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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 447 KB, 1920x1200, icx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12581550 No.12581550 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone shitting on ICX but they have ties to the government and are religiously working to complete milestones.

I feel like one good piece of solid news would bring this back to a dollar.

>> No.12581566


>> No.12581580

Yes it looks like a cup and handle might be forming on the weekly

>> No.12581606

Kek, this shit coin lost 98+ percent of its all Time high. This coin is shit, ICX is a scam

>> No.12581646

Still a long way down ICO price was only $0.11 at the time, while most coins now are below their ICO price besides for memelink

>> No.12581668

yes cause sleep is the cousin of death

>> No.12581682
File: 52 KB, 1584x1456, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't ICX crash in part because they played around with the total supply?

>> No.12581688


>> No.12581718

icon's new office.
if they were a scam they would be long gone by now, not expanding

>> No.12581753

Yeah ICX is one of the few coins that will still be around in 5 years.
It's at the top of my list for the next altcoin runup.

>> No.12581781


Just about everything alt that spiked in Dec 17 is down that much.

>> No.12581835

ICX was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Released on Binance during some of the most massive runs and then immediately rode the dump downward.

>> No.12581887

missed too many deadlines, lost all hype, no marketing

>> No.12581909

Not to mention min and his God awful communication. He would only communicate to defend his lack of communication, he's better now that it dumped when people got fed up

>> No.12581925

Only came in here to see if the asshole wrecked guy had posted

Quite disappointed

>> No.12581964

We serious Icx now.......

>> No.12582013

>Is ICX a sleeper token?
How new are you? This gook scam already pulled a 100x and dumped, leaving countless of desperate bag holders (15 year old r*dditors) in its wake. This is never reaching ATH ever again.

>> No.12582033

No they didn’t, coinmarketcap listed the supply incorrectly at the start.

>> No.12582037

if youre going to buy a gook project at least buy something like NKN which will probably pump eventually, this shit is dead

>> No.12582045

Cope because you have no more money to buy more, is that what this is anon??

>> No.12582086

Nigga I dumped this at break-even last spring (thank God). This shitcoin's "blockchain" (if you can even call it that) is still in complete control of a single entity which I can only imagine is a server room located in a Pyongyang nuclear bumper. This is bottom of the barrel chink garbage and if you think otherwise then please fuck right off back to r*ddit.

>> No.12582099

Bunker* phoneposting while shitting on the clock.

>> No.12582119
File: 32 KB, 447x456, 1513802253916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12582318

the chart for this coin is a joke. it essentially went to zero

>> No.12582362

>fuck right off back to r*ddit.
You little cunt, well I never.......

>> No.12582386

>the minute integration with Samsung phones is official

oh shit ICX was the good one all along *moon* *moon* *moon*

>> No.12582402


i.e every project in crypto right now

>> No.12582809



I really want to know the other 6

>> No.12583075

easy 100x in next bull
stared DCAing last week

>> No.12584175

ICONLOOP is a good project, icon sucks though, it's just a front cash grab for their private software business. Literally so icon news only benefits iconloop with some magical hope that maybe in the future icon can link up to those private projects

>> No.12584212

I'm DCA'ing so the buttfucking ends earlier

>> No.12584234

>he bought a coin that fucks his butt

>> No.12584741

>I'm DCA'ing so the buttfucking ends earlier
Dca is a horrible investment strategy. Think about it..you are injecting money into a loser ..stop putting money into the scams hoping for. Something to happen. Your better off selling at a loss and putting that money into something that's actually going to right now aka what your hoping icon will do which it ain't.

>> No.12584765

Top kek I always lose my shit when you post about how they’re running the blockchain from a Pyongyang bunker

Anyway, fuck ICON. Shit project. Min is a literal lying scammer

>> No.12584784

yeah putting me to sleep lmao

>> No.12584807

bought in at 7 dollars kill me

>> No.12585185

reminder that anything other than proof of work will result in more connected people dumping on you.

>> No.12585225

What's going on with staking? Will we be able to stake? How many coins will be needed?

>> No.12585315
File: 49 KB, 400x400, ADDABA0A-B8D9-41EC-BFB9-5DB773140932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12585343

He's busy getting fucked in the ass by min

>> No.12585444

Bought at 6$

t. classic icon bagholder

>> No.12585507

ICX is going to moon so hard one day. All their partnerships will pay off

>> No.12585569
File: 560 KB, 1280x1152, Watermarked pajeetscompressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, sleeper as in sneakily getting dumped on by chinks then fuck yes. There's another one called vechain. Lmfao

>> No.12585576
File: 165 KB, 800x619, just fuck my shit up senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so asleep it's six feet under.

>> No.12585848
File: 151 KB, 1024x576, ICX-UBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, we all know ICX will eventually do well, but for now, ICx is good for only one thing: Getting fucked in the ass.

ICX is the ultimate buttfuck coin. Never forget that.

>> No.12585855


>> No.12585871

you forgot about fun, req, vechink and jibrel? There's a whole selection of coins that have and will continue to fuck the hodlers up their asses

>> No.12585954


Project seems kinda alright. Maybe the coin will be worth something decent eventually.

>> No.12586084


please refrain from memeing all over my financial interests

>> No.12586127
File: 22 KB, 918x404, biz 1jun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is everyone doing my friends?

