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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12553619 No.12553619 [Reply] [Original]

Nearly all of you retards have been successfully psyop’d and had the wool completely and utterly pulled over your eyes

I bet nearly all of you didnt even realize this even exists


You really think some con man faketoshi like Craig Wright single handedly made bitcoin in his basement? Fuck no, CIA/NSA had the best of their cryptographers, mathematicians and programmers create bitcoin. Why? Because they wanted control of the financial market and to be able to track and record all transactions, which bitcoin fulfills. Bitcoin isn’t anonymous you fucking idiots.

If you say CIA created bitcoin on bitcointalk org you’re permabanned and your post is deleted.

The elite have successfully used their CIA/NSA dark program officers to create the first one-world currency. And /biz/ bought it literally, hook, line, and sinker. Now I’m not saying that there isnt money to be made, there is money to be made. But keep in mind that you’re playing their game and that they are the rule-makers, referees and coaches of said game. They are the mega whales and hold nearly all the coins, granting them the capability to dump or pump as they see fit. They simply dumped in 17’ Christmas to let their friends accumulate more during the bear market.

Their creation of bitcoin has hit a shit ton of birds with one stone
1. Easily fund their own dark programs
2. Track every transaction with ease
3. Establish foreign usage, opening avenues to acquire information internationally
4. Promote globalism through all nations by urging them to use the same currency
5. Undermine and protect against the inevitable US dollar fiat ponzi scheme

>> No.12553650
File: 395 KB, 1229x1934, B6A17E4B-2FF5-441C-AAA6-EA4FC754FA90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone even remember the original Silk Road shutdown? How they closed and then apprehended sellers and buyers with ease? Thats because they all used bitcoin. And now, they work for (((them))), think OPERATION PAPERCLIP.

They looped in gamers, drug dealers and then normies in less then a decade, duped the entirety of them into buying bitcoin and other trashcoins.

Why? Well if the reasons above arent enough to make you see the truth let me tell you something about malleable psyhicals.

While all you useful idiots bought bitcoin and correspondingly other trashcoins at near top or even the very top they have been accumulating and hoarding Rare Earth Metals, precisely Silver, the 2nd most robust and versatile commodity on the planet aside from oil itself. Silver is a finite resource but its used more and more every year. The market cap of fine .999 bullion silver is literally 1/2 of the crypto market even after the 17’ christmas dump and where we are now. Roughly $16 billion worth of said silver is mined by all the silver miners in the world combined and that number dwindles yearly because silver is an above ground resource and we’ve already found most of it.

JP Morgan has been accumulating ludicrous amounts of silver because they know its true value. Back in 1980 silver reached $50 an ounce, when global debt was only at $10 trillion. Now in 2018, we have a global debt of a whopping $247 trillion.

Ted butler, the leading researcher upon REM market manipulation had been calling out JPM for decades. His estimation of JPM’s silver holdings is 800 million physical ounces. But biz NEETs will disregard claims of an man 1000x their net worth and knowledge whom has been tracking and analyzing the market daily for decades.

>> No.12553727
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$50 x 24.7 = $1,235 = silvers TRUE value.

The rate of silver to gold mined is 1:9 so why is an oz of silver at a whopping 1/86 price of of the ounce of gold? Simply because they want more of it while its still dirt cheap.

JP morgan acquired a company that’s priority was to short silver, keeping the price low by throwing worthless fiat into paper silver ponzis whilst performing spoofing trades. When JPM realized the short position was unviable they took a different route, maxing out their own position by accumulating the biggest vault of physical silver in the history of mankind. Remember, you don’t own it unless you can hold it. At this point in time, silver is only valued at $16 an ounce, meaning you can get it for a $1.50 above that spot price, give or take shipping/manufacturing costs thats about $18 an ounce RIGHT NOW that you can buy on trust online silver markets. But regardless, half of you cement level IQ retards will inevitably delude yourself into thinking you know better than billionaire bankers. And proceed to buy more scamlink, holohoaxchain and similar shitcoins, primarily used to fool low info investors into “its cheaper, s-so more gainz p-potential”. Protip: (((they))) created, funded and shilled shitcoins to siphon away money from retards while using gains from said shitcoins to buy even more silver and bitcoin.

