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File: 211 KB, 1080x1429, IMG_20190127_012958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12564583 No.12564583 [Reply] [Original]

How long until autocrats start hiding all their money in crypto?

>> No.12564609

Anyone that isn't low IQ is already at it.

>> No.12565032

burgers so brainwashed

>> No.12565057
File: 86 KB, 638x1000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys lets put a bus driver in charge of our government

Voting on a global scale should be restricted to 35+ white male land owners. You only get governments this bad when roasties can vote.

>> No.12565062

Never crypto is useless

Gold is real

>> No.12565112

>Gold is real
not when the kikes can seize it

>> No.12565124

not saying democracy isn't stupid. Imo it would still be stupid with your rule. perhaps even more so due to entrenched interests leading to very skewed gravey train voting in the favor of land owners and men.

Just saying calling maduro and autocrat is a big meme. The "opposition" boycott every election because they know they will lose and they tell the UN and other observer organization to not come and observe the elections (because they know the elections aren't rigged, but this way they can pretend that they are because no external nation's observers are checking). The incumbents invite international observers and practically beg the opposition to participate in elections. The "opposition" are obviously anti-democratic, as they always have been since the days before the bolivarian revolution (and the time they ousted chavez), when, btw the Venezuelan economy was also in a very shit state and poverty was far more of a problem then than now, and that was without crippling sanctions and hostile governments stealing their money. The majority of people either remember this or have parents who remember this. This is why the majority would rather support a somewhat inept bus driver than the fascist kleptocrats that are trying to overthrow his government.

>> No.12565160


It's like a real life version of Tropico

>> No.12565218
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1545447826994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the best countries in the world were formed by white men without input from women or minorities, prove me wrong.

>btw the Venezuelan economy was also in a very shit state and poverty was far more of a problem then than now

1) people are literally starving to death there today
2) poor people dont really matter that much. Sorry, ugly fact of life. You know that statistic? The one about the 18 richest people having more wealth that the bottom half of humanity? Usually is is followed by a bunch of blathering about how we can equalize things by taking from those big meanies. The way i see it, we should be talking about how to eliminate the seething masses of completely useless retards at the bottom who are burnden on humanity ever acheiving greatness. Go to mars? Nope, gotta help those retards in Venezuela/southafrica/haiti/etc.

>> No.12565264

>Gold is real
>Man in OP's pice with 1.2bn in gold was told his gold isn't real

>> No.12565387

imagine trying to fly out of your country though with 100m worth of gold...rather than a key stored safely in the cloud before you leave....

>> No.12565409


pick only one

>> No.12565415

Crypto teens talm about politics
This is riveting stuff fellas
Almost as good as your investment advice

>> No.12565461

>attempt to enrich the poor in vain
>murder them
why does it have to be one or the other? can't you just leave them alone?

>> No.12565483

Well said

>> No.12565596

so rednecks ?

>> No.12565603

yep, and nobody here has any excuse after bitcoin has been right infront of everybody's nose for an entire decade. automation just means the poor have even less reason to be alive.

>> No.12565615

is there a safe way to store a key in the cloud?
maybe hashing it somehow?

>> No.12565617

>is there a safe way to store a key in the cloud?
encrypt it with very strong encryption

>> No.12565618

Probably like 100 years. Boomers are stubborn idiots.

>> No.12565630

>world is organized as a pyramid scheme
>50% of the population forms the bottom of the pyramid
>guys inbetween the tip and the base of the pyramid decided to murder the poor
>become the bottom part of the pyramid
You sure got them good ideas son.

>> No.12565638
File: 580 KB, 768x768, 1539396326882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, this is our gold now
>because we don't like you


>> No.12565674

He steals the vote they steal his money I don't really pity the guy.

>> No.12565698

Maduro is less popular than Chavez was.
The Americans are just trying to foment a coup like Bush did in the mid 2000s.

You got it right though. Right wing factions are cylcing back in to Latin American politics.
The first kleptocrats were military juntas in the 80s, democratically elected centre-leftists in the 90s/00s, and now we are seeing a shift back to the center right and full right wing.

