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12530616 No.12530616 [Reply] [Original]


see bottom of article:

The discussion ended with a vote on what's next for cryptocurrencies. Asked whether "the whole thing is totally overhyped and quite dangerous," only one member of the audience raised a hand.

That person? Gottfried Leibbrandt, CEO of the global international payments system Swift.

>> No.12530665

f-fake news !!

>> No.12530675


>> No.12530684

Chain Loink rekt to the bone again.

>> No.12530690

So the person who is most threatened by crypto thinks it's over hyped

>> No.12530693

chainlink isnt a crypto you fucking brainlet.

>> No.12530700

He is correct unless used in an appropriate manner, ie Smartcontracts via Chainlink and Etherium.

>> No.12530705


>> No.12530717

the entire thing is run on a cryptocurrency

>> No.12530727

Is this necessarily bad for Chainlink? If he feels threatened by crypto he'll just be more driven to make Swift and Chainlink succeed so that it works out in his favor?

>> No.12530754

Good thing LINK is blockchain middleware and not a currency

>> No.12530759

You sound like you just googled bitcoin and read some boomer's boomers understanding of it

>> No.12530766

SWIFT has already given LINK the stamp of approval by being at SIBOS. Also what about the PSD2 that's suppose to happen this year? This is FUD.

>> No.12530770 [DELETED] 

chainlink is a crypto coin

>> No.12530777

>Trusting CNN
You're not going to make it nigger.

>> No.12530790

Priced in.

>> No.12530795

im legit not trying to fud. ive been holding my linkys tight for a while and will continue to do so. but the CEO of link's biggest partner just came out an acknowledged that he thinks crypto is horseshit, essentially

>> No.12530806

Cryptocurrencies as a currency are pure garbage

He did not say "Blockchain as a technology is obsolete"

>> No.12530816


>> No.12530840

The SWIFT CEO is a stupid suit who has no clue

>> No.12530856

link is run on ethereum which is a blockchain, not a cryptocurrency.

you're conflating ethereum with ether

>> No.12530909


It's a commodity

>> No.12530918

I can't believe I'm replying to this... But yes... Chainlink is not in this category at all...

>> No.12530935

node operators are paid with the link token for the retrieval of data from off-chain data feeds, formatting of data into blockchain
readable formats, off-chain computation, and uptime guarantees

>> No.12530937

hopefully by 2022 or 2023 people will remember this (as it is now the second time it has happened). CRYPTO OBSOLETES BANKS AND GOVERNMENTS. they are only pretending to like it so they can dilute it with things like ripple. As soon as it's not a threat they will dump it. it's nothing to them. to actually fight crypto with money their only option would be to capitalize it first. they are hoping that the soft brained morons who listen to their opinions at face value will panic so they don't have to actually take that route. they are going to lose though, and it's hilarious. don't forget moments like this though when we win.

>> No.12530980

Always do the opposite of what Jews say

>> No.12530992

Imagine...a banker fudding crypto "currency". Link is not a currency, brainlet. It's a utility token.

>> No.12531061

Jesus christ can you biz niggers even read?

"Rogoff, who is known for his work on financial bubbles, said the chance of cryptocurrencies taking over traditional money is "zero." But he acknowledged that he can see why bitcoin seems like a good solution for countries like Venezuela that are struggling with hyperinflation.
The discussion ended with a vote on what's next for cryptocurrencies. Asked whether "the whole thing is totally overhyped and quite dangerous," only one member of the audience raised a hand.
That person? Gottfried Leibbrandt, CEO of the global international payments system Swift."

the wording of this article is retarded, and can cause false interpretations. It basically ended at a cliff hanger.

>> No.12531182

based and redpilled

>> No.12531221

You better hope to fuck it is or we will all end up in prison for promoting an illeigal security.

>> No.12531228

Imagine being cucked by the digital currency meme. Damn it feels good to be a linksta’

>> No.12531256


>> No.12531269
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squeak squeak

>> No.12531277


>> No.12531279


Kek hates CNN. All they do is try to freak people out all day. Maybe Gottfried said in the interview "but there is one silver lining in the crypto market - chainlink. It will make crypto useful and safe one thousand end of year my stinky friends" but CNN hates positivity

>> No.12531559


>that person... ?

Is this some bad einstein joke? anyway you need to be retarded to be holding link today, buy when it dips you morons

>> No.12531570
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>> No.12531865

how is link not a currency when node operators are literally going to be paid in it

>> No.12531902

Is the check you get from your work currency? No, you have to exchange it to get currency. link is an incentive token, you obtain it in interest for exchanging it for cryptocurrency or fiat currency.

>> No.12531945

Why can’t anyone here accept the fact that they may not be right about smart contracts and cryptocurrencies? It isn’t exactly a budding industry at this point. If anyone knew the type of projects that are actually being worked on, they’d be extraordinarily underwhelmed and unexcited.