>> No.12586399

Let's face it, /biz/ really doesn't have any saying power to influence the masses, it's not like the "Ultimate buttfuck coin" meme has surfaced on reddit/social media.

It's a coping mechanism for us ICX bagholders who got raped SO HARD that all they can do is make fun at this point.

>> No.12586426

This has to be a photoshop. How the fuck do you have that much ICX.

>> No.12586687

it's from when it was around $8 i think

>> No.12586718

Has a company with a similar chart ever bounced back in a drastic way?

>> No.12586814

>religiously working to complete milestones.
bagholder boilerplate

>> No.12586820

btc 2014 - 17

>> No.12586825

that photos been running around biz for months, and it was confirmed 100% larp

>> No.12586838

Yes Apple, but I doubt gook Minh is as good as marketing to normies as Steve Jobs was

>> No.12587135

it was taken june 1st, i have more icon now but way less money

>> No.12587147

havent been here for a month or 2 but pretty sure no one posted this except me, its my wallet

>> No.12587175

I remember this guy, you did a visit to icon head office yeah?. Also how you holding up, still believe Icx will recover, what are other ico holders doing or done??

>> No.12587193

its tough, i havent sold a single coin, even bought a bit more, its definitely undervalued right now. One good thing about it is this gives them like 1 more year of work incognito while no one cares about the coin. If they fulfill like 25% of what they want its gonna go up 15-20 spots in cmc for sure. Its definitely not something I would buy right now on a limited budget, but for someone who has 100k$ laying around id comfortably put 50k in this and forget for a year or 2.

Also to be completely transparent like I always was, all of my colleagues sold their icon except 1 very big whale. 7-8+ big holders sold because of the market conditions alongside their other crypto.

I have my other businesses so im doing ok, like im not a rich guy or anything but i did run up 12.5k investment into 5m at the high point so i can look at it as a game and no matter what happens from now on it was a good run

>> No.12587333

Cup and handle is not a reversal patter you fucking tool.

>> No.12587505

I'm fucked. In this shit market. I had 250k links and got reckt swing trading.

SO I bought 230k icx coins in hopes that it is super undervalued and will climb back to .40 at least

>> No.12587676

Gooks are even too laisy to hold a second ´annual´ summit.

>> No.12587979

"laisy" and the summit is confirmed happening this year just at a different date

>> No.12588418

Buy when others are fearful

>> No.12588437

let me guess, bitconnect is a good buy now? Eylmao, that shit works in the stock market where not 99.9% of the shit traded are scams that wont be around in a year or 2

>> No.12588839

literally nothing article. just speculating based on limited selective info. scam or not they have explained that there was a demand for the services icon will provide from the clients using their existing blockchain products. whether that's true or not you could investigate, but to leave that explanation out entirely shows the author doesn't know shit

>> No.12588968

they were fearful at $6, then $2, then $1.

but we are close to ico price now and everyone who held has already lost everything, so it's a good time to buy

>> No.12589450

ICX is a shitcoin

The reason why so many people baghold ICX, VET, or any other shitcoin is because at some point they experienced the highest euphoric feeling. All the people that held during the run up to $12 and still holding just can't accept that that feeling is gone. So they become bagholders and circlejerk eachother on plebbit and such.

ICX is no different. What you don't realize is that their goal of the ICX token was just to have a pool of liquidity to dump on holders to fund their business. Remember when they unlocked $55m tokens and just market dumped. Now they say "we have new office roundeye". Now they have their elections in September (got to wait another 8 months for THAT lol), and I will laugh when they just put their gook buddies as nodes and the rest don't get shit. Meanwhile everyone on plebbit will get mad but they'll just ignore the "community" as usual.

You can't see what's going on because you are blindly emotionally attached. The only person who could actually communicate with the West was Markus and he left. What does that tell you?

They delayed everything for months and lost confidence of everyone. Additionally, their mainnet has been out for 1 year with barely any activity. There is just 1 node running it, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just spam TXs to give it activity.

Look at the ICOs on the mainnet, NO ACTVITY. nobody fucking participated or cared. Min is literally a lying SJW who took your funds for their company. Partnerships with government doesn't mean shit. I could have a little program going with my city government then make a medium article about it.

I mean, good luck to you all, but if you sold and stepped back you will hate yourself for not selling it sooner (atleast back in May when it hit $4 again). It didn't pump for staking info, and there is 0 reason for it to ever pump again. But you're clinging on to hope it will. The advisor token unlock was the ultimate fuck you, but you will rationalize it. gl.

>> No.12589480

>The reason why so many people baghold ICX, VET, or any other shitcoin is because at some point they experienced the highest euphoric feeling. All the people that held during the run up to $12 and still holding just can't accept that that feeling is gone. So they become bagholders and circlejerk eachother on plebbit and such.

Oh yeah one more thing I wanted to say but hit the limit, this is akin to a woman who gets beat by her husband but still rationalizes that she loves him. She just can't let go of that first love feeling and can't accept that things have changed, or see him for he is. Its the same with ICX. You still have that idealistic viewpoint of them in early January of 2018. Those days are over. They've shown that they delay shit with no communication, they dump on retail to fund their company. Their interest has gone down. Nobody uses their mainnet. You're all the wives getting battered by Min Kim and their little gook company.

>> No.12589595

oh yeah and everyone needs to screencap this because this is the realist shit in all of the crypto market

>> No.12590704

This is ultimately the joke behing the "Oh god I love being raped in the ass by ICX" meme