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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12534882 No.12534882 [Reply] [Original]

Just got accepted into the UW-Madison School of business, arguably the best business school in the country.

Can't wait to own all you wagie cucks. Don't worry, you cucks will be thanking me for the opportunity to earn me money whilst I go home and fuck my wife in my million dollar home.

>> No.12534901

>going to mid-tier state school
>thinks he's going to do anything else other than sales after college

>> No.12534914
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u rah rah

>> No.12534930

What is GSB
What is HBS

>> No.12534933

>arguably the best business school in the country
can I see your calculations?

>> No.12534941

Anon, we are all frens, why you want to hurt us?

>> No.12534948


Have fun. Remember, you can get your education in library rentals. So, you're not business savvy. Hope you're chad and make chad connections.

>> No.12534954

But you aren’t going to Wharton or UChicago anon?

>> No.12534959

So proud of you! I’ll say it since your father won’t!

>> No.12534988

is this for an MBA? or undergrad?

>> No.12535025

KEK, keep sucking wagie!

Ranked lower than the U-Dubs of Madison

Literally anywhere, keep up wagie

Hey guys, it's matt damon, look how cool he is

>lists shit schools

My dad is a UW Business grad, cuck. I'm in the same frat he was in while doing his undergrad. We've got a better bond than you would ever know

>> No.12535036

>Mid-High Tier State School
I hope you enjoy the back office

>> No.12535037

I plan on doing the MBA right after undergrad, unless I find a dope job right away, which is equally about to happen

>> No.12535040

> Wisconsin
> best anything

>> No.12535042

Shit compared to Harvard, Cornell, Boston or even Rutgers

>> No.12535050

kek, fudding wagies. Don't get tears in those burgers you're flipping

>> No.12535055

>My dad is a UW Business grad, cuck.
Oh, so this is why you’re making a big fuss about getting into a mediocre school.

>> No.12535065

Anon will be that kid that gets pushed down the stairs and dies his first week at the frat

>> No.12535069

Ranked #37. I'm going to UVA Darden, you'll be working for me.

>> No.12535082

>first week, I've been here over a year, bitch.

>mediocre school
Name one school that outranks us

keep on sucking wagie

>> No.12535093

>UVA Darden
>lists a school literally no one has ever heard of. Not even big10

UW is midwest ivy

>> No.12535147

enjoy paying 30k a semester for an accounting degree, retard

>> No.12535160

>30k a semester
>as if it matters considering the average earning of a business school grad.

Keep the jelly flowing, faggot

>> No.12535164

It's certainly no Stanford Business School. Sorry OP but that's just not going to cut it.

>> No.12535170

I go to milwaukee for business. Could've gone to Madison, but im not dumb enough to overpay for the hype.

>> No.12535184

>best business school in the country

>> No.12535191

does your family live there or will you have to pay out of state and dorm costs?

>> No.12535204

You would have been better if you went to fucking stevens point
Enjoy your toilet paper degree from a shitty uni, cuck

>> No.12535219

Instate, frat housing for 1/2 the dorm price.

>> No.12535247
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> implying that I'm Matt Damon. kys.

>> No.12535272
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Instate frat housing with your dad as a UW business alumni - shouldn't be too hard for UW to figure out who you are

I'm sending them screenshots of this thread

Enjoy having your admission revoked, arrogant cuck

>> No.12535293

kek, good luck. You just described 3/4 of the business school

>> No.12535296

lol ok. Have fun working for someone elses dream your whole life.

I don't plan on using my degree anyways. Its just a back up plan.

>> No.12535299
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>best business school in the country

>> No.12535313
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>k-kek, g-good luck

>> No.12535324

>million dollar home
>not multi-million dollar home
lmao poorfag

>> No.12535331


When will you wagies stop trying so hard? Mine and my fellow business brothers cocks are what feed your puny cuck mouths.

>> No.12535353

You'll fit right in with all the other boring wh*toids who beg me to fuck their wives.

>> No.12535368

>hey Erin, check out this autist sending us seething pics of some 4 Cham, let's print this out and hang it up so we can keep making fun of him

Actual conversation from school of business admissions if you even try sending them an email.

Get bent, cuck

>> No.12535407

lul, sure kid, sure

>> No.12535433

I bet OP is a liberal Jew that's how he gained entrance

>> No.12535478

theyre all liberals in Madison.

>> No.12535496

For real. I had to leave my MAGA hat at home to prevent scaring these lefties

>> No.12535520

> doing an MBA with no professional experience

>> No.12535539

Please send proof when you send it. Give me something to laugh about

>> No.12535572

I'm not going to send it anon, we're all frens here

>> No.12535600

If we're all being frens, I have to admit something.
I graduated 3 years ago, not in business. I never went to UW-Madison. I'm not even from Wisconsin. I made this thread because I'm bored

>> No.12535622
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We know. We're all board.

>> No.12536170

Based and redpilled

What's your real job

>> No.12536190

>Arguably the best business school in the country
I actually went to Wharton and happened to scroll past this thread. You can calm down lol.

>> No.12536211
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software dev

>> No.12536250

Damn, I was hoping to work for you someday

>> No.12536272

What's your exact major?

>> No.12536277

I work for epic too

>> No.12536284

That would be so based kek

>> No.12536287

please read >>12535600, >>12536211

>> No.12536403

Reading epic's glassdoor reviews makes it sound like a wageslave farm for retards that refuse to leave wisconsin but still need a cs job

>> No.12536437

PBTS here

just kms already

pretty much
If you're not a little bitch you can work like 20 hours a week for real good money tho

>> No.12536455

>Second hand cringe: the thread.

>> No.12536463

Sorry OP maybe that is a top tier school in your backwater state but it is not recognized internationally and no one I met has ever mentioned it once. You are middle class in your thought process and "ambitions." None of us would even look at your resume after seeing that school.

>> No.12536641

literally braindead >>12536287

please add me to your cringe comp and have sex with my wife

>> No.12536856

Why though?

>> No.12536898

This is a shit tier pleb business school. Lol@ bragging about getting in.

>> No.12537197

Let's meet up at lubar bro

>> No.12537240

literally never even heard of your school. sorry op. these are the best business schools:

-u of chicago

>> No.12537354

Congrats on making it into UW-Madison. I hope it goes well and you get that dope job you want.

>> No.12537428


>> No.12538103

Alum here. Plz go somewhere else. It’s obvious your are a pleb.

Teach me how to Bucky. Teach me, teach me how to Bucky.

All my Badgers love it.

>> No.12538131
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The damage control.

Fucking send it, what is there to loose?

>> No.12538155

>Name one school that outranks us
Berkeley Haas, best public school in the world nigger
Haas is absolute cancer btw, it's probably the worst part of this school, the people there are massive faggots

>> No.12538214


OP have fun payin for those student loans!
what a cuck!

>> No.12538230
