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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12569335 No.12569335 [Reply] [Original]

Guys this is your chance to be an early adopter. I missed the boat with Ripple and even Bitcoin when it was like 0.10$. I was so fukkin stupit not listening to my friends professor at that moment. He told me like 10 times. But you know, that is the past. Now there is a new opportunity and that is Holochain. Don't listen to all those fags that say don't do it. People showing you graphs and nummers are so stupit, they overlook how solid this tech is. I know they are still developing a lot. But this is your chance, I bet in the next 2 years its in the top 3. I'm all-in in this one, because Holochain is a lot better the Blockchain.

>> No.12569343

nice fud

>> No.12569344

can it reach $1-10

>> No.12569352

The pajeets who bought the top and missed the pump have arrived

>> No.12569357

I sold

>> No.12569372

Not until BTC is $1milly.

>> No.12569401
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>> No.12569406
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unironically, just sold off. will buy back lower. we just got invaded by rakesh and his inbred spastic brother pajeet.

>> No.12569410

>early adopter
>market cap $200mm

does not compute

>> No.12569423

you all are falling for the subtle fud of some whale. consider yourself warned

>> No.12569445


Thanks just sold 100k.

>> No.12569457


Yea, clearly laggards at this point lol.

>> No.12569462

why do euros and pajeets swap commas and periods
you end a sentence with a period
so why the fuck would to demarcate decimals with a comma?
complete autists

>> No.12569515

Guys, learn your lesson from the Linkies this past two weeks. We kept pumping and got into 'new paradigm!' status and thought the fireside chat was just going to give us more rocket fuel. We were terribly wrong.

Everything that comes up has to retrace and HOT has pumped twice as hard as LINK in half the time. And the catalyst for this pump, the holoports shipping, is going to peter out soon when people receive them and realize they don't actually literally print money and give out blowjobs for free. That they're actually little plastic boxes that may or may not do something useful when HOT hits mainnet which isn't anytime soon.

If you're not selling at 40 sats, you really can't be helped. Good luck but I don't think market forces are going to be in hodlers' favor the next few weeks.

>> No.12569520

The year is 2025 and Holo has been fully integrated into modern society. Holoports are now as common as microwaves in the average American home. Everything from common household chores to insurance now have their own Dapp and the passive income from sharing cpu power is making a NEET every five seconds, forcing McDonald's across the country to shutter their doors.
Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner, Google, Facebook are all either desperately trying to compete or executing massive layoffs, preparing for the inevitable. Those who bought in 2021 and beyond now have a comfortable cushion of funds to use during emergencies, freeing up time for the middle class worker to focus on their passions. The four-hour workday is now socially acceptable and the economy is roaring due to the explosion in entrepreneurship. Those who bought in 2018, however, have ascended to levels of wealth previously thought impossible.
Rolling around in autonomous mobile living rooms sipping Dom Perignon with the finest of company, it is literally impossible for the Holochads to stop making money even if they tried. Some accept positions of political power, while others simply choose philanthropy as their smart-enabled giga mansions and luxury electric vehicles produce more Holofuel in a month than the GDP of most countries. No longer a need for lawyers, accountants, real estate agents or salesman of any kind thanks to Dapps, the Holochad can basically do whatever he wants, and that's exactly what he does.

>> No.12569521
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Have you. Guys actually been following this project? They still have NOTHING. The three core tenants of their technology are missing:
>no data sharding
>still can’t get past firewalls
>no form of ip lookup or indexing of devices.

Not to mention still miles away from creating an operating system around all this so they can ship their rapidly decaying holoports people order a year ago. No rational investor is buying holochain rn

t. Someone who just tripled his money on this shitcoin.

>> No.12569539

NOBODY HAS ADOPTED CRYPTO. Bitcoin is a beta test of the future global system run by digital currencies. The catch is none of these tokens and shitcoins will be used. Private blockchains that don't require coins are coming out now. Why use tokens that are manipulated by whales and 17 year olds still living at home? The whole marketcap could be eaten by a select few of billionaires at any moment. Why is Bitcoin still alive? It's dying. Mining it is too expensive and there are 100 coins that do exactly what Bitcoin does but better or with more features like being smart contracts.

Holochain is all code and no dapps. I can buy a PS4 or Xbox One that comes with everything on it. Games are there to download and play, apps can be used, and no worry about a hardware or software malfunction because its been worked on enough. Holoports are overpriced Raspberry Pi's in a custom case. They used funding from the ICO to produce them and you get fucking stickers with them. Fuck cares about a sticker, give me a fully functioning Dapp platform with thousands of dapps on it. You all are getting duped. Better off holding cash and flipping houses. Getting rich off other people's money is so 2017.

