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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12567459 No.12567459 [Reply] [Original]

would you consider this board toxic? the most people just want to fud all other projects and the least people help each other, thats my impression

>> No.12567463

2017 had the best shills.

>> No.12567469

Yes. Its basically just an ad board.

>> No.12567486

because 2017 was a bullrun, everyone has left since then and all these fudders think that they should keep you away so that you eventually fomo in and buy their bags at the top.
Yeah it's an absolute wasteland, I only still come here because news gets posted. I would actually like to share projects here that I think stand a good chance but the one time I did everyone mocked me. And looking at ChainLink I'm not sure if I still want to share anything here, seems like all the neo-nazi's and incels will turn it into some facsist cult. I'd hate for such a good project that has its shit together and has adoption to be flooded by racist and mysoginist memes.

>> No.12567497

8/10 in toxicity, with all the desperate poorfag incels blaming the world for the problems they made in their own head.

Of the boards I know, I’d rate this degrees of toxicity:

Pol 10/10
B 8/10
Lit 6/10, 8/10 when pol raids
Sci 7/10, same as previous
Fit 9/10 problematic incels
Out 7/10 problem is doomsday preppers
Po 4/10
Tv 6/10, full of redditors

>> No.12567504

Not at all. The people trying to fud other shitcoins are shitcoin holders themselves so you can say that they are basically just playing a game amongst themselves and no one else other that those same retards get hurt.

Meanwhile, in the real world, bitcoin is legally a commodity, an actual object of trade with real value. You can fud bitcoin only as much as you can fud gold. The value of bitcoin represents the real value of the utility of the technology of bitcoin, while the value of your shitcoin represents only how close you are to the whales dumping their bags on you and leaving you homeless.

>> No.12567506

not toxic, just mentally ill. the pumps made it bearable.

>> No.12567509

>8/10 in toxicity, with all the desperate poorfag incels blaming the world for the problems they made in their own head.

I'd rate it 10/10 because of people who just want to take away the pursuit of happiness from others.

For example, all the posts about holochain from anons trying to sell you bags.

>> No.12567516

Fuck you, OP. I need somewhere to dump my emotions, and give people an unsolicited view of how I view myself, and the world.

>> No.12567536

Endless September is what is toxic. The never ending waves of sub-128 IQ "individuals"
The limited types of meaningful due diligence, explicilty caused by the brainlet being unremarkably siloed in its knowledge. The multidisciplinary nature of being able to see the way things actually are, is an insurmountable problem. The level of effort required to bootstrap a brainlet is orders of magnitude more than their ability to not understand their own questions (demands). This is why the brainlet's preferred construction of knowledge is reading social consensus. In which case, on this board specifically, means One is simply too late to the party for anyone already there to care. Sage.

>> No.12567539

LMAO just close your browser

>> No.12567547

Besides this derogatory term of shitcoin, there are actually cool projects that have their act together. But any discussion about them immediatly gets shut down by a flood of unconstructive criticism. Bitcoin = Gold not like BSV puts it the all of everything. There are projects that focus on other things like creating new economies. There are coins that are absolute dogshit but that's because of their business model, saying anything besides BTC is a shitcoin is falling for the manipulative tactics deployed by BTC maximalists who are simply afraid.

>> No.12567569

>there are actually cool projects that have their act together
This is true but those don't get posted here because all shitcoins that become /biz/ memes are exit scams designed to last a couple of years before the whales take their profits. This is because if I had an actual project with real investors and an actual company behind it, the last place I would go to find business partners would be this piece of shit board. More productive to arrange a couple of private meetings in California and fly there for a couple of weeks.

>> No.12567575

It isn't about trend, it's that very few people here are actually interested in discussing something and most people here just want to complain and shitpost which they could be doing on r9k or pol

>> No.12567588

Stop putting things in a VC frame, if a company wants funding they will do exactly that. But here it's just people that can buy/sell coins not equity so your argument makes little sense

>> No.12567633

>But here it's just people that can buy/sell coins not equity so your argument makes little sense
That's the point. Shitcoin artists know that these losers have never invested in anything, not even buying publicly listed stock. They are literally useless pieces of shit. But what they do have are bank accounts and maybe credit cards. They know that they can get those losers to put some money in BTC and ETH and then buy their shitcoin (real value=0.00$) by selling them the idea that "this is the new big thing" and "it's gonna moon! Join while it is just starting!" which is the way you sell something to investors, not clients or even traders.

I mean, people who hold shitcoins even call their bundle of shit a "portfolio". Your collection of shit is as much of a "portfolio" as a fucking used condom collection is a "portfolio".

>> No.12567712
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thanks for your scale fren
no problem with that, i just feel that lot of anons here just posting dumb bullshit to defame people or projects
whats your problem m8?

>> No.12567719

Ok you're right about that. But not every coin is a ''jackpot'' like ETH that also got its funding in the same way as these scams you describe. This board is toxic though, when most threads consists of robbing people of their money, complaining about their life and pure shitposting. How is that not toxic? Even to the point that people rather not post anything serious here anymore because toxicity is the norm.

>> No.12567724
File: 56 KB, 783x474, league of legends toxic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shouldnt you be posting photos on facebook right now, you middle aged woman?

>> No.12567740

>unironically using the word 'toxic' to describe behaviour
It's just chan culture, there's always a few projects being shilled by helpful anons here that turn out to be succesful, you just have to pick the right one. But you wouldn't understand since you're probably from reddit

>> No.12567772

Biz is a haunted house but with incels instead of ghosts, filled with the regret of not buying/mining btc years ago, deluded with shitcoins and unfulfilled promises

>> No.12567773

>But not every coin is a ''jackpot'' like ETH that also got its funding in the same way as these scams you describe
Fair enough but every shitcoin holder holds their shitcoin only because they think it's gonna moon, most don't even understand what the tech behind it is. It's a scam. Also, ETH became big in a different era of crypto.

>when most threads consists of robbing people of their money
I believe that it is completely moral to rob stupid people out of their money. Capitalism is the beautiful economic system in which the smart can rob the retards of their money through legal means by selling them SUPREME tags and iPhones. Shitcoins are just another extension of this system.

>> No.12567845

i have no acc and dont use reddit
i know the chan culture but i had the impression that in the last few weeks/months this board got from day to day more fucked