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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 502 KB, 750x725, E6FF8E7B-2287-4DD5-9CFF-E94615574FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12536939 No.12536939 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the point of public accounting. Can’t believe I got memed into this shit.

>> No.12536954

Its like accounting but public

>> No.12536962

Please tell me there are sound bites of her farting

>> No.12536964

The real money is reporting businesses you suspect are cooking the books to the authorities.

>> No.12536992

>Work 75 hours a week creating makework that no one will ever look at after busy season.
>Your career is really important and makes a difference.

>> No.12537006

I cant believe you could do that more than twice before the partners realize and silently let you go...

>> No.12537029


Accounting is a meme. You will literally be the first to be replaced by machines along with burger flippers.

> But muh "I can do creative accounting"!

And you think an algorithm can't find more holes in the system than you?

>> No.12537038

This. Unless you're an experienced cpa all of your make work is going to be automated inside the next decade. Normies are so caught up in AI memes that they don't see the real waves.

>> No.12537066
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The absolute state of the zoomer/bloomer gen

>> No.12537072

this, every year I'm amazed this degree is still offered and that accounts still exist. for fuck sake you can do an accounts entire job with THREE SIMPLE COMMANDS in emacs

>> No.12537103


>> No.12537110

Oh god looks like this thread has already been taken over by Stem fags who watched one code bullet video and now can write a AI to replace every accountant.

>> No.12537126

holy fuck thats funny. I hope its real

>> No.12537139

>imagine the smell

>> No.12537161

Im quite sad, my mom is 52 years old and she got convinced into studying accounting for 4 years, it's free education but still... she is just a secretary, i feel for her, it will burn her out hard

>> No.12537188

t. increasingly nervous accountant

>> No.12537295

Yikes, I feel back for the 28 year “mature” students aka fuck ups starting. What’s the fucking point of starting at 50 something. By the time you get your CPA it’s time to retire.

>> No.12537309

If this is real they out of business by now.

>> No.12537398

Brainlet as fuck. Machines can't CPA through strategy.

>> No.12537424


> Machines can't do repetitive things with stablished parameters and patterns.

keep coping, accountfag

>> No.12537447

This. No shit, I know multiple accountants that are put of work. Old boomers as well, not entry level millenials. Tons of great software out there already, so the competition is getting fierce. Most or retraining as other things, or accepting general white collar "office admin" wagie jobs instead.

>> No.12537452

All of it? No. 80% or more it? Yep.

>> No.12537453

Name please

>> No.12537484


haha that was me exactly, just ended up working admin at the Uni i studied at though, no CPA. its worlds better than working in warehouses and shit like before though.

>> No.12537750

Retirement is not an age retard its a financial state

>> No.12537777

what is machine learning and ai?

its all numbers. put in some dollar amounts and years. Theres your strategy.

>> No.12537844

god women are just awful these days

>> No.12537904
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Wtf! I want both of them now!

>accounting is for plebs.

>> No.12538296


>> No.12538346
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me either. got a job interview today for an industry job, need to get the fuck OUT. put 2-3 years in and leave otherwise you’ll be robbed of watever makes you a human being

>> No.12538810

Sauce just got indexed, unironically based reddit has got moar
Unfortunately not a porn star

>> No.12538833

I went into private and it's fucking great. I make almost twice as much as the retards in public and never work over 50 a week. Sucks to be you OP, but you did that to yourself.

>> No.12538842
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>picture cuts off right before it shows the feet of one thot
>watermarkt covers the one foot of the other thot


>> No.12538866

there are many intrinsic variables that ai will fail to capitalize on, if you cant see this, you are a dumb ass nigger

>> No.12538886

>its all numbers

What is tax law

>> No.12539030

Well they're required to comply, if you don't report them you can lose everything. You get a portion of their revenue for reporting them anways IIRC so it's all good.

>> No.12539065

"I stayed because I am a whore that is lowkey turned on by being abused"

>> No.12539108

I'm not even public but this post shows how ignorant most people are about the entire field. It's ok, common mistake.

>> No.12539135
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>> No.12539221


I fucking 2nd this !!!!!!!

>> No.12539279


Link to plebbit?

>> No.12539462
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The point is that you work in public for 2 - 3 years then GTFO before you commit suicide to the private sector, where you make a whopping $15k more than us non-cpa accountants for 50% more work/stress/liability.

>> No.12539562

not gonna make it faggots


>> No.12539590
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>der ewige roastie

>> No.12539593

thank you based anon

>> No.12539643

It’s not delivery, it’s domestic abuse!

