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12561092 No.12561092 [Reply] [Original]


That forum is actually full of relatively savvy investors. The people there are much smarter and more mature than at reddit or most other message boards. And yet they are still clueless idiots when it comes to crypto. If you look at comments of more mainstream places it's even worse. You know I'm right. Yes, most of crypto is scams and bullshit. But the average idiot doesn't understand what is going on at all and is oblivious still.

>> No.12561103

>still early
adoption rate at 0.053% what do you think?

>> No.12561125

Wow they all sound like retards. Their entire knowledge of cryptocurrency can be distilled as such: bitcoin went to 20k and now it's 3k, total scam.

>> No.12561127

If crypto is the next big thing like high definition DVD players, the question is which coin is the porn industry backing?

>> No.12561234

>Cryptocurrencies rely on ever more suckers buying in to increase in value. It has no inherent value or return generating capability.
Which is why once ethereum gets PoS it's going to be an enormous bubble.
We are early, yes - but not in bitcoin. That person, and it's how an average investor thinks, is never going to buy bitcoin. They are going to buy eth to earn income from smart contracts.

>> No.12561482
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>So I'm not seeing where the "trust" is.

>I don't see why government will eventually move to crypto. Most money is electronic anyway. But governments can strengthen or weaken their currencies as they need to (do deal with inflation/deflation). Why would they voluntarily give up that sovereignty? Can't do that with crypto by yourself...that is, unless you own most of it and are manipulating the price of bitcoin. But that's never happened right? (bloomberg article, nearly half of all bitcoin is owned by 1000 people): [links article]

The absolute state.

>tfw more than half of all of the MONEY in the world is owned by less than 1,000 people

>> No.12561712

thats right tho governments dont want crypto at all

>> No.12561777

Bitcoins days are numbered. Blockstream fucked it all up. Big banks and wall street have the supply. Centralized exchanges have the supply. Getting rich off Bitcoin is old news. You buy it to buy altcoins and cash out. The next bubble will be cloud computing and probably Holochain will take the lead.

>> No.12561837

>look at these sophisticated investors
>they go full npc mode when you bring up bitcoin
seems like an invalid premise to me.

>> No.12561842

>Bitcoins days are numbered.
its the only trustless permissionless distributed public ledger that is secure

>> No.12561931

His most powerful number...

>> No.12562120
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Shill or retarded.

>> No.12562171

Vitalik wants you to send your eth to a burn address to use his new piece of shit protocol where he premined 72m coins and gave 12m to himself to stake
Imagine following something this dumb

>> No.12562197

holy shit just bought 100k LN tokens to use to trade in exchange for 100k in btc to convert to 100k in USD.

>> No.12562226

Liquid is running the stablecoin not lightning

>> No.12562234
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Yep. Even bankers high up in upper senior management still don't get it.

>> No.12562241

It's not the Bitcoin protocol itself that is ruined. It's the surrounding ponzi scheme that it was turned into. It was decentralized. Now it isn't because of centralized exchanges and NSA-CIA can easily track who has what coins and where they are going. Future contracts did not help. It's a bad thing if banks get into crypto. They'll take it over like they do everything. The poor are not meant to become rich in today's society. If you do, it's by sheer luck.

>> No.12562268

What that picture doesn't tell you is that only one of the bag holders will get to actually get out at the inflated price, and everyone else will barely be able to get out at breakeven.

And if you are a smaller investor you will be playing the unholy game of guessing the day when the first bagholder will drop his bags but guess what, everyday you'll be fomo'd into staying in because "it's still going up!" and then you'll also barely be able to breakeven. And that's assuming there is any market liquidity!

Don't invest in shitcoins. Invest in BTC or ETH. Invest in top 10 if you already have too much in BTC and ETH to justify putting more in given the risk of your portfolio.

>> No.12562435

You mean the dark nets... If you dont know the answer to that by now I dont know how to help you.
Oh boy only been hearing this for the last 4 years... I'm still waiting

>> No.12562439

Oy vey how dare the flying make money on his labor

>> No.12562591

bitcoin is not just the protocol anyone could clone the btc codebase with a single command into a terminal and start his own coin. it would be worthless.

>> No.12562687

tbf, investors that are "sophisticated" typically avoid highly speculative assets. So its a valid premise if you can acknowledge the inherent risk in owning cryptocurrency (which most here cannot)

>> No.12562713

yeah and you would have zero network security without miners or holders (if PoS)

>> No.12562743
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get in something good, accumulate, hold out
good luck anons

>> No.12562790

indeed that is why bitcoin is not just code or protocol it's consensus. at the most complete and total meaning of the word.