Now, what is my guidance on this entire predicament? I’d throw 30% of my assets into BTC and the other 70% into silver, primarily current year American Silver Eagles directly from trusted distributors or the US Mint. Back when silvers spot dropped off to $9/oz, ASE’s were still trading at $16/oz. Also it couldnt hurt to have a suicide stack of ZEC because its (((their))) best looking coin and they usually win regardless of what happens. Thank me later idiots.

Remember that any coin other than BTC is an actual scam, ETH was (((their))) most profitable scam (((infinite supply))).

>> No.12553739
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Shills will proceed to shill their trashcoins at you, derail this thread or just flat out call me a LARPer. But shills, let me ask you this, whats the LARP part? Im not bragging or gloating about anything. All I did was merely lay out the truth and offer guidance upon the time to come. Shills hate nothing more than the truth. Fiat will die sooner than you think, don’t hold their fiat bags for them.

Start stacking before this entire ponzi is unveiled with unprecedented levels of green and corruption.


Its all slowly but surely coming to fruition, They can’t keep the fraudboat afloat for much longer.

>> No.12553761

If the goal is to make Bitcoin a WORLD CURRENCY, then we are early adopters. I welcome a 1 million dollar Bitcoin, with one satoshi = one cent

>> No.12553781
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Pic related look at all these (((guys))) backing ZEC.

>> No.12553812

>Bitcoin isn’t anonymous you fucking idiots.
Who said it was? Thats one of the main features.
Its an open public ledger for everyone to see.

>Their creation of bitcoin has hit a shit ton of birds with one stone

>Does anyone even remember the original Silk Road shutdown? How they closed and then apprehended sellers and buyers with ease? Thats because they all used bitcoin.

>shilling silver
much shiney, such wow

>> No.12553826

so it is a zec shill thread...almost got me OP

>> No.12553827

Very high IQ, I wonder why (((they))) create so many “its over!”, “Bitcoin going to zero”, “bitcoin is a ponzi”, “bitcoin is dead” threads all day long while also making shitcoin threads at 2x the rate. (((They))) think that we intellectuals dont see whats really happening, we know bitcoin leads and determines the overall trend of the entire market longterm. They just frivolously attempt to persuade newfags into selling their btc for (((their))) shitcoin so they can dump in a week and throw those gains back into BTC and rinse and repeat

>> No.12553838

>thinking anyone with a brain takes Craig "Vishnu" Right seriously
Opinion discarded

>> No.12553839

It's anonymous for those without power.
But it's transparent for those with power like the government.
It's perfect.

>> No.12553849

>They simply dumped in 17’ Christmas to let their friends accumulate more during the bear market.
why didnt they "just let their friends accumulate" 8 years prior to Christmas 2017?
i swear to god you bagholders are fucking delusional jesus christ. im embarrassed to even have money in crypto.

>> No.12553854

Satoshi was two people, not craig wright.
You know nothing.

>> No.12553879
File: 76 KB, 500x490, BA4A10A7-795C-4DA8-AB3D-2CBF3424F77C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silver is NOT used in cars, phones, solar panels, mirrors, building infrastructure, electrical components etc etc etc
>silver does NOT have the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and reflectivity of ANY metal
Nice try derailer, I’m primarily a BITCOIN and SILVER shill if anything. I just think ZEC is their best long term coin.

>> No.12553892

I made a thread a while back on biz
It highlighted that only one crypto is needed as the point of crypto is a world currency.
I then discussed in detail that various currencies exist throughout the world because each currency is backed by an individual country's government and military and economy.
I then said that Bitcoin is the only currency not backed by an economy.
And I said since crypto currency is not backed by military or economy only one needs to exist.
The people in that thread called me a retard. It was clear they were all low IQ and shills.