>> No.12531981

you have an extremely poor understanding of blockchain and smart contracts and thus chainlink. one of the first "oh shit" moments you should have had ifyou understood blockchain and smart contracts is the huge amount of jobs that are going to get lost in the next ten years do to automation. And if you havent noticed that automation is taking over everything then idk what to tell ya bud...

>> No.12532021

a check itself is just a piece of paper and not a medium of exchange with value. Link on the other hand is traded on like 50 cryptocurrency exchanges around the world and has a value. It’s a lot closer to being a currency than not

>> No.12532065

It CANT be a budding industry until the oracle problem is solved. That literally needs to happen first. That is the bottle neck right now, or one of them at least.

>> No.12532087

>says a check isnt a medium of value
I guess this check my work gave me is completely useless and has no value according to you.

>> No.12532106

>he didnt read the MIT article that said chainlink solved the oracle problem

>> No.12532123

I’m extraordinarily underwhelmed by your lack of vision and weakness in the face of bearish market conditions, sir

>> No.12532140

I'm not sure if I'm unironically
>wtf I love crypto now

>> No.12532141

the actual piece of paper you dumb mong. keep your checks stacked under your bed without cashing them and see what happens. you won’t have any money. if you get paid link on the other hand, you are receiving money. Understand retard? Not sure how much dumber I can break it down

>> No.12532164

lol ok, show me where mainnet is released. that is what we are waiting on you dumb cunt

>> No.12532192

I’ve had all of the “realizations.” It’s all fucking nonsense though because none of that has happened. I even have friends that develop blockchain projects. It just speeds up some processes and doesn’t really cut out tons of jobs. You’re just repeating a bunch of shit that was told to you. I understand this shit as much as you do or anyone else.

That’s only if you believe in the decentralization meme. If smart contracts were really valuable and useful today, there would be tons of iterations that just use trusted oracles who are paid and kept in check by contracts. But that isn’t widespread as people imply it should be.

Even listen to sergey and see all of the mentions of “we don’t think it can be used for anything...it’s more for specific instances.”

I really do think it is way overhyped here and my backing is the reality of how slow it is being adopted. It would be very easy to have trusted oracles and then just replace them with ChainLink if people see it necessary...but they don’t. Everyone is just hoping the oracle problem’s solution is what everything is contingent on.

>> No.12532213

t. Paul Krugman in the 90s.

>> No.12532227

oh totally understand that link doesnt have an expiration date. Im just having a had time understanding why you think a check has no medium of value when the defintion of a check is just that. Fiat money is completely useless too if you keep it under your bed forever. Youre being too technical.
Youre completely welcome to check the pivital tracker

>> No.12532228

Essentially you’re admitting that ChainLink is a useless means of value transfer like checks have become...? Because people could save the step of cashing the check or converting the Link to a useable currency...?

>> No.12532234

Exactly this. Wtf did gottfried say after raising his hand?

>> No.12532249

Not an argument

>> No.12532261

I'm not convinced that adoption really should be happening at the breakneck speed you seem to be implying. This stuff is really new and untested. Existing oracles are a security risk, why should they attract high value jobs? Why should companies take the risk when any CTO or tech person could see oracles as being the point of failure that they are? Decentralization makes crypto work, it honestly makes sense, I don't see it as just being a "meme".

I'd be interested to see the context of Sergey saying that, I don't recall hearing that specifically. I could have missed it, we have hours and hours of him giving presentations at this point.

But another thing, we have seen smart contracts be used, they are what propelled the ICO bubble. These things do have utility.

>> No.12532272

the pivotal tracker that shows aggregation still being worked on? that one? I don't see how you can consider the oracle problem as being solved if they don't have their decentralized network up and running, that is my point.

>> No.12532273

its all speculatie yeah just like every other tech was. bring a better point to the table next time.

>> No.12532292

go back to plebbit

>> No.12532333

if you had an understanding of tasks, you would be able to determine that mainnet is soon. you do inderstand that the link team shows work instead of a roadmap right? you do realize not a single person on the link team is going to cater to a small time retail investor? You wanna know the exact date of mainnet? Well why dont you actually get that IQ up and accomplish something where the team would let you know? Kinda like linkpool, they know because they built something for it, they need to know, but you on the other hand no one cares about at all so just keeping waiting and making low IQ posts on 4chan

>> No.12532336

Listen to his most recent podcast where he says it. A company like Microsoft or Amazon clearly have the reputation to act as oracles and could develop legal schematics for how they should be held responsible for supplying this data.

If this were so valuable, someone would have done that by now. They would be making tons of money feeding trusted data into smart contracts and companies would eat up the cost savings. Then if ChainLink could offer a trustless solution, companies that desire that could just plug their contracts into those new oracles.

I dunno, I’m just being realistic and was really hoping I was holding a moon ticket, but after like 14 months and more and more reality coming to surface, this really just seems like an obscure tech start up trying to solve a for a niche space.

>> No.12532353

How does this keep happening

>> No.12532355

What do these words mean? Are you trying to confused me?

