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12556698 No.12556698 [Reply] [Original]

Pajeets need to be lined up and executed.

>> No.12556844

These 3rd world populations are just mind boggling at this point, and the growth is exponential, they could fucking push the world population to 20 billion 10 years from now.

>> No.12556868

white people: blacks are worthless subhumans

god: hold my beer

>> No.12556870

As much as I hate Niggers I'd rather fuck a black girl then a god damn pajeet.
I've at least seen a few that are fuckable.
Never seen a pajeet I'd ever stick my dick in.

>> No.12556874

ITT: Edgy teenagers with no life experience or knowledge of the world. Pathetic.

>> No.12556877

Seconded. Imagine an all white planet and Japan, it would be paradise

>> No.12556882

What's the matter pajeet, ran out of streets to shit in?

>> No.12556893

Then white people wouldn't have anyone to exploit, which would made them slaves to the Japs.

>> No.12556899

Rajesh here.

If I had the choice, I'd instead be born as an attractive Japanese male, who lived the hikikomori way of life. Constantly getting hit on by sexually frustrated anime girls, every time I'd dare to venture out of my small apartment.

>> No.12556926

Sirs I come to USA from India and make 150k yearly for writing the codes get on my level you nackbeard incel

>> No.12556960

maybe i have so much life experience I know what pajeets overall are.

They are disgusting shit, that try to worm their way into western countries to shit those places up.

fuck off pajeet, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.12556965
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LMAO pajeets don't get paid that much. Thats who point of hiring them from shitia.

>> No.12558085

Even pajeets think their own women are ugly. This is the outcome of generations of forced marriage and rapes, with no evolutionary pressure to look attractive.

Pajeets harass non-pajeet women and marry outside their race every chance they get.

>> No.12558464

Whites have zero problems exploiting themselves, don't worry

>> No.12558472

based thread

Pajeets are gigasubhumans. Worse than niggers.

>> No.12558523

Rude cheap dirty scum is all pajeets are

>> No.12558526

we need flags

>> No.12558687

pls explain whyto I am curious as to what a pajeet, did to elicit such strong reaction in u lul. most of them don't even congregate with outside races and keep to themselves. and for the herbs, of course I am going to take the 80k job, why would I give a fuck about other pol.
self preservation above all. don't care for white women, very good to date but I know will end up chucking me or causing drama. I wont even date westernized pajeetas either worse than white woman.

>> No.12558705

>lul pajeet actually fuck around with loose western women and settle down with arranged marriage to build their family legacy, you can have the western women, get cucked my the marriage jew.