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File: 38 KB, 1514x671, nono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12579254 No.12579254 [Reply] [Original]

Is NANO worth anything now after what Italian Bankruptcy Court said on Bitgrail and Firano?

>> No.12579294

why don't you try to use it and decide for yourself if its worth anything instead of asking a hive of scam yelling tards.

>> No.12579300

i think nano has bandwith problems that stop it from being used as a world currency... team is leaving so i doubt they can fix it with uhh that umm thing.. and there are lots and lots of better crypto's coming out this year and next that will fuck nano... i see nano going to 10 million marketcap

>> No.12579359
File: 96 KB, 416x435, nanofudloser2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at who just woke up.

>> No.12579378

Its a bit of a shame this nano. Its an awesome crypto as a currency but crypto is more about flashy shit in this bear market. mah partnerships mah 60% supply bribe stash and mah free airdrops are what are successfully pumping coins. Nano doesnt have a huge dev fund and no flashy scumbag characters hyping it. Come bull market it'll do well with exchange listings and protocol updates and capacity tests

>> No.12580058

What bandwith problems? Never heard that one

>> No.12580120

he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
He probably means the spam issue which is being worked on, all chains have issues right now so his "stop being used as world currency" fud. none of the current coins can be used as world currency. So it's bs.

>> No.12580141

Was it worth anything to begin with? Based on what I know it had an insane run on an insolvent exchange. Was it ever worth anything!

>> No.12580226

yes, you should go all in. you are unironically stealing at these prices. 1 million dollars eoy

>> No.12580259

yea buy useless bags from this faggot

>> No.12580268

I market sold Nano after reading this shit yesterday. Nano is doomed:

>> No.12580293

you're gonna regret dumping the best store of value coin currently on the market.

>> No.12580296

is nano was instant, feeless and secure it would be worth 1 trillion marketcap right now.. so it obviosuly isnt secure and cant scale

>> No.12580316

>you're gonna regret dumping the best store of value coin currently on the market.
When I see that retarded comment, the I know sure as hell that you haven't read the tread.

>> No.12580363

I was the one replying to nannofudder you mongrel. he has been spamming the same old text for atleast half a year now in any nano thread.

today, another one of his fud posts got invalidated. he said the nano leaders were in on the bitgrail scam. Well today a COURT ruled that they were NOT in on the bitgrail fiasco.

stop falling for stupid fud posts, yes Nano has issues but all of the coins have issues right now. none of them scale at decent enough levels for a "world currency". I'm investing in experimental tech with possibilty of success, it nano solves their spam issues, and it looks like they are well on the way of solving it, its gonna be a great coin.

>> No.12580466

>Well today a COURT ruled that they were NOT in on the bitgrail fiasco.
He said that Nano devs and their friends got their nanos the hell out off the exchange, while saying to the public that bomber was a great guy. The nano devs even admitted that a 50 million USD wallet that moved out nanos when it was closed for everyone else was connected to them. So you are saying that the court said all this was bullshit? I smell bullshit from your comment.

>> No.12580596

seems like they did no, they ruled the nano foundation not responsible, who do you believe, a person who lost money on bitgrail and posts a bunch of fud posts in every thread about nano, or a court?

>> No.12580894 [DELETED] 

Don't agree

>> No.12581191

>nano foundation not responsible
That has nothing to with the 50 million USD taken out off Bitgrail by Nano devs and their associates before this bomber guy reported the hack, you moron.

>> No.12581244

it took the japs 5 years to get mt gox sorted out, italians have literally half the IQ of japs so this will probably take them 20 years

>> No.12581246
File: 96 KB, 416x435, nanofudloser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its you trying to adjust your fudding tactic.
I can feel it's you, nanofudder. Give up, you lost. Nano team wasn't in on the bitgrail fiasco. That's how the court ruled. Stay mad, stay poor.

>> No.12581247

Thanks a lot anon, that was BRUTAL! Sold all my nanos.

>> No.12581262

>I can feel it's you, nanofudder
You are clearly mental. Seek help.

>> No.12581282
File: 96 KB, 416x435, nanofudloser3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao I know its you nanofudder.
you've called me mental a few times now.
I can spot your way of writing even if you tried to hide it.

lmao, poor nanofudder.

>> No.12581394

I bought 2500 NANO sub-$1 for suicide insurance. WOn't get rich if it ever hits ATH again but it'll be a nice chunk of change.

>> No.12581665

2500 NANO = US$ 2.5 million in a few years anon.

>> No.12582470

>I can spot your way of writing even if you tried to hide it.
Total schizo. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.12582490

nice revers psychology fag

>> No.12582534 [DELETED] 

So last thread yesterday when the fudder guy was there asking questions, you all stayed the hell away. NOW when he is not here, we suddenly have whole fucking Nano plebbit hanging around making insane rubbish comments. What the hell is wrong with you nano guys? It's like a crazy, dark and evil death cult.

>> No.12582553

So last thread yesterday when the fudder guy was there asking questions, all you nano psychos stayed the hell away and refused to answer questions.

NOW when he is not here, we suddenly have whole fucking Nano plebbit hanging around making insane rubbish comments. What the hell is wrong with you nano guys? It's like a crazy, dark and evil death cult.

>> No.12582629

>2500 NANO = US$ 2.5 million in a few years anon.
Mental insanity. More like 0.

>> No.12582641

why are you coping so hard

>> No.12582669

Is it faster than XRP? Curious what the fastest transaction crypto is with lowest or no fee.