>> No.12532358

Also, smart contracts didn’t propel the ICO bubble: a bunch of frenzied hype that greatly exaggerated the importance and revolutionary utility of crypto shit tokens did

>> No.12532410
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the ONLY POINT i have made is that the oracle problem remains unsolved as long as their network is incomplete. Is their network complete? NO. fuck off with all that other shit man, that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. obviously the team doesn't care about a retail investor. obviously they don't have a roadmap. i never said i wanted the date of the mainnet. you are a dumb faggot with reading comprehension issues. I'm not even a link bear. I'm holding almost a 6 figure stack and am more than happy to wait until the oracle problem is solved.

>> No.12532432

fair enough, i should have phrased that better. they allowed icos to function I guess is what I meant.

>Listen to his most recent podcast where he says it.
figures, that's the one thing i haven't listened to I was busy that day and have been putting it off sense then. i'll check it out

>> No.12532436

You need to stop crying pajeet no one wants to read your sob story.

>> No.12532452
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>> No.12532465

you also have reading comprehension issues

>> No.12532470

its really insane how low IQ a person can get. dont be like this guy

>> No.12532484

link is a scam you fucking idiot

>> No.12532503

If anything it will give power to fiat and banking so they will push for it. What they don't want is a competing source of value people will actually exchange for goods and services avoiding banking in the process.

>> No.12532594

Listen bub, I don't tell you how to shit on a street ok?

>> No.12532733

Everything is a scam. Even your entire life.

>> No.12532840

There’s an important point you’re ignoring when you claim a trusted source could act as the oracle. No matter how trusted the source, no matter how reliable the data, this method would negate the reason to use a blockchain. There is only a valid reason to do something on a blockchain if you have the assurance that no central entity is controlling how the contracts execute. Whether or not there are valid use cases for operating within a decentralized trust environment is a different debate, also worth having. But once you determine that decentralized trust is important and you will use a system that operates within that assumption, you have to do it end to end. The blockchain is as good as worthless, from that context, if you have a central entity calling the shots.

So maybe you’re right the decentralization is a meme. But you can’t claim there would be more use of trusted oracles if this were really important to people. Trusted oracles are for testing, they cannot and will never be a functioning stand in for decentralized oracles

>> No.12532871

its a utility for a crypto. same thing imbecile

>> No.12532881

Shilling crypto must be the "you pissed someone off" post for the NSA faggots looking to fuck liquidity out of the economy.

>> No.12533112

Based, redpilled and checked. Kek will kill every NOLinker after he's done with OP's asshole

>> No.12533722


>> No.12533763

CNN is still accumulating

>> No.12533856


Good thing he's not CEO for much longer. Seems about the time mainnet will be up and running too. Hmmm.

>> No.12533886

he doesn't consider chainlink a cryptocurrency, but a utility token / service commodity.
he's thinking about shit like bitcoin and groestlecoin.

>> No.12533978

>he doesn't consider chainlink a cryptocurrency, but a utility token / service commodity
source? For most non-tech people, cryptocurrency and utility token is interchangeable.

>> No.12534007

>There was a line to get into last year's big panel debate on cryptocurrencies; there were plenty of empty seats on Wednesday.

so the global "elite" got pump and dumped on too, fascinating. no wonder they're fudding it now, some of them got JUST'ed too.

>> No.12534024

THIS. I’m sure horse breeders thought cars were overhyped and dangerous!

>> No.12534083

Anyone want to speculate on the timing of Leibbrandt's departure announcement with that of Blythe Masters? How much of a long shot would that be?

>> No.12534168


>> No.12534189

do you guys really think this suit understands the difference between a cryptocurrency and a utility token and made a choice here to voice his opinion just against cryptocurrencies? while still supporting utility tokens/link? holy kek. he thinks it's all bullshit you fucking retards

>> No.12534257
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It is an argument, you just need to accept it as valid.

>> No.12534435

An entire thread of retards who didn't even read the article to find out that this post was yet another trash attempt at fud. Keep up the good work biz - real normie tier shit here.

>> No.12534476

the CEO of link's biggest partner basically said crypto is bullshit. how is that FUD. also, i own link

>> No.12534754

So he put his hand up then to say that "the next thing for cryptocurrencies" is "whether the whole thing is overhyped and dangerous?"

Oh and then the article closes with a
"AND THAT CHILD'S NAME? ALBERT EINSTEIN" half-finish. It's like this journalist was drunk and wandered away mid article.
Did he say anything? Did anyone argue with this? Surely there would have been more than one person putting their hand up to... either agree or disagree with the question, which is never clarified.

You failures really are scraping the bottom of the barrel if the best you have is ambiguously worded ESL articles.

>> No.12534997

is English your first language Rajeesh? jesus christ your post is a garbled mess

the article was very clear. in Davos, they polled the audience: who thinks crypto is "totally overhyped and quite dangerous"? the CEO of Swift raised his hand.

i agree there was no debate afterward, but jesus christ, how much more straightforward does the question have to be.

>> No.12535206


>> No.12535439

Check em and kek em