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File: 261 KB, 1080x1080, 8519_Lifetime Galaxy 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12546883 No.12546883 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Frens,
Ausfag here, a couple of months ago I had a great day trading on binance and made $2000.

I do a lot of research in the crypto space and wanted to find analysis crypto reports to help with my trading, I came across www.pythonsignals.com it offers weekly Technical, Methodological Analysis reports from Advanced Algorithm Artificial Intelligence, similar to clif high's webbot(data scraping).
Im really into this, and the creator marius landman has a great record to date(told his members to get out when bitcoin reached $19000 etc..)

Also it has a referral passive income system with different packs silver, gold, platinum etc..
because i just made $2000 so easily i got the galaxy lifetime pack for $1000 and didn't think much of it(just wanted the reports and so forth)
2 months later(today) I took $435 out of my python signals account and cant believe its already paid half itself off, that is why i'm now sharing it with you :)

please do your due diligence on this and don't blindly go in, if you do decide to get one of the packs, under 'your sponsor' please put Pratz

or just use this link and it will already have the sponsor bar filled in: https://www.pythonsignals.com/?u=Pratz

the lifetime galaxy pack is going to $2000 Feb 1st from $1000 the price i got it for.

One last note,
If we all help each other out, we all get to where we want to go quicker ! Peace and Love to all !

>> No.12546895

Today I had a bad day because I had to read op's shill thread

>> No.12546907

Find a way to buy a gun, then put a bullet in your stupid faggot child molesting face, Marius.

>> No.12546908

Sounds legit! Bought 100K platinum packs.

>> No.12546919

what kind of scammer tries to sell someone a perpetual license for 2000 dollars? do you want to go to prison?

>> No.12546955
File: 40 KB, 648x303, 4cn_HODLbutts-011519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is so dead, why hasnt this shit been taken down yet? Even the Mods have abandoned us.

>> No.12547007

This dude needs a expose website like bitcoin fund manager. Complete scam artist.

>> No.12547032

hahaha this is hilarious, i love posts like this, btw im not marius :)
just some ausfag that got the lifetime galaxy pack

>> No.12547035

"litecoin eoy 2018 $1200"
fucking kill yourself, retard

>> No.12547039


>> No.12547051

i don't think this will come about either, the reports are interesting though

>> No.12547211

Ive taken money out bro, its not a scam