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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12576901 No.12576901 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just heard my neighbor start his car to head off to waging for the day

>> No.12576909
File: 268 KB, 2000x1125, OilSheikh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trade memecoins for a living and haven't wagecucked in 3 years

>> No.12576918

>honey, the weird kid next door watched me leave for work again, should we tell his parents

>> No.12577092

have fun at work!

>> No.12577113

>reddit wagie thinks superior home neets and /biz/ness man are kids
Look at this manchild wagie. Look at him and laugh while he slaves away for Mr. Bronzestein!

>> No.12577356

>w-working is suffering! wagies are secretly dead inside!
That's why you're forever gonna be stuck in the cycles of shame and fear or mcwaging.

>> No.12577384

>vomiting memes so furiously in a knee-jerk reaction to truth

>> No.12577395

At the end of today he will have earned a nice fat paycheck, while you would have just spent the day watching anime and touching yourself. Shame

>> No.12577399

what time do you go to work?

you wouldn't respond if it didn't bother you :^)

>> No.12577429

I don't even wagie. I work from home and make my own hours. Family used to bother me about working, now they owe me money.

I still have more respect for wagies over shitposting neetcucks like you. Any crisis, any policy change and your neetbucks are gone. No more anime, vidya or social media for you neetie. And I know you live in constant fear that might happen at any time, cause I've been there.

>> No.12577442
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>> No.12577458
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Tfw watching wagies showel out their snowed down cars at 7am from my comfy flat at the upper floor.

>> No.12577466

I don't. I'm a cryptoNEET. Hate jew-crypto-NEETs with a passion as their myopia will be the end of us all.
Literally why concentration camps where instantiated and warranted.

>> No.12577503

>it's only ok to leech welfare if Tyrone does it!


>> No.12577507

Your on the same level as Tyrone, but without the redeeming quality of being sexually attractive. Congratulations.

>> No.12577546

HAHAHA have fun at work cuckold

>> No.12577564

fucking brainlet

>> No.12577596


It was another cold day and anon clung to his blankets. He hears the noise of the neighbors car starting up, " What a loser, who would go through the stress of work when you could stay home and play vidya?". He thought to himself.
Throwing the blankets back over his large body he stopped for a second.
The joyous glee that had just come over him began to dissipate as he caught a look of his own reflection from the mirror he had at the end of his bed.
It wasn't unusual at all to look at his own reflection, he did it almost everyday. But he felt something deep down that he hadn't felt in a longtime.
Maybe it was memory from long ago but for the first time he felt disgusted by what he saw.
The messy uncut hair, the bloated frame and flabby body. Is this what I've become, he thought.
A rush of emotions swept over the young man, repressed for so long. The agony of being alone, having nobody who really cared about him, the crushing feeling of not being desirable to any woman.
Anon broke down in tears, no food or distractions could heal this pain.
He felt like a curse had finally lifted, self-pity had got him nowhere and he finally began thinking of his future....

>> No.12577719

wew when did this board get so flooded with normies

>> No.12577736


I don't even wagie. I work from home and make my own hours

How convenient, now go and get a coffee and back to your cubicle, don't let the boss catch you on 4chan!

>> No.12577804
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It's funny to see hikikos getting triggered so hard by mundane everyday actions normal adults perform without even thinking

>> No.12577852

hahah that austistic basement kid next door again