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12592807 No.12592807 [Reply] [Original]

Tuesday. Day 2 of 5 is over, it's not that bad at all, but still im in the corporate meat grinder. Living the "urban" life in a German city.

Had a few beer with my father and some nice food after work, sitting comfy on my sofa now and listening to some touching post rock, having my last beer and that feeling of "drifting off" is intense. Does anyone know it? I always have a subtile feeling of living the wrong life, missing nature (?), missing out on opportunities (not the material ones) and the urge to get away from it all. Or maybe it is just my light depression and the subtle metal issues I carry with me, that emerge when I'm on my own with my thoughts, with some alcohol in my blood and music that triggers my feelings? I have so much sadness and anger in me, but meanwhile I have so much love for nature and people. And there is this urge to do something good or meaningful.

Sometimes I feel like, that our society has chosen the wrong paths and people living unnatural lives. I see so many sad and grey faces in the trains everyday. We don't care for each others, we just care for our selfs, consuming pointless media or stuff in general and we are driven by greed and wrong ideals. Living our pointless lives - adjusted and controlled.

We just live in abundance. We have too many decisions to take, too many stimuli and an oversupply of everything. Manipulated. And the wrong environment and no deep feeling of community anymore?

Does any one feel me? Is it just me, that isn't able to fully fit in or is the system itself the error. Are we younger ones the generation, that has to change the world and overcome the society and way of life our parents and grandparents build up?

>inb4 buy link
It might be my ticket out. One can dream...

>> No.12593005
File: 88 KB, 726x440, summer-of-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we need a modern variant of hippie movement, but I guess the fucking hipsters would derail it.

>> No.12593235

have you seen "the princes of the yen"
you will enjoy fren
stay strong, only 3 days left

>> No.12593283

i feel you. t. fellow german fag here

>> No.12593299
File: 369 KB, 1337x1337, E15942F2-1AAD-463D-BE07-C8EAD3E2CB67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins

>> No.12593363
File: 201 KB, 861x929, boomerinhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel. Society has become a soulless shitshow of lies and manipulation that rewards only grifters and other people without any real humanity.
And >>12593235 is 100% right. It is the central banks that have done this to us and our posterity. Explaining why in simple terms is difficult, but you should know that you are not alone. People are starting to wake up to the truth as things crumble and we are finally starting to enter a positive feedback loop. I don't think it will be long now. Just hang in there, anon.
What happens in three days?

>> No.12593366
File: 175 KB, 993x1159, B01FABFF-7B7D-4711-8FE6-B2B132C6EACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ich finde es gut dass Frauen von Flüchtlingen vergewaltigt und sexuell belästigt werden.
Jahrelang war ich voll der Lappen, der immer lieb und nett zu den Frauen war. Ich habe immer bei den Hausaufgaben geholfen und wurde wie ein emotionaler Tampon benutzt, wo man alle Probleme ausschütten kann. Als dank wurde ich in die Friendzone geschoben und die Frauen haben sich von den "Arschloch-Typen" abschleppen lassen, wo ich dann paar Wochen später als Heulkissen missbraucht wurde, weil die "mal wieder" verarscht wurden.
Ich bin es wirklich satt und EXTREM frustriert, weil ich nie zum Zug komme... Ich muss mir jeden Tag einen von der Palme wedeln, meine Eichel tut schon weh vom ganzen Wixxen und ist extrem geschwollen. Keine Frau will mich mal ran lassen, weil ich denen zu "Nett" und zu "Softy" bin. Ich könnte platzen, wenn ich durch die Fußgänger Zone gehe und die ganzen Stylo Mylo Flüchtlinge und Asyl-Afrikaner Händchen haltend mit glücklichen, hübschen europäischen Frauen sehen.
Was mach ich bloß falsch und was machen die richtig ???? Kann mir das mal jemand erklären???!!!!
Was ist bloß verkehrt in der Frauen Welt??
Die tollen, liebevollen, zivilisierten und netten Deutsche Männer werden links liegen gelassen und dafür werden kriminelle und aggressive Ausländer genommen, die gerne mal grabschen und Frauen missbrauchen oder vergewaltigen.
Wie man in letzter Zeit immer wieder in den Medien hört.
(Der afrikanische Zelt Vergewaltiger oder der Studenten Mord in Freiburg)
Naja einerseits ist es schade und sehr traurig was dort passiert ist, aber andererseits geschieht es den Deutschen Frauen Recht, weil jetzt bekommt ihr das was ihr verdient habt.
Jahrelang habt ihr die lieben Männer verarscht und nun bekommt ihr die ECHTEN Arschloch Typen massenhaft und gratis ins Land geliefert.
Ich wünsche euch noch viel Spaß auf den untergehen Schiff.
Aus der Ferne bereitet es mir große Freude zu sehen, wie euer Land immer mehr im Chaos versinkt.

>> No.12593398

the weekend happens fren

>> No.12593444
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Usury fucked everyone but a select few over.

