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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12594708 No.12594708 [Reply] [Original]

Ok this is one of those times when you REALLY have to pay attention.

So they announced that the next AMA is on Thursday. They are launching their FAST platform, which allows issuance of security tokens within minutes.

The question is; has there EVER been a more UNDERVALUED project, specially focusing on security tokens and STOs? All I can say is thanks IDEX and thanks /biz.

Last AMA looked like this:

AMA Question: "Will it be possible to offer other security tokens than business equity on the own platform in the future, like real estate etc?"

"Yes of course! At the moment we have a number of opportunities in the US. We're for example working with a company with a bank and a broker dealer on tokenizing real estate and it's a big opportunity. We're also working with the US company in donations (platform)."

"In Europe we have a number of discussions with companies about private dept (the dept market is much much bigger than the equities market) and we have a lot of specialists in that space".

"Through the partners, Own works in ALL the regions!" - "With our experience and with our network and our partners in Hong Kong, we're actually starting to roll out our services in January and it gives also us great access to mainland China."

"And we have a number of exciting initiatives and partnerships underway where we will roll certain services into China."
You remember what happened the 24 hours after last AMA aired?

Next AMA -2 days

- FAST Launches
- Cryptobrad interview with the CEO goes live
- Mainnet Q1
- Staking and Masternodes locks up millions of the coins
- VCs, Banks, Partnerships getting announced

Still on IDEX <3

>> No.12594717

Fuck off discord pajeets

>> No.12594723

Lol i literally reading OPs post in pajeet slang

>> No.12594745

Every thread there is like 20 people who end every sentence with “...”

>dude this is amazing... haha 10k 10 bil marketcap is a million...
>it’s the next eth ...

Shoo shoo poos get off my board your discord is clearly full of outsiders

>> No.12594752

good post op. just waiting for the normies to fomo in.

>> No.12594780

I just wanted to tell you guys that you glow in the dark, not only your threads but the posters inside your threads. It's very easy to tell that this is coordinated shilling and not actual interested "investors"

>> No.12594781

The thing is it has organic growth on shilling but yeah we are all discord fags lmao.

>> No.12594946




>Glow in the dark niggers

I'm sorry to say, but it seems like the coordinated Discord users are (you)!

>> No.12594956

makes two of us

>> No.12595083

i don't know of any discord groups and iv been holding CHX since ICO. there is an unofficial telegram but there hasn't been any talk of coordinated shilling.

>> No.12595125

Discord groups or not, CHX will make those of you who don't hold any cry once it lives up to its hype

>> No.12595228

not worth paying 0.2% and gas prices on top. fuck IDEX and fuck poojeet shills.

>> No.12595260

what is the gas cost like 9 cents? kek

>> No.12595295

>stepping over a dollar to pick up a penny

>> No.12595339

Normies are down 99.7% and long gone

>> No.12595411

Is making it 1M ? I’m confused as to what “making it” is

>> No.12595645

Probably money to never work again, between 1-10m for 95% of people

>> No.12595781

Absolute scam being shilled by autistic pajeets coordinating with each other on Discord. Do not trust these street shitters.

>> No.12595913

Jibrel 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.12595938
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not again

>> No.12595967
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this will be you in a few months.

>> No.12595981

Nice try Rakesh. I know actual blockchain devs that work on projects you won't even hear about until it's too late.

>> No.12596023
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>can't be done on ETH

>> No.12596024

Being a "blockchain Dev" doesn't mean you know anything about good projects... It literally just means you're a blockchain dev

>> No.12596208

i guess you can write this one off as a scam then, i dont give a shit.

>> No.12596234
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>> No.12596453

So this is like tzero combined with relex but not compliant with any regulations?

>> No.12597179

It means he attends conferences with big names on the regular and has insider info you absolute brainlet.

>> No.12597190

i guarantee no one at grincon or graph day is buzzing about this garden variety vaporware slav scam.