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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12558252 No.12558252 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12558256

Yeah its a little bullshit isnt it?

>> No.12558280
File: 80 KB, 960x565, nannie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nanie.

>> No.12558281

So a pump by something that's just an eRC20 token without staking?

tell me why to care again?

>> No.12558298
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>> No.12558316

First witnet now this shit
Chainlink cucked for ever

>> No.12558325
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>> No.12558330

Kek - holoniggers really need to learn how to use photoshop and actually make some good memes.

>> No.12558335

btw, the fact that shit like Vechain, Ontology, Tezos and Dogecoin are still higher in marketcap than Holo, means that we have much more to pump. Prepare your anuses, gentlemen.

>> No.12558343

holo is a much bigger shitcoin than link.
There's no global consensus of any kind, the whole idea doesn't make any sense. Zero need for a token.

>> No.12558365
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better email Arthur Brock quick and tell him about this. Don't know how he could miss this. Thanks for the heads up, gonna go market sell my holobags now.

>> No.12558368

miss what? he's very happy selling worthless shit to brainlets

>> No.12558415
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>ABSOLUTELY SEETHING while everyone else gets rich around him.
>thinks he's not the brainlet

>> No.12558419

the token isn't even mentioned in the whitepaper.
it's completely useless.
the most brazen example of a funding token I have ever seen.

>> No.12558450
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>had 8 months to learn the difference between holochain and holo
>got brainwashed by /biz/ FUD so he missed the train.
>can't accept that he's dumb as shit because the cognitive dissonance hurts too much
>instead copes in Holo threads

ok buddy, have fun

>> No.12558460

show me a consensus method or its not a blockchain and useless as investment.

>> No.12558468


>> No.12558505

I know what holo is.
It's a worthless token that's going to exist on nodes maintained by the company. Pretty much iota's coordinator. You can send it to people. That's it. It has no inherent function.
The holochain itself is a web of trust combined with ipfs. Hash content addressing is used as content distribution mechanism. Mutually trusted nodes can share state.
They are good at hiding this ancient and pointless design behind buzzwords. "Local, tamper resistant hash-chains". What this actually means is a local database with hashed contents - basically ipfs.

The much more interesting thing is that it's the third shitcoin that pumps for no reason. Link, rep, now holo, I probably missed some. Someone is laundering tons of money by subsequent pumps in low-liquidity tokens.

>> No.12558509

Did you even read the link you posted? It says there's no consensus. Even the shills can't get their narrative right Holo is easily the next bitconnect

>> No.12558521
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because it's not a blockchain, you moron. Jesus fucking christ.
This is the first and last spoonfeeding you'll get from me.
You can either read it, DYOR more and buy the dip or you can fuck off and keep holding your shitcoins. Just stop replying to me and try to win this virtual battle so you can feel better. Use that time more productively instead.
Seriously dude, you're misinformed as fuck and you keep repeating retarded FUD that you've heard on /biz/, but it's fucking obvious that you didn't spend even 1 hour researching this.
Sometimes not everyone is stupid and you're the only smart one. Sometimes you're the stupid one but your ego doesn't let you see that. Unironically this is your only chance in life to be just a little bit self-aware, realize you're dumb, DYOR and actually get in before this shit goes into the billions. I'm not even trying to shill to you cause you and your rupees don't matter in the grand scheme of things, just trying to make you realize how fucked you are if you keep being retarded.

Gotta fuck off now. Just remember this post 1-2 years from now and KYS if you're still as stupid then as you are today. Good luck!

>> No.12558537
File: 1.41 MB, 1110x1162, Vitalik8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>print circulating supply
>look at market cap skyrocket

>> No.12558547

but he's right tho...

>> No.12558548

You don’t belong here shoo shoo. Just tell them to keep holding.

>> No.12558555

Chainlink shills in MELTDOWN from superior chad coin

>> No.12558584

HoloChads are merciful.

>> No.12558592

It has no consensus mechanisms like a blockchain since it functions like a P2P network like the Bittorent Protocol. It makes use of Hashes to make sure the peers are reciving the correct data and not malicous as a security measure.

>> No.12558624

Worked for eos and omg so who cares.

>> No.12558638

omg was supposed to have staking, the idea was fine, it just turned out to be a scam.
Eos has staking although with fucked economical incentives

>> No.12558671
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this is fake news, i cant believe this, im literally shaking rn