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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12589674 No.12589674 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>drink half a bottle of whisky a day
>mfw im 19yo
a-am i an alcoholic biz? is this going to affect my ability to make money?

>> No.12589690

>-am i an alcoholic
Talk to your GP

>> No.12589693

if you do it everyday yes you are. if it was just once then no. if you are an alcoholic, it may or may not affect your ability to make money. it depends on the person

>> No.12589700
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>> No.12589702

Yes. I have a coworker that drinks her ass off all the time, started coming in late and then just outright calls in almost every other day and bosses are going to fire her in a week while they get their paper trail started

>> No.12589710

woops just read the part where you said a day. yes you are.

>> No.12589714

Uh yes bud you are. I'm at that stage too but I'm a fucking 30+ yo boomer. Half bottle liquor at 19 is seriously fucking bad seek help.

>> No.12589722


>> No.12589731

You don't think that shit is bad now but my best friend did the same only with vodka and died from alcohol related causes at 30. Stick to smoking weed.

>> No.12589741

im assuming you arent from the USA since drinking age is 21 here.

>> No.12589747

how do i stop? unironically i have to drink to numb the pain of losing $800k that i had when i was 18 from fucking memecoins now worth $23k

knowing that i could have avoided wagecucking forever if i had just cashed out and put in safe investments for ~5% per year... now i will spend the next 40 years of my life slaving away for shekelstein only to retire with probably less than the amount i had 1 year ago...

fucking hell bros.
at lest it's not heroin r-right

>> No.12589751

OP you need to stop
Youre fucking up your brain bad
My friend is only 28 years old and shakes uncontrollably even during his 100 days sober stint
He's back in rehab amd alcohol basically ruined his life

Go smoke weed or something that won't give you irreparable brain damage

>> No.12589757


>> No.12589768

Alcohol withdraw can kill you
Heroin withdraw can't

Opiates are actually not that bad for your system if you dose them properly but don't get into that shit either

>> No.12589771

>just stop bro
fuck off cunt. I will stop when my coins go back to ATH. fucking easy for you to say isnt it lad. kys

>> No.12589785

>how do i stop? unironically i have to drink to numb the pain of losing $800k that i had when i was 18 from fucking memecoins now worth $23k

most of us are experiencing that pain bud. we all come here to cope by calling each other faggots. but know that you're not alone. you can either drink yourself to a stupor or just accept and deal with the reality like many of us have. it's a simple choice you just have to make and stick with.

>> No.12589787

>People responding to this level of shitty LARP
For fucks sake /biz/

>> No.12589794

I lost 2.5 million not selling at ath and I'm not a crybaby alcoholic faggot
You're just killing yourself buddy if that's what you want so be it

>> No.12589796

It can kill u retard

>> No.12589799

Read the easy way to stop drinking by Allen Carr. Changed my life. Not a sip in years, no cravings.

>> No.12589809

Oh stop being a whiney fucking bitch.
If you made that much money first time around you can do it again. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.12589826

Alcohol doesn’t even taste nice and being drunk isn’t fun either

>> No.12589829

I guess youre right but it isnt that dangerous getting off dope compared to alcohol

>> No.12589833

23k is still enough to make money. Just learn how to trade as a professional. Trust me, drinking is something some people can do moderately. If you arent one of those people then dont drink at all.

>> No.12589840

he threatens the guy at the counter
with an ar

>> No.12589868
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consider yourself lucky op at least you have a way to forget your situation
> be me pathetic bankrupt 28 Yo
> barely making money working shitty jobs
> can't stand alcohol
> can't smoke
> just be a depressed loser with no way out beside suicide

>> No.12589885

I went through this OP.
The only way to help is to drink.
You’re doing nothing wrong.
Don’t listen to the weak faggots in this thread.
See you on the other side drunk cowboy

>> No.12590003

Yes quit drinking and put that 23k into LINK and you will end up with more than you ever asked for.

>> No.12590263

Just drink yourself to death. Bottoms up faggot

>> No.12590282

>is this going to affect my ability to make money?
You can't make or use money when you are dead

>> No.12590306

kudzu helps take the edge off cravings.

t. heavy drinker for 12 years. alcohol free in two weeks using kudzu.

>> No.12590309

>Is it going to affect-
You're going to die, retard.

>> No.12590476

This is normal

>> No.12590496

By definition you are.

>> No.12590499

Waahhhh waahhhh I made a mistake literally 90% of people made in crypto last year and now I'm so weak willed that I have to resort to destroying my nervous system.

On the off chance this isn't a larp, you are behaving like such a pathetic little faggot that it's almost funny. What's even funnier is that I know for a fact that even if you had your precious 800k, you'd still be depressed after a year.

Until you learn to man up, grow from obstacles life throws at you and have a purpose larger than yourself, literally no amount of money will give people like you sustained fulfillment in life.

>> No.12590897

Eagle Rare's the only one of those I have, how does it compare to the rest? n00b whisky drinker so just trying to learn

>> No.12590973

Don't listen to those anons, they didn't experience the pain

I don't know how I have been able to avoid alcohol but I've been pretty much feeling like shit nonstop for the past year. Fucking my qt asian gf in the ass is the only thing that makes me forget the pain for a second

>knowing that i could have avoided wagecucking forever if i had just cashed out and put in safe investments for ~5% per year... now i will spend the next 40 years of my life slaving away for shekelstein only to retire with probably less than the amount i had 1 year ago...

This is the worst feeling...

>> No.12590989

eagle rare is dogshit. four roses products are the best, readily available Bourbons you're gonna find. check out their small batch or single barrel. Elijah Craig is good, too.

>> No.12590990
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>> No.12590997

Yes because you're wasting fucking money on fire water. Invest that shit retard. You could literally do some stupid mediocre wage job and if you invest at your age you'll be set for life by the time you're 50.

>> No.12591013

You just bought a bunch of meme shit. It's a little embarrassing.

>> No.12591033

Don't buy the Japanese ones. The only reason he has a bunch of them is because everyone is expecting prices on Jap whiskies to go up for a few years. Don't buy the 18 year old Glenfiddich either. Get the 12 or the 14. 18 is not at all worth it if you're just starting out. And Lagavulin is huge meme thanks to a TV show. Peaty as fuck and overpriced.

>> No.12591143

Hope this helps

>> No.12591232

Not an alcoholic, but this is super interesting.

>> No.12591305

My aunt unironically died from alcohol. She got fat as fuck and wouldn't stop drinking. Was told by doctor that she would die in a year's time from liver failure if she didn't stop right away. In and out of rehab she didn't stop drinking. One year later (like clockwork) ended up in a coma with collapsed lungs and liver that completely stopped working (permanent dialysis). She died 2 weeks later

If you don't want your family (or you) to go through this, then stop drinking now. Put the rest of that in btc (sure to have a next bullrun in the next 5 years) or link for a riskier bet. Then forget about all that shit for those 5 years and go inawoods or go to some monastery in the mountains or something so you can do something productive instead of living day-to-day as useless depressed thing

>> No.12591328
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>half a bottle per day at 19

nice larp

>> No.12591370

go to a psych ward. i had the same ath you did, €800k, and lost 600k in a single liquidation on december 23rd flash crash when my bitfinex got wiped out. from that date on i got high all day every day because i had no idea how to cope. been to a psych ward for 2 months recently and in pretty good mental state right now, can only recommend it to you fren

>> No.12591576

satoshi is an alcoholic too