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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12600011 No.12600011 [Reply] [Original]

So Verity just got backed by a huge VC fund, which is just another nail in chainlink's coffin. Martin is beating up fat Sergey at every turn.


>> No.12600088
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>Verity is already providing oracle service to several dapps

>> No.12600321

I do the events every now and again, pretty good platform.

>> No.12600654

what the fuck is verity, i dont know latun

>> No.12600668
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>Where can I buy or sell VTY?

Not listed on Binance.

>> No.12600684

Never heard of them, but that's pretty big.

>> No.12600702


Chainlink is already in partnerships with the largest settlement financial firms to fortune 500 companys to the most used smartcontract platforms.

Some people just don't know the difference between a piece of steak and a piece of shit.

>> No.12600711


unless i'm missing something here, the volume is $62............

>> No.12600759

>only trading on binance

Not gonna make it.

Like i said its a hidden gem, the tech is at least 1 year ahead of chainlink, since it actually already works, unlike Sergey's vaporware, check the mcap, anyone buying now will get 10x easily, im not here to shill bloated coins which just slowly bleed out, this is ground level entry.

Srsly everyone needs to be spoonfed these days. I miss the old /biz/.

>> No.12600898


wonder why all these link competitors are scrambling to get to market all of a sudden...

>> No.12600919

It's dropped ~90% since its release in August 2018. What an excellent coin OP.

>> No.12601004

i don't need to be spoonfed. i looked at their product (which they actually have) unlike LINK which has just been discussing it without a product. so I respect that.

I'm just surprised at how low the volume is, and even if you are shilling it, surely you have bought more than $62 worth

>> No.12601005
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virgin sergey would get his boipussi ripped apart by chad martin

>> No.12601061
File: 219 KB, 1924x702, WHO_virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO virgin swingy

>> No.12601068

Nah brah. Those fortune 500 companies are 100% gonna drop LINK next week cause some scammers on Discord are trumpeting Verity. Then they're gonna dump Verity in 3 weeks when the next one comes along. Then they're gonna go live and put it all on tech they've known for a week and a half. Cause fortune 500 companies aren't virgin neets.

>> No.12601096

lol wtf this is actually decent news for them.

Decent fud for LINK.

Nobodys buying it though OP.
Where did you buy?

>> No.12601296

There hasnt been much marketing and hype involved, they are doing these test events since start of 2017, there have been some period of high volume and some spikes, but overall its very under the radar. I bumped into it by accident and participated in some events. I bought it on tokens.net where it got listed quite a while back.

The reason im shilling it now is cuz things started moving on the news side and marketing, i guess they've been working on the code all the time.

So yeah im not kidding here when i say this is the ground level, mcap is like 1-2 mil atm so when a larger number of people hear about it and see what it does, it will go 10x uniconically.

Check link mcap, no product just meme magic and its 150mil. Verity has product and now we are applying some meme magic. If you buy now and it reaches 10mil mcap you've just gained 10x the invested amount. That's why it's the best buy right now.

>> No.12601411

Also idex

>> No.12601467

This exactly. OP is in fact Martin himself and he’s trying to shill his bags one last time, because he knows this is the season for the shitcoin purge. This project is a cash grab, and the Medium article is obviously fake. Try finding a different source. Pro tip: you can’t.

If you fall for this, I’m sorry but you deserve to lose your money. All of it. Honestly you deserve to be in bottomless debt as well. Also, don’t reproduce.

>> No.12601546

Cope more & stay poor.

You can literally code dapps on it right now, how is that a scam lmao.

>> No.12602068

Ofc its 90% down, all coins are 90% down lol, people paid like 0.02 at ico, now its 0.003, but thats fine go ahead and fomo in when its 0.02 again, its the /biz/ way.

>> No.12602079

$62 is like a months wages in Bangladesh sir

>> No.12602093

How of many dapps have you coding sir?

>> No.12602101

No. Only the shitcoins are 90% down. There are plenty of non shitcoins that aren’t. Link being one of them obviously. If your shitcoin is 90% down right now it’s never going to recover.

>> No.12602122

>Release August 2018
>Crypto bubble popped december 2017
>Has only been through the major drop from 6k
>still 90% down
Imagine how much it would be down if it released before the big bubble popped holy shit what and absolute shitcoin.

>> No.12602213

Hi sirs pls put $10 buy order on idex and buy my $62 daily volume shitcoin so that I make a months worth of rupees

>> No.12602412

So Verity is better than chainlink and Verity is a shitcoin, so what is chainlink then, shittiest coin?

Its tied to ether and ether went retard mode, what can ya do.

Yeah not a lot of volume but the buy orders keep pilling up, pls check back in when the masses start buying in, i will let you ride in my lambo.

Typical biz
>i need coin that will go 10x
>"hey bud, check out Verity"
>hurr durr no, its all shit, i will never buy it
>*Verity goes 10x*