>> No.12539664


I remember this thread

good stuff

>> No.12539745


Act like sl00ts, don't even get their tits out.


>> No.12539871


they have had the tech to automate accounting since VBA. they still hire accountants as fast as they are created. just because the tech exists doesnt mean companies have the will and knowledge to implement it.


imagine being this zoomer

>> No.12539873

Im so lonely bros aaaerrgg

>> No.12539986

Lmao if you aren't CFO by 40 you should change careers.

>> No.12540640

I like how every thread always has people saying accounting will be automated, when they don't even know what a debit and a credit is. I don't think they realize that a lot of the repetitive bookkeeping type jobs have already been automated. Stuff like audit and tax is very hard to automate. Even then, there's turbotax. Computer Science itself is more likely to get automated into financial infeasibility. They also have to compete with Pajeets. Meanwhile the CPA credentialism gives people who make it a few years immunity from being outsourced. Think of it like tenure.

>> No.12540662

One day reports will be generated by a click of the button.
Cloud, fast computing , click....there’s the annuals and quarter reports.
2 accountants and 2 analysts to review the stuff...

Bye bye departments.

>> No.12540676

Oh and I was a finance bro for a while, didn’t opt for accounting after junior year.

Man those accountants in the workplace are some of the most funny , introvert, personalities I’ve ever been around.

You can get the education for the business knowledge,have a good personality, then go Consulting.

>> No.12540840


God I fucking hate who I am. I should be grateful for the life I have but whenever I see these I just get bitter. Bitter because I have a below average dick and cum fast.

There’s a whole society of humans that are good looking and have lots of great sex and enjoy life. Like that guy putting that duster on those chicks asses. Then there are the other men that will never feel what it’s like to have sex with good looking women or be loved by them.

Just coping and trying to find some semblance of happiness when deep down all that matters is love and feeling wanted as those are the best feelings that you can experience until you die.

Anyways, sorry for the blog post. I got triggered by this one. It just sucks, you know? Sigh.

>> No.12540873

>what is VBA
>what is industrial engineering
We have been doing this for two decades already

>> No.12541009


>> No.12541587

holy shit I have literally never then such a thot. is this considered normal in the US?

>> No.12541623

there are quite a lot of them

>> No.12541653

Please elaborate, I don't know what you mean.

>> No.12541662

just imagine the stench of spoiled tuna and piss in that room

>> No.12541699

>“Roastie” as a masculine noun

>> No.12541727

It would be feminine as ie and ei are 98% of the time feminine, not to mention you are referring to a female

>> No.12541741
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Quads of Truth. Numbers and logic are machines' bread and butter. It's only a matter of time before those jobs vanish, and they won't be coming back.

>> No.12541748

okay wise guy explain why we need A/R & A/P clerks once we have execution engines that do it automatically without human error? You need an experienced CPA as a controller but the majority of the department underneath that head is going to get axed. And if companies don't do this they will go out of business because their competitors who automate will have a huge competitive advantage.

>> No.12541777
File: 32 KB, 640x512, Dd7M7upV0AEL7_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My job is data reconciliation and reporting for a district of a enormous logistics company. We have our servers networked across the state, with four cloud platforms for processing and maintaining two data vaults (package/transport). Everything after delivery data is automated to reconcile errors in a web-based portal. Me and the other engineers in my office use tools built with visual basic and excel macros to report everything- and distribute the data through another cloud program. I happen to excel (kek) at it more than the other boomers in the office.

I have the capacity to have a part-time secretary under me due to the sheer amount of deliverables I do. But since I automate much of my work, I spend more time building new shortcuts and root cause analysis that snowballs into more free time. What blows is that they're trying to promote me to a different position that requires more data mining than what my skills can currently automate.

>> No.12541883

is it actually a meme doe
im in university rn studying for accounting second semester
taking a minor in finance also should i be good anons

>> No.12541909

That's a poor excuse not to try fuck some thots while you have the chance. I have a below average dick too. I just say that it's big if it comes up and they don't find out the truth until i get them back at my place. By which point it's too late for them. They never turn you down, it would be too awkward. Unironically most of them have come back for more.

>> No.12541925
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Jesus Mary and Joseph, the legs on that. Whew lad.

>> No.12541926

hearty kek and check'd

>> No.12541949
File: 138 KB, 792x844, 1534896964220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand the cutting edge in AI/ML can find patterns no human is capable of
>calls other people a dumb nigger
cope harder, faggot