>> No.12593474


Ansonsten: du projizierst deine Unzufriedenheit auf die Migranten. Aber mal ehrlich: die meisten sind völlig unproblematisch. Ich finde den Anblick hier in Frankfurt manchmal auch etwas bedenklich, aber es ist einfach das falsche Feindbild.

Und zum Thema Frauen: Pauschalisieren ist kontraproduktiv. Nicht mal ansatzweise der Großteil entsprechen deinen Klischees.

Kanalisiere den Zorn und arbeite an deiner Einstellung, junger Freund. Ich kenne die Wut, nur zu gut glaub mir, aber lass sie Motor sein... Wenn ich eines in der Therapie gelernt habe...

>> No.12593505

>being a lazy, useless shit
>accusing other people of doing nothing
>crying about "muh niggas are the reason my life sucks"

>> No.12593667

I think that, although it may appear as if people no longer care about one another, the truth is that the vast majority of people care a great deal about other people, but they just feel as if no one cares about them, thats why everyone stands in silence, or rather are adverse to initiating conversation with strangers, because they are acutely aware of and constantly analyzing the burden such a conversation might cause another to feel and so they avoid it because they, almost unconsciously, wish to consider the others wants and needs. I think a lot of people are driven by love, a need for love, specifically, and that they believe by consuming such and such products they might better be able to secure the love of the other they so desperately need in order to feel at peace, this is of course a fruitless endevour, because the love many need is a love unconditional. I think the system is turning us into robots, into unfeeling machines, because that is what many believe is necessarily required in order to achieve a state objectivity and impartiality, which is the prima vista of modernity, specifically because we believe, paradoxically perhaps, that such a state allows us to be more humane. I think it’s necessarily degrading to make a person work, not only does it circumvent that persons inherent worth and instead measures there worth instrumentally, but by indenturing people to employers via the prevention of capital accumulation you also remove that persons self governing autonomy, they become a slave. All of this makes us feel unloved and uncared for, and helps create and maintain the panopticon i mentioned at the beginning.

>> No.12593686

Nur du bist schuld hier weil du ein wüsste bist.kein confidence,immer zur Verfügung.ließ liber f j Shark be the jerk women Love,Neil Strauss– The Game,vin dicarlo– pandoras box

>> No.12593692

>I have so much sadness and anger in m
Normal for a G*rm
>but meanwhile I have so much love for nature and people.
hahah who are you kidding?

>> No.12593732

I'm tricking you into believing we have feelings. Meanwhile we plan and prepare the invasion and annihilation of your useless shithole of a country.

>> No.12593744

The golden age of germany and the best german genes which produced scientists and philosophers died in ww1. Todays germans are powerless and aren't worth all that much

>> No.12593799
File: 47 KB, 440x600, 3099333ed7cfe122c0b2e2226d52d955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing the power of countries.
You don't have any other things to care or worry for, do you?

At least we still have good sausages.

>> No.12593824

"Mammonism is the heavy, all-encompassing and overwhelming sickness from which our contemporary cultural sphere, and indeed all mankind, suffers. It is like a devastating illness, like a devouring poison that has gripped the peoples of the world.
By Mammonism is to be understood: on the one hand, the overwhelming international money-powers, the supragovernmental financial power enthroned above any right of self-determination of peoples, international big capital, the purely Gold International; on the other hand, a mindset that has taken hold of the broadest circle of peoples; the insatiable lust for gain, the purely worldly-oriented conception of life that has already led to a frightening decline of all moral concepts and can only lead to more."

It's all cause the good guys lost WWII Hans

>> No.12593838

Today I got an email saying they want to discuss my absence in 2018 because of all the times I called in sick, those were probably about 6 or 7 times. Got plans to do that a lot more this year.

>> No.12593880
File: 74 KB, 750x725, 88EBA2D7-2F4D-479C-A8E0-50BEB92913FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga, ich habe einen gut bezahlten job und lebe schon lange nicht mehr in Germanistan.
Hab mir meinen Arsch aufgerissen, dass ich endlich für aus euren Shithole für immer auswandern kann.

Ihr könnt euch gegenseitig die schwänze lutschen mit den rapefugees

>> No.12593956

It hurts so much.

>> No.12594068

I feel you man, I just came home to have some junk food, coke, brandy and beer and more coke. Few hour of attempted 'sleep' and back to it again. My colleges our even more fucked up, so we just make it harder for each other.

>> No.12594090

>crying about a chill wagie job

i'm working 70-80hr weeks with permanent workload and stress

>> No.12594139

He's refusing to feed a corrupt system.

>> No.12594157
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. I have close family that inherited a business and they've always had nice lives and they don't get what it's like to be an average person that needs to claw their way up through the scumbags and morons.

>> No.12594210

Hier geht es um viel fundamentalere Fragen, Nigga. Nicht um Geld und Flüchtlinge, sondern Glück und Erfüllung. Ich hinterfrage die Lebensweise und den Puls der Zeit.

Viel Erfolg bei deinem gut bezahlten Job (mein Job ist es übrigens nicht minder, aber das macht mich auch nicht zufriedener) in deinem Land, in dem Milch und Honig fließen.