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12545269 No.12545269 [Reply] [Original]

soon to be 20 yo with ADD and psychosomatic anxiety disorder - gambled away pretty much my already measly savings on shitcoins

I picture myself two possibilites now:

1. currently still living at parents home in the middle of nowhere - but would have the possibility to move to another room+own bathroom on a different floor, if I do the renovation myself (more privacy+basically like a self-contained apartment for my own) only need to share kitchen (can save money that would otherwise spent on rent)
start trade
+license with shitty beater car ( flexibility for myself, could drive wherever I want, if I want to)

2) move to some bigger city far away. start uni. probably fail after a couple months because i barely even passed Highschool and always did bad in public schooling. or fail because of social retardation - literally not able to function in group works etc...

+ paying rent (even tough I will spend my whole freetime in my room anyways).
+ possibility that I completly go nuts there, completly on my own. I lived all my life at home so atleast I have a safe environment there.

if you take the finacial aspect in consideration, (1) would be the way to go, i guess.

but (2) seems like it would me benefit myself more to my personality growth, but I am just so fucking lost in this world

>> No.12545350

>ADD and psychosomatic anxiety disorder

Even if you do have these problems, labeling yourself with them will make it worse. Quit being a victim and making excuses. Socializing is a learnable skill you retard. Go out and buy a book on it. And then practice.
>b-but muh adhd
No one cares, get over it

>> No.12545365

m.d. here, unironically
if you identify with your "disorders" that quacks gave you they will stick
do you want them to stick? No
So don't tag yourself

I realize >>12545350
this guy told you that already but wanted to tell you the same because of my training

>> No.12545395

ADD is on the neuroatypical spectrum. And not some made up condition. you are much more prone to be asocial

the psychomatic disorder is not made up either . I get physical pain, coldsweat, goose bumps , increased heart rate, pain that feels like your skin is on fire. not able to relax - constant alertness etc....

>> No.12545422

you know what. all these fucking years I didnt knew what was wrong with me and now that the uncertainty is gone. I feel like to work on myself properly the first fucking time my whole life. why should I ignore all of this - when this is a real problem that affected my all my life/still does? everyhing else is a complete toxic way to look at it imo