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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 198 KB, 748x1213, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12596818 No.12596818 [Reply] [Original]

my gf's been drinking again /biz/ shes never going to let me forget... its hard for me too

>> No.12596827
File: 205 KB, 420x426, 1447122313278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12596829

She sounds like a cunt, I'd break up with her

>> No.12596833

Kek, good comeback
Fuck that bitch

>> No.12596841

why not just break up with the cunt
I guess if you let her talk to you like that you're already a beta, so good luck

>> No.12596849

You and your girlfriend both sound like toxic losers. You'll both be better of breaking up with each other.

>> No.12596856
File: 198 KB, 549x413, rich pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12596858

kek. this. OP is probably a beta and that's why she immediately assumes his shit belongs to her.

>> No.12596861


your gf views you as a bitch, time to punt that whore

>> No.12596869

I just love how she quickly changes it to "your" putting the blame on OP for the chump change.

>> No.12596875
File: 19 KB, 409x393, 1548140745537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We were millionaires
>We were

>> No.12596879

> he let's his gf talk to him like this

>> No.12596883

Tell that cunt their is no “we” when it comes to assets on the blockchain. What a dumb bitch, if it was hers aswell why didn’t she sell back then, why was it on you. What a slut, brake up with her op. My gf of six years knows full well that my crypto is mine, of course she will benefit from it but she knows it’s mine and she agrees she wants nothing to do with it or doesn’t want any of it. She actually hates it because of the time I spend reading crypto shit

>> No.12596894


>> No.12596898
File: 230 KB, 500x913, 1544219542537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12596900

Also this
She goes from we to yours really quick, remind that bitch of that op

>> No.12596905

OP is probably an enabler to the bitch. It is clear from the interaction she slaps him around when she's drunk.

>> No.12596911

>tell his gf of his crypto power

>> No.12596912

> he has an iphone

>> No.12596913

Never fell for the Apple meme, how do you tell it's fake?

>> No.12596916

That fact alone leads me to believe that OP is legit, Women are exactly like this and the probability of the cunt being for real is high.

>> No.12596920

>WE were millionaires
>Now YOU are poor

For richer and for poorer. You just saw she isn't marriage material. No reason to be in a relationship if she is not marriage material. Staying in a relationship with a woman who isn't marriage material DRASTICALLY increases your chances of falling into a comfort zone and eventually marrying her. Get out now while its still relatively easy.

>> No.12596926

Only rich people who can afford having Indian hackers stealing 10k from their bank account daily can actually afford using iPhones. Sorry but in /biz/ we don't have that kind of money.

>> No.12596933

>Owning an iPhone

Do you think I am a middle class American?

>> No.12596944

She has no idea how much or what I put in, she just knows I have crypto and all I do is read about it ( really just shit posting though most of the time)

>> No.12596972

Haven’t met a women who hasn’t been a cunt yet, including my mother. I would say the only REAL women left are our grandmothers probably and still depending on age I’m sure a lot of them are cunts too.....

>> No.12597145

When it's millions is we, when it's 8k it's your. Funny how that works

>> No.12597208

and she stuck with you? shes a keeper desu

nice banter too kek

>> No.12597235

funny how youve never used a fucking phone

>> No.12597297
File: 69 KB, 319x960, 9B43A1E6-FFB4-4300-9AF2-1190CCC23FA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this reads like bait but this is probably true. You're girlfriend thinks you're a total bitch!

>> No.12597418

I'm pretty sure she dunkin doughnuts some rich dude while you trade crypto lol

>> No.12597436


>> No.12597506

for richer or poorer sounds like a better strategy if you never tell her you're rich, so whether you're rich or poor, she assumes you're poor and stays with you for being you

>> No.12597512


>> No.12597532

Side note be a man and dump this gold digger. I fucking hate gold diggers.

>> No.12597842
File: 15 KB, 401x367, 1491114489358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12597850

>because you work at dunkin donuts

>> No.12598233

She is smarter than you

Dump her

If she didnt care she wouldnt of mentioned your retarded coins. Save yourself the pain

>> No.12598261

anon why’d you even mention your holdings to her? If you’re gonna admit your holdings at least do it WHEN YOU’VE ACTUALLY CASHED OUT and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING could make you look like a complete and utter idiot. I’d probably take it as a sign that you should end the relationship if you felt the need to disclose how much crypto you hold.