Fujimori's daughter in Peru, Bolsonaro in Brazil, and now Venezuela are all signs of a shift right in the name of economic interests.

Its been baffling to see Lula and Roussef in Brazil go from revolutionary heroes to accused criminals.
Its just the new leg in the political cycle of Latin America.

>> No.12565712

It doesn't really matter what he does, it was his gold. Things don't stop being yours just because you are a prick. He will just go even more ballistic because of this, which is what western powers want.

They need to see the commie state go full implosion, instead of struggling along.

>> No.12565719

Things do stop being yours if you are a criminal prick which he is. If you steal from people you usually don't just lose your money you go to prison.

>> No.12565736

He did not break a single British law.

>> No.12565747

Try fleeing political prosecution with a brinks truck full of gold.

>> No.12565753

He violated the sanctity of law in his own country, and if we kept treating him like he is legitimate we would be undermining our own.

>> No.12565835


Nah, it only takes 1 generation so 20 years total.

>> No.12565851


I've arbitrarily decided that I don't like you so you're now a criminal and poof, your property rights are gone! Magical. That's what Stalin did too.

>> No.12565857
File: 60 KB, 500x491, 1517993784408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave the darkies alone? What are you, some kind of racist?

>> No.12565874

Gold bugs on suicide watch. Bless the brit,s this nigger was going to dump on you.

>> No.12565931


Sorry I shouldn't spit on retards.

>> No.12565936

Why don't you go live in Venezula's paradise.

>> No.12565946

>Just saying calling maduro and autocrat is a big meme. The "opposition" boycott every election because they know they will lose and they tell the UN and other observer organization to not come and observe the elections (because they know the elections aren't rigged, but this way they can pretend that they are because no external nation's observers are checking).

The opposition literally won the last free election and then maduro immediately declared the national assembly powerless. Kill yourself you socialist faggot.

>> No.12566025

Stupid fuck.

>> No.12566032

Kill yourself, kike.

>> No.12566050

What about Maduro's actions is justified? You aren't just trying to be an edgy contrarian because the international community snubbed him are you?

>> No.12566060

This should be a lesson to everyone. Don't leave your gold in the hands of others. Also all the "autocrats" already rode bitcoin up and used it to buy gold when bitcoin was at it's peak.

>> No.12566083
File: 380 KB, 1624x1080, 12349673520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok /biz/, what exactly does he have to do to save Venezuela? Or is he completely fucked and doesn't know shit since he was a bus driver? How did he even become Vice president?

Why the fuck didn't chavez invest in other shit with oil money or slowly cut back on social programs?

>> No.12566095

It would be a lot easier to have this relaxed neo-liberal view on life if some of us didn't have boomer parents determined to screw us over at every turn.

>> No.12566114

How is it his gold? Isn't it Venezuelans gold?

>> No.12566523

>can't you just leave them alone?

if they leave the rich alone, we have a deal

>> No.12566565

>He violated the sanctity of law

are you always so high on your own farts or it's just today, mr. Larping-Goody-Two-Shoes-Paragon-of-Virtue?

>> No.12566584

I am an edgelord and you're on a different level. The guy straight up cancelled the vote when he lost. How would you feel if that happened in your country? Why are you defending this guy?

>> No.12566598


There are tons of fucking dictators around the world you brainlet. Most of them are good goyim and can break muh "sanctity of law" as frequently as they want, rob and kill their people and no one would give a fuck as long these rulers play ball and suck Uncle Sam's dick. Muh "international community" only freezes your accounts when you disobey the orders.
Ffs to think that someone is actually so retarded to unironically believe that muh international community actually cares about well-being of people in third world countries. Most government doesn't even give a fuck about their own constituency at this point, except for election period.

>> No.12566608

>I am an edgelord

okay, no more (you)s then

>> No.12566620

I get being cynical but this is just ridiculous and it still doesn't make me feel bad for Maduro.

>> No.12566962


nah he's 100% correct lol. nobody gives a shit, they just want their paycheques