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12531696 No.12531696 [Reply] [Original]

Do you store your crypto on a single hardware wallet (like a Nano S), or do you spread it out between various types of wallets?

My Nano S seems like the safest option but if something ever happens to it or if someone gets a hold of my words I would be fucked as I'm relying 100% on that wallet.

This is the only thing that I don't like about crypto, you have to constantly make sure your private keys/words don't fall into the wrong hands.

>> No.12532028

Brainwallet. Brainwallet. Brainwallet. How often do I have to tell you fucks this? Memorise the mnemonic & short of torture (at which point you have bigger issues) nobody can take your crypto. One way or another a physical device can always be lost - maybe have one as a secondary backup, like a ledger nano buried under cement in a grave as backup access - but just use a brain wallet ffs.

>> No.12532267

Hidden in plain sight is the best tactic. No one would even know what they are looking at even if you told them. It's unbelievable someone would leave something like they're entire life savings at the whim of their memory.

>> No.12532287

Good luck slipping by the pool hitting your head memory loss, bye bye linkies and poolparties hello poorfag leeching off friends

>> No.12532306

Imagine the smell

>> No.12532322

i'm using 2 trezors and a nano s. i'm hiding the words in different places. i got ~250k in crypto right now so if i lose one of them it's almost a hundred grand gone which would suck ass but atleast i'm not losing my life savings

>> No.12532324

What if you have a concussion and partly forget the mnemonic?

>> No.12532363

make metamask on an ubuntu live. memorize seed words.

congrats on your unhackable offline wallet

>> No.12532448

See >>12532324

>> No.12532545

Airgapped pc never to touch the internet again generating cold storage. Verified pgp signatures of files downloaded from github. Storing keys on paper and USBs with password protect. Some inside the home some outside.

>> No.12532599

Well, unironically a bank.

>> No.12532692

Oh boy.

>> No.12533078

Everything in Nano S except for my AGRS which are omni tokens. Might get a Trezor since they apparently support omni layer now.