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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12530483 No.12530483 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12530501

oh right

>> No.12530508
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When crash frens? I'm ready to scoop up auctioned forclosures

>> No.12530520


>raise interest
>home sale slows, as affordability decreases
>act surprised


>> No.12530529

My city went up that month :) Don't buy a home now unless you're in a booming city.

>> No.12530534
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I wish, but even then I can't take advantage of this anyway because I'm still poor. Sucks man

>> No.12530582


>t. neet incels get mad at people who made it on crypto or have good jobs and bought houses


>> No.12530632

Thanks Danald !
Fed rised interest.
Honest folks can't afford anymore houses.
The world ia economically rekt.
Thanks Danald !

>> No.12530658

>charge 100-500k for homes that rises 10% annually
>pay people the same, or less
>wtf why aren't they buying these homes

>> No.12530660


>Raise interest

You mean the jews running the Fed.

>> No.12530742

Real estateconnnnneeeeeecccctttt

>> No.12530749

I hate trump as much as the next guy but this one isnt his fault. This shit was gonna happen regardless of who got in at the top.

>> No.12530753

people were just having christmas. I mean who moves in december

>> No.12530774

People who want to be in a new home come January.

>> No.12530779

Lmfao, and you still see brainlets consistently posting here to buy real estate like it's the alpha investment. Get fucked

>> No.12530952
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Its a zero sum game. If you had the money to buy, you'd get stuck paying ridiculous property taxes and repair bills on the house. Its easier to rent and learn all the laws to make sure your landlord can never fuck with you. Invest whatever extra cash you have into BTC and the S&P...its borring but you're guaranteed to make it after a few years.

>> No.12530959
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Post yfw the flipping scheme crumbles because one year the price eventually raises more than people can afford and the boomers finally boom themselves

>> No.12530991
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I have 0.66 BTC right now and 1500 in pure cash (no bank account at the moment), yeah it's not amazing but I only earn 250 a month so I'd say that's being really well managed desu

>> No.12531037

Its better than having 100k in student loan debt, with a car note and rent on top of that. Youre doing well Fren.

>> No.12531215

Move to germany for gibs fren

>> No.12531253


All investment have potential to make money and risks associated with it, Real Estate is no different.

With this said, despite the slow down in sales, house price are still forecasted to increase, especially entry level houses are expected to increase by upward of 8%. Affordability will continue to decline, which means more renters, so rents should see a slight upward trend too.

>> No.12531356

No, I mean Danald, you Meme
It is Danald and you can't change ny mind
Weren't fir the eco omoc war amnd gov't shitdown we weren't in this crysis

>> No.12531395

My boomer parents just closed on a house two weeks ago. Jewed the sellers down from $840k to $760k. It had been on the market for a few months at this time. Then the appraiser said it was worth $720k and the sellers tried to challenge him but failed. The sellers ended up selling for $740k mostly because they had to as the guy lost his job after his new one got bought out.

So I think a lot of appraisals are coming in way lower than expected and so people are choosing to not sell.

>> No.12531409

Because home prices are around ten times what they should be???

Because nobody can afford them???

>> No.12531424

The houses are expensive because of the decade of QE and stupidly low interest rates. You can thank (((Bernanke))) and (((Yellen))) for that. Bernanke called this the "Wealth Effect", pump houses, stock market, etc to make older people FEEL richer and hope they spend more money but at the cost of making younger people ACTUALLY much poorer. Overall net effect has been a massive reduction in disposable income and the sharpest increase in inequality in the developed world, ever.

>> No.12531427
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"I know what I've got, and I'm not selling for less"

>> No.12531468


If easy borrowing and foreign Chinese investment stop then the housing market will collapse. It’s the only reason why prices are so high. Raise rates to 8% and there will be a crash once retards can no longer borrow 6x their annual income.

>> No.12531469

Honestly think the Bitcoin crash has destroyed confidence in all overblown assets, like literally everyone heard about it on the news

>> No.12531473

good news! in a few months the defaults will stagger, maybe in a year or two its the time to buy real estate for cheap

>> No.12531509


This. QE forced younger buyers into indentured servitude to boomers as the asset values of boomer houses skyrocketed and zoomers had to now borrow half their lifetime income to afford a ridiculously overpriced shack.

>> No.12531569

Please be true.

t. Leaf

>> No.12531597

Why then zoomers don't buy land in bumfuck nowhere and build themselves a cheap house. That's what boomers did. They either bought or built homes in the suburbs, 40 years ago, when they were in a wasteland 20km from the cities. In the meanwhile infrastructure developed, mode houses were built and guess what ? Prices pumped. Boomers didn't become rich during the QE, fren.
My point is zoomers are fucking lazy and entitled.
>Oh noes, this boomer house costs $800k. I will never afford one with muh job at the welfare programmes for niqqers.
You could build a house for $30-40k easily. The land would be $10k for 5k sqf.

>> No.12531614
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Mfw I am already in Germany lmao.
Apprenticeships a shit (no minimum wage, work 7 days a week sometimes), and I'm not brown enough for gibs. Also I find that food and fuel is expensive as fuck compared to England

When you put it like that I guess it could be a lot worse. I have a 50cc moped that gets VERY good mpg and insurance is like 8 euros a month, definitely glad I sold my car.

>> No.12531713


My boomer grandfather bought a single family house in the 60’s right outside the DC city line as a 20 something engineer making 65k in today’s dollars. There was no traffic back then because there just weren’t that many people. Now you have to move literally 60+ miles away from DC to afford a house on a 65k income and you will be commuting 3-4 hours a day which will destroy you physically and mentally. To afford a house in my grandfathers neighborhood now you have to be making 250-300k minimum and traffic is awful even where he lives just outside DC.

You can’t win today. The biggest problem is all the good jobs are concentrated in the top 10-20 cities in North America. If opportunities were spread out more then people would be able to just move far out and still have a sane lifestyle with a good job, but instead EVERYONE has to work in some geographically tiny area which leads to congestion hell and sky high living costs.

>> No.12531781


Boomers already commute 1 hour+ in major cities, and you think the new generation should be commuting 2-3 hours so they can afford a home? lol. Nah faggot. Enjoy your crash. Nobody deserves a fat retirement just from mortgaging a house and being a NPC their entire career.

.t - someone whos family is worth 10mil from dumb ass regan letting my dad who made 10 bucks an hour leverage 1 million in loans for rental property in the 80s with an average down payment of 500$

>> No.12531782

filthy boomers benefited from the kikes printing money because they already have their houses while our generation is forced into rentcuckery to debt slavery for 30+ years

better to buy a property in the woods and build a comfy off grid cabin, there is no point ratracing in this losing game where the kikes and boomers will always fuck oveer the younger generations