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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12597595 No.12597595 [Reply] [Original]

What is your plan for the coming wars?

>> No.12597673
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Go long on China.

>> No.12597677

Cum in Op’s mouth

>> No.12597684

There won't be war. It's just genocide.

>> No.12597695

look at this kid's gay ass smile lmao

>> No.12597719

The kid was bullied by the media for no reason, but he reminds me of this annoying kid from high school so I hate him anyways

>> No.12597780

look at that stonehedge fuckin snoz. typically ugly trump cock sucker

>> No.12597822

gunz and cryptoz duh

>> No.12597858

why is he smiling like he just put a little AIDS in your drink?

>> No.12597873

Because his daddy is rich.

>> No.12597877

cannonfodder, the upside of depression

>> No.12597884

Stockpiling nano for medium of exchange, runninjg a holoport as a means of decentralized communication

>> No.12597885

"bullied by the media" for thinking a native american was an immigrant. clearly the retard is a fucking retard.

>> No.12597891

he was an immigrant from Siberia

>> No.12597896

trump supporters are too fat and lazy. they wont do jack shit besides die of stupidity and diabetes

>> No.12597906

He’s retarded but the way they demonized him was too far imo

>> No.12597922


>> No.12597936

Stacking gold and silver.

The banks are doing it, they know whats up.

I'm telling you, there's no way the price of gold and especially silver should be this low after all the uncertainty recently, they're suppressing the price and buying.

You should be doing the same.

>> No.12597948

I think you need to read about what quantitative tightening is.

>> No.12597967

Except that's the opposite of what is actually happening and has been happening since 2008, quantitative easing.

The won't jack up interest rates by any significant margin any time soon because they don't want to disturb the housing market.

The QE will cause another financial crisis. They just delayed it by buying out the banks, the next recession will be worse than the 2008 one because this time the state itself has all the debt.

>> No.12598023

>Take dozens of photos
>Pick the worst one you got to make a kid look bad to meme normies that if you smile while White you're literally Hitler.
Why are Leftists such disingenuous scum?

>> No.12598070
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>Most of the military
>General Aryan Ubermensch for /pol/ & /k/
>And fat NRA boomers, sure.


>Literal burgeoise urbanite hipsters
>Trannies mid estrogen course
>College professors that have never so much as thrown a punch
>Assorted druggies
>Nigger & Spic street gangs that'll spend as much time raping the white "revolutionaries" as fighting.

Yeah, I know who my money is on. The last one is the only ones with combat experience on your side, but they're hardly going to stand and fight vs disciplined, massed fire. It's gonna be a fairly one-sided fight.

>> No.12598101

Probs because in order to keep power they need to maintain the narrative that they are the victims.

>> No.12598114


>> No.12598159
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>implying that "the left" has any power while right wing controls the US government and is currently overthrowing countries on a whim

>> No.12598166
File: 816 KB, 855x2086, china vs america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying "the war" will be a civil war
This is why america is weak. You faggots just an excuse to kill each other.

>> No.12598172

ah yes that "white male privilege" you speak of

>> No.12598174

not if the turks have anything to say about it

>> No.12598177

What the fuck are you talking about? Someone is mad.

>> No.12598200

the fuck are you on about rofl

I made a post about the progressive narrative which is clearly observable, and you go off on a tangent about right-wing wars

>> No.12598204

as long as people keep thinking the enemy is on the other side of the voting booth a war will be worthless. the military must turn on their masters

>> No.12598205

Oh I thought you were talking about actual power, which in the us is held primarily by the right wing. Turns out you are just another media obsessed boomer. Carry on.

>> No.12598226

okay, so we've established that you don't understand The Fed can shift monetary policy over the span of 10 years.

Nice meeting you.

>> No.12598247

Sure they can.

Quantitative Tightening has never been done before
>QT has never been done before on a massive scale, and its consequences have yet to materialize and be studied.

What do you think would happen to the (debt based) economy if they suddenly reversed QE?

>> No.12598331

it's already started as of late last year you wiki-lemming. What's the edit age on that lil factoid? A fucking year probably.

