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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12549989 No.12549989 [Reply] [Original]

>"Product Development Manager"
>"Director of Practice Development"
>"Manager of Product Management"
>"Product Development Coordinator"
>"Process Manager"
>Gets paid ~$100k salary


>> No.12550013

>not using your pussy to get paid

>> No.12550096
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>I love my job.
>My job is important.

>> No.12550097

Kek. If it's a roastie with "manager" or director, in the title, most probably it means it's a cushy desk job that fulfills their diversity quota. Usually this fake management position is simply a glorified assistant to the VP who is really running things. Its infuriating knowing that there are people, usually men who do all the hard work and get paid way less then these useless cunts.

>> No.12550271

HR dept as a whole

>> No.12551060

prostitutes are so much more respectable than these women honestly

>> No.12551082

This. Prostitutes are telling the truth, these whores deserve being raped and killed.

>> No.12551113
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>female professional attire

>> No.12551129

All titles sounds redundant and vague. When you are wage cucking might as well get stupid titles I guess.

>> No.12551383

Airbus is literally entirely staffed by this kind of roastie. If you guys want a company to short, go with Airbus.

>> No.12551393


who is this

>> No.12551463

I despise you seeming hicks who only look at the body when determining hotness
Seriously, if you saw only her average gook face would you be so indrawn?

>> No.12551585


>> No.12551610

Her face is the best part you raging faggot

>> No.12551621

>Why don't women love me?

Kys virgin incels