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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, btt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12577730 No.12577730 [Reply] [Original]

any thoughts on this?
so far im quite happy with trx investment..

>> No.12577749

Bittorrent works perfectly fine without it. You were scammed

>> No.12577759


Subhuman Mullato Amerimutts won't be able to participate let us drink in the tears of the goblin mutt race as he claws together his meager savings like the good goy kike slave he was breed to be.

>> No.12577794

It works fine but it could work better. Watch the keynote as the Bittorrent CTO talks about their goal, and how this token solves the Achilles heel it always had of running entirely on altruism and file abandonment.


>> No.12578710

>dat sharp drop

>> No.12578792

Daily coping with not buying TRX at .011

>> No.12578805

you only get very few coins out of the airdrop, it's not worth it because the price of trx IS going to dump hard. But it's still time to sell your trx.

>> No.12578834

Wait I actually use Bittorrent. Are these fucking shitheads going to require me to buy some goddamn shitcoin in order to keep torrenting with their app? If they are I'm uninstalling immediately.

>> No.12578895

99.9% if torrenting is piracy. The only way this coin is worth anything is if it lets you make money by hosting pirated files, but that puts you even more on the radar of media companies’ lawyers than normal torrenting does. This whole project is pure unadulterated stupidity. Only in the retarded anarchist decentralize everything crowd would this be seen as a good idea.

>> No.12578918

That's what I thought too.

Either way, trx won't have nearly enough tps to run it so they'll likely have something centralised and state that it's working on trx

>> No.12578934

Ico was a rigged pos. Almost all funds went to 20k buyers that "happened" not to have issues like everyone else.
What does this mean?

The cap was 7 mil for 9% of the circulating supply. We know marketcap in crypto is a fucking meme.
With the ico price you would just about break even if the btt token sells for 3 sat. For every 1 sat increase you gain ~15%.
practically speaking, in terms of price speculation, this was one of the best icos the get in if not just straight up the best in the past year or so. Listing on binance means 1 sat is the floor, no dogecoin pair bullshit.

I think binance purposefully handicapped the ico and sold practically all funds privately before the ico commenced to insiders. A few people(I'm talking 50 at most with some pajeet tier amount of money) would be let through to keep up the veil of fairness and equality.
Where am I going with this? The majority of retards missing the ico will want to buy the second it lists on binance, giving these people the chance to dump their bags for a quick return whilst these bagholding brainlets get left with a coin of which the circulating supply will x10 over the next 5 years. If btt gets listed at a mere 30 sat value you would have 10x'd. Lmao if you think cz&friends dont want this money themselves.
Regardless: it isn't worth holding tron through the airdrop, you'll receive such a low amount of btt it will never be worth the drop trx will go through after it is done.
That doesnt mean tron wont pump like a motherfucker just before the airdrop. Just be sure you aren't left holding the bags in the end.

>> No.12578954
File: 162 KB, 1280x853, fingerguns2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need to know. It's like the fucking Kodak ICO, it's just a blatant cash-grab from a company that's desperate for not go completely under. No one actually uses torrenting for anything legit, it's all pirating porn and anime. You think enough people are going to be pulling down the August Ames filmography in ten years to justify actually paying people to keep their systems running?

>> No.12578992
File: 686 KB, 681x683, 1548613764153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some facts:
>Actual creator of bit-torrent not involved at all.
>Bit-torrent will not use Tron network after the aidrop because it lacks enough bandwidth.
>Huge inflation, humongous supply and crazy distribution.
>The advertisements profits go to bit-torrent, the tokens is for purchasing and using the "pro" bit-torrent paid features.


>> No.12579021

I'm enjoying my UFR. Their dapp is out now, and I've tried it. Finding files is tough right now, but I've been impressed with what UFR put out. I've made some UFR by seeding.

>> No.12579123

Fucking based, too bad this board is mostly filled with street shitters and literal retards.

UFR has a chance to succeed

>> No.12579945

You can see that there's a few people angry on twitter. Some have figured out this shit was rigged from the start, others are afraid to critique their binance overlord.
As long as these people who are now angry that they "missed" the ico figure out they didn't have a chance from the get go and understand that one of the worst things they can do to themselves is buying BTT when it gets listed it wouldn't matter. But we all know they're going to buy at x10 prices and with that raising the "ico" to 70mil instead of 7 because they will believe "it's the bottom" and they're "getting in before the herd".

Regardless of what happens now both trx and bnb can promote "what a great succes" the btt sale was and the "massive returns" for the ico buyers. Can't think of a better way to shill future ico's on both platforms.

Some more proof that this was rigged from the get go: right at the start the buy button was greyed out after the countdown finished, 1 refresh later(we're talking 0.2 seconds at the most, I had multiple tabs in multiple browsers running on multiple screens) 26-27% of the available tokens were gone, in both bnb and trx.
Even if we assume there are people who's buy button didnt fucking disappear nor was greyed out at the end of the countdown: it is impossible to accept the tos, click next, fill in the amount you want to buy(even with copy pasting), then fill out a captcha all within the timespan it takes for anyone to hit F5 on their keyboard which is what, maybe half a second if you're really slow?

It's just not possible lmao.

>> No.12580294

Loundeye will nevel know. Smart Chinaman make money again!