>> No.12570247

stupid, the post
>opposed to something great
public blockchains are the future of the internet, whether you like it or not

>> No.12570308

>no dapps
It has 60 in development right now

>> No.12570345

>literally wrong data sharding works exactly the same as how twitter and facebook are currently served
>https://www.promether.com/ -> how to make secure layers on Holochain
>DHT doesn't work that way you stupid faggot yet still has 1s-2s latency

>> No.12570385
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>> No.12570411

Let me tell you a secret:
Hot is not Holo is not Holochain, and Happs do not need the first two to run. You just bought tokens for a hosting service that still doesn't exist and may never be as cheap and stable as AWS.

>> No.12570416
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utterly blatant artificial pumps.

>> No.12570440

> Host platform on AWS
> Userbase decides to do something terrible. CP viruses harassment
> Credit card companies block payment as moral arbiters
> Platform dies irrecoverably
Have you ever seen a startup die due to factors out of it's control? I have.

>> No.12570463

kill yourself

>> No.12570524

I sure hope so!

>> No.12570572

Everyone who's spent more than 30 minutes reading about Holochain knows Holo and Holochain are not the same. However, there is something you fail to realize. While Holo in a sense has nothing to do with Holochain other than that it runs on Holochain, Holo is very imperative for Holochain. In fact, most hApps running on Holochain for the next 10 years or so, will most likely be using Holo to bridge between HTTP and Holochain. But Holo does not only service Holochain. It also services web as a whole. So not only are you investing in something that will be a huge part of a potentially revolutionary new technology, you are investing in something that has the capabilities to challenge a 50 billion (+20% per year) market of bandwith and computational power.

I'm not a shiller or FOMOer, but I do believe in Holo and I believe I have the facts, please tell me if there is anything wrong with what I've said. Holo is potentially a great investment. Yes, it can fail, but they've worked on this for 10 years, these are experts in currency design and tech. I for one am gonna take the risk. You don't have to.

Holo host will be compliant with international guidelines and laws for hosting providers. Asa host, you must register with a trusted third party KYC to become a host.

>> No.12570603

This anon is right from a glass-half-empty standpoint, so take it with a grain of salt.

LINK is still up like 5k SATS in the last month, even after dropping 2-3k SATS from its ath. HOT is doing the same thing and it should retrace down to a new floor

>> No.12570627

It’s a sellers market.

>> No.12571124

no you dumbass each holo being 10 dollars would make it have a market cap of 1.7 trillion. you think thats possible brainlet?

>> No.12571168

fuck off. shilling this after a 3x in 2 days

why not shell it when it was 7 or 11 stats. you dont know shit about anything

>> No.12571321

Easier on eyes filled with parasites

>> No.12571335

h8(e)yesCur(ry), brown ID!

>> No.12571343

this thing is literally about to implode and so many rekt threads are coming. 15-19 satoshis is fair for this vaporware

>> No.12571359

please listen to this man. If youre buying HOT rght now, you shouldnt be in the space. Wait for 12-20 sats.

>> No.12571380

There have been threads on this since before the ICO. You could have bought ~4 million for 1 ETH.

>> No.12571417


$1, yes, but that is as far fetched as thinking BTC would be $20k, ETH would be $1200, or XRP would be $4–all of which happened but were huge fucking lucky longshots. $10 would make it the most valued company on earth by about $440 billion dollars.

>> No.12571456

Compare the ETH whitepaper to the holo "whitepaper". You are mentally ill if you think they're the same class.

>> No.12571549

>Wait for 12-20 sats
You're straight retarded. Your brainlet tier logic is like saying "doing buy bitcoin goys wait for $1,000"

>> No.12571615


>posts chartproving steadily higher lows in a bear market with little retracing
>”obviously artificial pumps”

Kek. I hope you were joking.

>> No.12571632


Thanks for taking that time to BTFO the FUD. Holo FUD is fucking bizarre and usually obviously fake by people who want to accumulate.

>> No.12571680


I’ve been shilling since I went all in at 6 sats months ago, just before the Binance listing that pumped it up to 13. This is what I tried to tell everyone would happen but people are brainlets. It will likely retrace a little when it eventually stops pumping, but not as much as people think—no more than a 15-20% retrace, tops. Then it will pump again and again to easily 10x-75x from here. HODL or risk missing those pumps like the swing traders always do.

>> No.12571692


Retards come here to say that daily. We have a lot of retards on here.

>> No.12571701


Yes. ETH’s whitepaper was a piece of shit.

>> No.12571771

If your coin doesnt have bots working on it, its a shit coin

>> No.12571903

>market cap $ +

>hurr durr u r not early adopter huhuhuh

>> No.12572169


>> No.12572189

Nobody even knows what Holochain does. This is great.

>> No.12572260

smartest person ITT

>> No.12572559
File: 21 KB, 382x292, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at 6.46.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit lol

>> No.12572688

most holo will be burned in the early stages as hosts cash out before they've establish a good enough credit score for them to be able to presell holo hosting.
you can expect somewhere around 50% 80% of the supply to be burned that way before the dynamic supply can kick in.
So yeah, 10$ EOY 2020

>> No.12572716

>they overlook how solid this tech is.
>an ERC-20 token any pajeet can copy and paste from the ethereum documentation