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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12577916 No.12577916 [Reply] [Original]

3 days.

>> No.12578190


>> No.12578261

It feels like the beginning of the bull run again desu. But only for CHX holders

>> No.12578271

The sto boom will carry the entire crypto market

>> No.12578325

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom

>> No.12578335

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom

>> No.12578405

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom

>> No.12578425

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom

>> No.12578445
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why is it dumping?

>> No.12578462

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom

>> No.12578492

The road to 100 billion market cap is paved with short-term disappointment

>> No.12578536
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pls no shill here
shilling a good project on /biz/ is the worst

>> No.12579090

Listen up you little cocksuckers, you are either with Craig, or against him. He fucking invented this shit, so he has the RIGHT to destroy anything in this space as he sees fit. How fucking DARE you faggots develop anything involving crypto without his express permission? Well, you've really fucked up now, because Craig is coming after you degenerate anarchists, and you will lose EVERYTHING, and probably end up in prison because of it. You "investors" have participated in the illegal buying and selling of unlicensed securities, and have encouraged others to do the same, which is also illegal.
I'm forwarding this thread directly to Craig, as he is a very good friend of mine from the bathhouse scene. Prepare to get fucked like only Craig can fuck, you retards!

>> No.12579231

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom

>> No.12579273

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom. Just need 1 company to prove it works

>> No.12579329

There are already dozens signed up. Its a waiting game at this point. Those who don't realize how big this will be are going to be left behind. RIP to the retards that sold yesterday

>> No.12579437
File: 83 KB, 874x416, Poly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What' wrong with biztards, is there some fetish for going for the mentally challenged project because they them self are, in fact, fucking mongoloids?

Just a quick comparison between these projects github should tell you where to put your money, in addition:

>fronted by a chad who in fact knows how to sell
>warchest that CHX could only dream of
>orders of magnitude larger and more competent team

Choice is yours, niggers

>> No.12579566
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I'm 40% into chx. Hope it pays off

>> No.12579762


Haha, this can't be true. Who still holds this POLY shit even after the team admitted the token is worthless?

>> No.12579904

>token with no use case
>thanks for ico funds peasents.

>> No.12580399

polymath is an ico scam

raised 200million. they havent done anything in years

build on shitcoin eth

they havent tokenized anything yet

>> No.12581036

Read this:

Then read this and take a look at 19:

Then tell me POLY is somehow better than CHX. I just don't see it man.

>> No.12581107
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"End-To-End Tokenization Solutions Win in 2019"

chx (own) is the only end to end solution

future chx millionaire here

>> No.12581118


over the last 2 years i always laughed at people saying "all in" on one coin..... been here since 2012 and i never was 100% on one coin.... guess what... my current position is 100% in CHX.... there is not even 1 factor thats even a tiny bit off about these guys.... 2021 we will look back at these posts and regret not buying more.

>> No.12581214

Whats your stack fellow Ownchad?

>> No.12581340


>> No.12581375


>> No.12581386

>sounds like something Michael Jackson would say
>not gonna make it

>> No.12581464

How much chx to makeit.gif?

>> No.12581492



>> No.12581515

fuck you

just bought more

>> No.12581658
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only 600
poorfag here

>> No.12581717

10k ownies to make a tidy million at $2 billion mcap.

>> No.12581729

How many chx do u hold fren?

>> No.12581786

How do you figure?

>> No.12581792

100,000 my friend. Hopefully Chx will allow me ascend from being a broke college student.

>> No.12581823

You'll be good senpai

>> No.12582100


what ap ghost

>> No.12582133

What is this shit, see it being shilled here a bit, but I just don’t know about you cunts aye

>> No.12582138

Thats not right. It's $6 per billion marketcap with total supply.

>> No.12582154

Nothing much, just debating on whether I should drop out of college.

>> No.12582173

10,000 chx to be a millionaire

i have 100,000 chx

>> No.12583359

10,000 chx to make it

>> No.12583495

One hundred and twenty four thousand Skellys!

>> No.12583650

you probably should because you'll never pass with an IQ of 55

>> No.12584404
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hodl motivation

>> No.12584419

how hard can this moon in a bear market and how BTC would influence its price?

3,6k chx reporting in

>> No.12584464

Imagine ETH but 100% regulated. No scams no junk.

Picture this, people actually pay a premuim for "clean" bitcoins. Freshly minted and not tainted by darkmarkets or scams.

CHX will be ETH but "clean" and regulated from the start. Billions of dollars are going to pour into this platform and CHX will shit on everything else thats out there.

>> No.12584504
File: 24 KB, 300x250, 1450560314362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hype is real, thank you anon

i missed the 2017 bullrun not selling my nanos, not we'll have another chance

>> No.12584693

>the hype is real, thank you anon
>i missed the 2017 bullrun not selling my nanos, not we'll have another chance
Aside from all that, this actually served a real phrpose and has utility. A lot of smaller companies would like to raise funds but can feasibly go public or go thru the ipo process because of all of the hurdles. Own will enable them to reach investors and essentially IPO but in an easier and faster cheaper safer way and investors will be able to invest in these smaller companies. This is going to change everything.

>> No.12584739

which one of you fucking niggers just bought the 11k on IDEX

>> No.12584805

a future millioanire

>> No.12584824

Thanks pajeet.
btw it's millionaire.

>> No.12585099

No doubt, and CHX will carry the STO boom

>> No.12585463

Fill my orders motherfuckers.

>> No.12585628

Fill them yourself, faggot! You know how to market buy...

>> No.12585649

Chx will lead the next bullpen

>> No.12585671


>> No.12585897
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not even looking at chart. all my chx is comfy in my metamask wallet. enjoy the ride bizbros

>> No.12585913

14.6 cents.

>> No.12586361