>> No.12553901

You severly overestimate the intelligence of those around you
They didnt know how successful it would be, and when i say “their friends” i mean institutional investors. Those at the very top have been buying and mining from the very start.

>> No.12553914

And yes, never underestimate the stupidity of others.
it is clear you are very high IQ to realise that.
That may be the most sensible thing I've read on biz.

>> No.12553939

Keep doing the good work anon, dont let shills and retards get to you, their shill effort and experience is unparalleled. They can turn Low IQ’s into unpaid shills in an instant. I’d like to remind you, that above any other board on here, /biz/ is the most shilled board by a moonshot. Even more shilled than /pol/ itself. There is nothing (((they))) hate more than smart finance. (((Their))) utmost greed over wealth comes second to none.

>> No.12554013

Thanks you too anon.
Very few people care enough about their fellow 4channers to give them solid advice.
It's especially sad whenever you consider that 4channers are often the most vulnerable people,

>> No.12554063

>You really think some con man faketoshi like Craig Wright had anything whatsoever to do with creating bitcoin
nobody actually thinks this anon. reroll your thread

>> No.12554254

Snowden shilled ZEC and he's a CIA agent so I guess the thread checks out

>> No.12554325

They do though, also it many people think it was just 1 person, its was a whole group of people that made it

>> No.12554966

fake af

>> No.12555062

>fuck crypto
>buy silver and this shit coin
the thread

>> No.12555428

How long do you think it will take for Bitcoin mass adoption?
I'm guessing within 10-18 years

>> No.12555743

Didnt read
Good estimate, i’d say 20 years max

Also, when the utah data center (NSA data center) was created they set aside a big lot of computers soley for mining

>> No.12555826

I think it will be a slower rise this time. If it pumps too fast not enough people will join in. I do think that these prices are far too cheap though I expect a pump to 20k per Bitcoin, then maybe a slow rise after that.
I think they want to basically ensure that its widespread to encourage usage. But they will want no big holders either.

>> No.12555828

As for when that 20k pump is, could be within next 2 years. Then a slow climb to one million over the next 15.

>> No.12556244

>bitcoin leads and determines the overall trend of the entire market longterm
This is true. Look at any longterm graph of any alt vs bitcoin. They all follow it to the letter.

>> No.12556267

>since crypto currency is not backed by military or economy only one needs to exist.
What about a cryptocurrency that fills some niche in the market? Truly only one NEEDS to exist, but if an industry or a section of a market props up an alt, then there's no reason others shouldn't. Bitcoin is the simplest and the standard, but cryptos that specialize in different niches in the market will therefore still exist. I'm not some crypto guru but it makes sense.

>> No.12556333

Holy fuck.
I just thought of something pretty scary:
If these CIAniggers control the majority of coins... what stops them from stealing everyone's shit when bitcoin becomes mass adopted? If you go against their agenda, they can instabroke you. You will go from bitcoin billionaire to a nocoiner in an age where everyone uses bitcoin. It will make Twitter deplatforming look like a free society. What do we do then? Is Monero a viable option? Or do we just go and live AnPrim and start doing terrorism against Google?

>> No.12556339


>> No.12556354

>Also, when the utah data center (NSA data center) was created they set aside a big lot of computers soley for mining
How do you know this anon?

>> No.12556378

Also why are so many people shilling against LINK right now? Are they trying to get retards to sell so they can pump and dump? That's my theory. Pls respond smart people.

>> No.12556379
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Monero is anonymous though, making this whole thread invalid.

>> No.12556426

if the cia planned to replace the fed with an opensource p2p protocol that can be forked outside of their control and already has been (bch) then I want to pin a medal on agent timmy's gyno-ridden chest for coming up with such a fabulous idea.

>> No.12556459

dude...link is the shittest of shitcoins...its a biz meme...i hope you didnt actually fall for it anon?

>> No.12556694

Didnt even think of this one m8, add it to the list of reasons. We’re probably on the database right now, (((they))) tell us to STFU or get fucking REKT >>12556426
craig wright is a paid psyoping con artist

>> No.12556913

>one world currency bad!