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12532096 No.12532096 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you unironically have 1 btc?

>> No.12532104

only 1 btc? go kys anon

>> No.12532112

Who doesn’t have at least 1BTC?

>> No.12532122

I'm glad to see monero's Riccardo is buying himself nice things.

>> No.12532135

protip: 90% of biz r nocoiners

>> No.12532138


I think most dont even have 1 btc. They arent in the 21 million club. I guess not everyone can be elite.

>> No.12532156
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>not having 21 btc set aside until 2070

>> No.12532162
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Heh I have 2 BTC. Catch ya later poorfags.

>> No.12532166

1 btc in btc or value in shitcoins?

>> No.12532262

my link is worth 2btc right now

>> No.12532318

I have 1 in one wallet! I have multiple wallets.

>value in shitcoins
>in shitcoins

>> No.12532329

I have 25 btc
barely enough to even survive off of at these prices

>> No.12532345

i have 0.5 btc :/

>> No.12532354

I do. additionally in alts I have several more.

>> No.12532364
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>21 million club
there's no other club than the 1 million club, poorfag

>> No.12532371

Had like 100 in 2013, blew it all on drugs

>> No.12532587

same, but I only ever bought btc in order to buy drugs with it

>> No.12532877

t. newfag

>> No.12532914
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feelsweirdman when I'm a complete loser IRL, but am secretly/causally holding 174 BTC and no one knows, not even my girlfriend that I've been with for 3 years. And I only make 19$/hr. If BTC goes to 50k, I'm dumping them all over 1 day. I'll pay the tax man and fucking peace out.

>> No.12532921

seems like it's just flexing at this point to have btc

>> No.12532936

thats a shitton. I'd keep SOME of those coins just in case though.

>> No.12532956

Just 1000 ETH. I feel weird not holding any BTC right now though, so I'll probably pick up some again.

>> No.12532966

I have 7 btc just in link

>> No.12532967
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Nope...We traded all our BTC for shit coins. Our Jew overlords tricked us out of them and we're very happy about it! All good Goyms here!

>> No.12532969
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how fat is your fucking hand

its literally bigger than my fucking foot

what the fuck are you doing shitposting on biz

>> No.12532978
File: 40 KB, 648x303, 4cn_HODLbutts-011519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROFL, only two?

>> No.12533006

>being a poorfag
>having only 1 BTC

you do know that they will once be worth 1M USD each right?

>> No.12533175

4.5 BTC

>> No.12533189

no one on this site ever posts proof of anything. Everyone here has like $200 spread between ltc, eth, and shitcoins

>> No.12533202

500 LINK
0.25 BTC
0.25 ETH

it's just drug money

>> No.12533211

Sounds more like a personal problem

>> No.12533389

Little more than 8 btc in linkies

>> No.12533463

I fell for the house meme and only have 0.8 remaining. Hopefully acquire some more next alt season.

>> No.12533499
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my little ledger has
10 ETC
hiding it for a few years, see you then anons

>> No.12533504

same here but with only 139 and without gf.
Will sell at 90k though.

>> No.12533546
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I do, but only ironically unironically

>> No.12533548

One used to seem so far away but at these prices you have no excuse to not at the very least have one

>> No.12533557

how fat do you have to be to have a hand that looks like that?

>> No.12534350

Yep. Started with 0.1. Actually, started with over 100, lost my wallet (oldfag story). Had 0.1 in dust, trying to swing trade it back.

>> No.12534392
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Many of them.

>> No.12534538

how can u be a loser and still have a gf? it doesnt add up anon

>> No.12535420

I'm 25, did pretty bad in school and just recently started moving towards a goal. I'm also 30 pounds overweight. Just barely started turning my life around. My mental health is very poor and I have a lot of things to fix.

My no fucks given attitude when it comes to relationships and women has given me the ability to passively acquire pussy though. I'm not very interesting and my personality is pretty abrasive and harsh. I'm very blunt.

Also remember anons, pussy ain't shit, YOU matter the most, you can still get laid and be a loser.

>> No.12535535
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>> No.12535573

>Also remember anons, pussy ain't shit, YOU matter the most, you can still get laid and be a loser.
wise word for some faggot in /biz/

>> No.12536377

I love you retards who say you have X amount of BTC in Alts. You realize you have no Bitcoin, correct? You have even less BTC if those Alts are stored on exchanges. Do you retarded fucking fools think your Satoshi values will stay the same when BTC is at 50k, 100k, 200k+? No, no it fucking won’t. If you all were smart, which you aren’t, you’d simply hold BTC. I don’t even know why I bother trying to educate- nobody listens anyway.

Take it from me. My 62BTC in DGB went to shit when it crashed from 2600 to 300 sats. I now have 3. Trust me folks, you don’t want this to happen to you.

>> No.12536416

i would be suicidial honestly. but fuck You my linkies never dissapiint.

>> No.12536483

I had 1 full BTC but I fucked up rebuying too soon some shitcoins.
Now I have 0.6-0.7 in liquid shitcoin that I could sell and withdraw anytime.

Started with 0.07 BTC, I 10x in 2017-2018, could've been way worse.

>> No.12536496


>> No.12536552

Damn dude I went from 22 btc to 2 from ICON. Fucking gooked piece of shit shitcoin

>> No.12537862

I only have 44 BTC. It's not very much and I wish to accumulate more, but at the moment it's enough to sustain my current lifestyle of LARPing about owning 44btc on a Sri Lankan ocelot-taming forum.

>> No.12537965

Wow you can do basic logic Anon

>> No.12538252

etc? get real

>> No.12538276

Have more than 1 btc