for that.

HAHAHAHAHA. Just wage cuck and get in debt. Being rich is to have key info.

>> No.12602913


>> No.12602956

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a private island, on which I would build a house and a weed plantation. I would live on the island, only go to the mainland for groceries, smoke weed and not give a fuck, I wouldn't talk to a single person for weeks, I wouldn't go crazy because it would be voluntary, sometimes I would give random twitch thots a donate to hear my name said by a girl and it would be enough for me to jack off for at least a month

All I need is around 50 million dollars

>> No.12602987

Now now haven't you heard? Money doesn't buy happiness. In fact there's no reason to have money at all so don't worry about it. In fact you should actively seek to make LESS money. True happiness is the structure provided to you by being employed by someone else. When you see people on a yacht, partying, laughing, having fun, sleeping with beautiful women, traveling the world, having all of their material needs met as well as those of their loved ones, you think they're happy? The answer is NO! You in your cubicle knowing who your boss is, knowing your place in an organization, going to bed on time, waking up before sunrise, commuting in traffic, getting to sit around in nice clothes, paying your rent, maybe living alone and isolated, that is actually true happiness.

>> No.12602988


What's your purpose?

>> No.12603026
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Get your hustle on, lil nigga.