>> No.12598270

at least he gets to eat poop from ass

>> No.12598298

This is a normal relationship.
But really, you should have fucking sold you stupid dumbfuck

>> No.12598309
File: 47 KB, 480x540, 1529497828615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we were millionaires

>> No.12598313

ok serious question, tyrone when?

>> No.12598316
File: 297 KB, 1125x2436, E421BE68-5EC5-43B6-AD13-1F3052DC79A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The font looks off and the contacts aren’t on the right side

>> No.12598325

>having an iPhone
How is life on double-digits IQ ?

>> No.12598343

This is the best advice i can give on biz. Your girl is smarter than you and thats DANGEROUS. You seem like you're in your 20's.

>> No.12598362

older ios version? also could have went in the contacts app and sent a message from there

>> No.12598389

I’m supposed to believe this guy once had a million dollars but he’s using an iPhone 6>? Also if you can’t message in the contacts app, it just redirects you to iMessage.

>> No.12598399

It was "million dollars in crypto", not a real money that you can buy an iphone with

>> No.12598400
File: 79 KB, 720x609, EA04A3CF-D1CB-488E-9964-54BF7A463843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf on the other hand never believes I will ever get rich on crypto

>> No.12598403

found the retard with aapl calls

>> No.12598411

>we were millionaires

>> No.12598416

Even if he didn’t cash out and his btc is worth 86% less than it was he’d still have over 100k

>> No.12598417

Dump her immediately, Jesus. It was your win to make and it's your loss to take. She didn't risk anything, you did. She didn't know about crypto and act on it, you did. When you had millions, you only had that because of what YOU did.. not her. She didn't call you a genius then, but you're stupid now.. even though she never knew how to make millions in the first place, which makes her stupider. Have some self respect.

>> No.12598451

>implying that this $8K loser is going to get something better
Well, OP, you should keep her at your side to remind you of how much you fucked up once, so you wont do it twice.
Once you make it, dump her for a Venezuelan transvestite.

>> No.12598462

Why are you allowing a woman to talk to you like this?

>> No.12598466

Post pics of gf bobs sir

>> No.12598473

Oh boy you are in for a bumpy ride. we were millionaires and you were the one the failed.you better have some lube for the ass rape later

>> No.12598559

Maybe he's just not an uncritical consumer and would rather keep however much a new iphone costs in crypto rather than cash out.

>> No.12598578

Aaah yeaa.. nothin better than a crazy psycho gf that drains all your lifes energy until you ultimately end up slaughtering her and end up in jail for life.

>> No.12598586


>> No.12598589

smartest anon in the thread, just run OP

>> No.12598593
File: 49 KB, 750x699, 321656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed this. She was a millionaire working at dunkin donuts, LMAO

>> No.12598649

op that whore isnt worth your time

leave her

>> No.12598680
File: 76 KB, 420x420, 9175e5573633672afe7b8a6a5c4a2e63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID

>> No.12598934


khv here

Is this how relationships are? What is the point of being yelled at by some useless chick?

>> No.12598939

We lmao
Hope this is bait, dump this bitch

>> No.12598951

Early 30’s. I honestly think she has no interest in it, she pretty much hates it in a way. She doesn’t even like me talking about it, no interest at all

>> No.12598967

Missed this. Actually she doesn’t bring it up at all, I try to sometimes talk to her about interesting things about it but she just doesn’t want to listen or care so I am fine anon, thanks for worrying about me anyways. Also she is too innocent to be “smart”. She is just a normal w*men, emotional and no logic.

>> No.12599271

how do you go from 1 mil too 8k? i'm already near my usd ath and already 1.5x my btc ath.
also it's so funny when a guy gets rich the girlfriend always say "WE" are rich now

>> No.12599300

I think larp story. Who tf doesn't at LEAST try to set up passive income with real estate when they become rich for a safety net?

>> No.12599328

Break up with that narcissist whore.

>> No.12599342

Never talk about crypto to your friends or family until you actually make it

>> No.12599366

Your girlfriend sounds cute.

>> No.12599373


But seriously what were you hodling to be millionaire status?

>> No.12599374


>> No.12599638

This lmao.

>> No.12599674

I went from 100k to 20k, if you went from 1mil to 8k you seriously done goofed

>> No.12599690

How do I get a gf? Minimal effort involved please.

>> No.12599695

Become rich by gambling on crypto

>> No.12599702

Tell her to send bobs pic then post it

>> No.12599708

I do, but I never got a text conversation to notice if an image is fake.