What do I think can happen to the world's most stable economy, which has the global reserve currency, and now complete energy independence? A lot of fucking turbulence, but in terms of the vision for 2030? Fucking nothing

>> No.12598347

>This page was last edited on 18 October 2018, at 17:29 (UTC).
Well, let's see how it all plays out when the debt bubble bursts again. They did nothing to address the underlying problem that caused the 2008 recession (fiat currency debt-based economy), and in fact they blew the bubbles even bigger.

>> No.12598361

Unironically long defence contractors like Lockheed/Boeing and Gold

>> No.12598392

Agreed on everything except the climate chang faggotry. Gotta make my own fix'd version.

>> No.12598419
File: 172 KB, 960x684, hurun_report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is funny about it is that the women in China are doing far better than their counterparts in the US of A, despite living in a 'less feminist/gender-equal' society

>> No.12598426

please start linking shadowstats.com info-garbage so I can have an even better appreciation of your level 1 economics knowledge.

Actually, forgetting all the mean shit I've said for a moment, can you at least see your parrot-talk? Look at your language even man, you sound like every new boomer vlogger.

>> No.12598432

lol @ the war and gold meme. you know nothing of either.

>> No.12598442


kill niggers in south africa and live comfy on 10 acres with 5 kids while europe and usa are stuck in a race-war, and china is cannibalizing itself.

>> No.12598449


>he doesnt know about the solutrean hypothesis

not gonna make it. North America is righteous white man's land.

>> No.12598477

Notwithstanding another post or yours, I'm now even more triggered that you think it was "fiat currency debt-based economy" and not CDOs / synthetic CDOs + the repeal of Glass-Steagal that caused '08

There are so many of you dumb fucks around today especially thanks to youtube.

goodbye retard

>> No.12598511
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>1.4 billion chinks
>325 million americans
ok buddy

>> No.12598513

Starting my own Dirlewanger Brigade.

>> No.12598540
File: 20 KB, 400x400, UGleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T. assmad White knight defending Stacey's shortcomings

Still longin' Lockheed
You can't stop the MIC or the Deep State.

>> No.12598555

I did construction on a compound that is all set up for survival. It was a long time ago and the guy is real old by now and almost never goes there. I will take it over and ride out the storm.

>> No.12598556

You honestly believe the current financial system is sustainable?

That some quantitative tightening here and there will result in absolutely no hiccups whatsoever?

They tried to up the rate to 2% IIRC, and they had to drop it again because of market instability.

Remember when QE was meant to be a "temporary measure"? They can't stop because the US economy is propped up by it. Other countries buying useless US bonds.

>> No.12598558 [DELETED] 

Every single problem on the right column exists because of (((them)))

>> No.12598565

>t. retard who cant into math

>> No.12598753

still lives longer than libtard onions trannys

>> No.12598762

Hide in Asia

>> No.12598774

well color me surprised

>> No.12599582
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>> No.12600635

This That Digi Dolla Flow
This the shit you Just gotta know
You Carry them Knots nigga ain’t what I prefer to do
Hot Spitta that ain’t the Currency I’m referring to
I’m talking BitCoin get in fast Top your Denero
Trap Niggas Turn your stash Spots to Monero
If You out here hustling homie your new way to Plot gain
Take that fucking Block Change
Put it on the Block Chain

>> No.12601360

What the fuck are you trying to say?
The MSM used a fake twitter account to demonize a kid and supported native american's lies about him fighting a war while being part of the marines. The kid was just standing there while a native shill was drumming in his face to provoke the kid. The kid represents good citizens, all the rest are jealous and greedy liars who don't realize that we're all part of this game with all of its fucked up systems that people created to hurt each other.

You don't have to go the extra mile to convince someone that the whole economy is a fraud. I still wish more people would watch a part of Zeitgeist tho. Not the part about a cult of personality, or a distant future culture possibility, but about how the banking system works.

>> No.12601372

And his mama's good lookin'. So hush faggot anon, don't you cry