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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 122 KB, 1056x880, salivation1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12541387 No.12541387 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12541406

4k USD Volume, what you salivating at $100 gains???

>> No.12541415

>4k USD Volume
>a bad thing

>> No.12541428
File: 30 KB, 485x303, images-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He does not even know what a liquidity pool is

>> No.12541439

>He does not even know what it means when even a tiny amount of volume pumps up the price 200%

>> No.12541526
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, 1544983788477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute state of /biz/ baits

>> No.12541548
File: 410 KB, 790x350, untitled_design_yyasyasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the state of you when it is $11.43

>> No.12541679

the XCASH theory, basically

>> No.12541711

Nice bait, faggot. It's already back down to 5 cents.


>> No.12541718


And it will 100x just as easily, this is when you buy.

>> No.12541731

No, you buy when it dump another 80%. If you bought when you posted this thread, you already have lost 50% of your capital. And probably much more, because you can't sell it with this pathetic amount of volume.

>> No.12541795
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With news this good, any time is a good time to buy.

>> No.12541844

Mothershitcoin, good luck getting rid of those bags with 4k volume..

>> No.12541853

>He thinks now is the time to sell when this coin is going $11.43

>> No.12541864

Great news is great, it went up 200 pct. How much more do you expect? If you want to quietly and slowly accumulate this shit with the idea that it will have liquidity at some point, that's cool, but to buy right now is straight retard-tier.

>> No.12541919


First of all I would say it is important to at least get some in case it moons before you can get an ideal entry. - Once you have some, I would slowly buy in as to not effect the artificially low price to try and get a large holding like me. People might think a 200% pump is a big deal but this coin will go up many many 1000's of percent to somewhere around $10 a coin.

>> No.12541997

You think this is a 2 bil marketcap coin? In what kind of market? Maybe when Bitcoin is $50k.

>measuring in USD

Never going to make it.

>> No.12542020


A 1.4 bil - 2 bil coin actually. It will be rubbing shoulders with coins in the top 10-20.

>> No.12542037

Okay for all those unaware this is MSP which got hacked in cryptopia last week and like 25% of all tokens and basically all liquidity was sucked from its market and there's only like one other exchange it's trading on. Long story short, shitcoin p&d

>> No.12542048
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((( the stock market )))
((( inflation )))
((( debt )))
((( currency )))
((( money )))
((( kikes )))

>> No.12542818

that's exactly what we're trying to tell you though, you can't sell without crashing it 200% just the same.

>> No.12542861

You salivate at 4k volume. I bet you blow your load in 4 seconds too.

>> No.12543418


>not realizing that it would be stupid to sell now

>> No.12543453


>> No.12543857
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