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File: 377 KB, 1920x1200, 1519228554626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12528764 No.12528764 [Reply] [Original]

homes you want when you /make it/

>> No.12528776
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>> No.12528803
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>> No.12528860

Anything away from my mom desu

>> No.12528871

Castles are cursed and tainted.

>> No.12528879
File: 58 KB, 644x401, 22AA5532-722A-461C-94BE-F928B18D2726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way to make it

>> No.12528901
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What's with the negative nancies?
Here have some more success

>> No.12528907

Looks prety confy

>> No.12528914


looks nice


>> No.12528923

Already have a nice house. If I make it, I want a winter home in Miami though.

>> No.12528924

imagine the heating bill

>> No.12528990
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>> No.12529518
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>> No.12529578
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>> No.12529582

I'll make myself a fucking castle and be king of all plebs

>> No.12529590
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>> No.12529599

Damn. That looks Niiiice.

>> No.12529604
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>> No.12529610

It's so gay and pretentious when ugly rich people have an awesome domicile like that but refuse to get a TV mounted on the wall in front of the couch.

Muh "cultural". They don't deserve their riches.

>> No.12529640

Pretty sure it's a hotel room anyway. At least it looks like it

>> No.12529648

They don't waste their hours in front of the tv. That alone is a good chunk of the ingredients to becoming successful.

>> No.12529667

>muh TV
Not gonna make it.

>> No.12529680


>Giving any of your time to the electric Jew


>> No.12529697

This is in Switzerland, Zermatt. Having that //cottage// would be an absolute dream for hiking, skiing, reading.

>> No.12529703

>it's gay and pretentious not to watch tv
Never gonna make it.

>> No.12529755


>> No.12529756
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>> No.12529760


They didn't get rich by sitting in front of the TV all day. Cope harder.

>> No.12529789
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I want the Texas ranch life.

>> No.12529806
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>> No.12530152

I hate equestrian fags and their obnoxious homes. I have been around horses my whole life and rode them during University for my school but the worst people I have ever met have dedicated their lives and property to horses.

>> No.12530180
File: 40 KB, 648x303, 4cn_HODLbutts-011519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have two living rooms...one is for the fire place and the other is a TV room/Movie Room. Do you not have any culture?

>> No.12530212

Where is this?

>> No.12530243

as mentioned by others you're not going to make it

>> No.12530249

I don't even care if that is the only room, that's fucking comfy looking out across to what looks like the fucking Matterhorn.

>> No.12530254

If you can afford that castle you could afford the bills.

>> No.12530464

>watching tv
you're actually not going to make it

>> No.12530507


wonder what something like this costs?

>> No.12530515

5/10 tier bait

good job

>> No.12530558
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>> No.12530578

Cottaged and woodpilled

>> No.12530598

Is that literally Bojack's flat?

>> No.12530624

Dick is a fucking legend. The whole point of his cabin though is that he made it with hardly anything but some prefab toolheads and a lot of expertise. Literally any one of us could go build his cabin right now for a <$1000 startup cost if we just learned up on carpentry first and had a year or two to expend building it.

>> No.12530628

does it come with teenagers?

better hope so. i knew a guy who bought a ferrari but couldnt pay the insurance for very long

>> No.12530669

i really don't care. i have spent so much time in a north-facing room, all i want is a south-facing one with huge windows. that's all i really ask for. OP's style looks pretty comfy in this regard.

>> No.12530907
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>> No.12530920

wow i will build something like this, what a comfy house

>> No.12530927

I doubt I'll ever have enough for a home like that. Imagine it's at least $3-4MM which is probably my best case scenario for all my money if LINK actually moons. Couldn't justify spending that on one ski house.

>> No.12530932

This house is actually not that expensive to build depending on where you do it. Have a friend w/ a house that looks like this but is 2x as big and the pool is like 3-4x the size and it cost $1MM to build in Mexico.

>> No.12530945

yeah but then you have to live in mexico

>> No.12530986

I want an indoor basketball court with attached gym, and a super man cave for watching sports, anime, and playing vidya. Outdoor pool and Jacuzzi with nice nature aesthetics. Everything else is a waste and overrated.

>> No.12530987

Honestly used Ferraris aren't very expensive despite what people think. It's the maintenance that is a bitch as well as fuel costs. Either you spend 1 million on a new Ferrari or 1 million on the maintenance of a used Ferrari

>> No.12531095

>living where it’s cold
I’ll be spending the first year or two living in hotels while traveling, then find a nice cozy home somewhere tropical to settle down and raise a family. And probably fly back home 4 or 5 times a year to be with family

>> No.12531141
File: 234 KB, 960x960, Teddypilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically I'll take the tedpill.

>> No.12531188

sounds very accurate

>> No.12531189

No jews allowed

>> No.12531200
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>> No.12531234
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>> No.12531242

Nice. Could probably get that built for $100k.

>> No.12531267
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>> No.12531272

Guaranteed 95% of the people on 4chan would kill themselves trying.

>> No.12531292
File: 374 KB, 1200x824, LQ4d15U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12531336

$1MM ?? in Mexico ??? You can build this for 400k in Poland, land included.

>> No.12531380

you win. fucking gorgeous.

>> No.12531388
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>> No.12531398
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Pretty amazing.

>> No.12531401

Where is this it looks super comfy.

>> No.12531439
File: 40 KB, 382x499, 50andup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to build one of these since i read this book

truly the redpilled choice

>> No.12531451

>Not recognizing the most famous Swiss mountain in the world.
You'll never make it

>> No.12531471

Americans don’t care about Europeans geography unless we have to drive tanks over it.

>> No.12531492

gotta be pretty cold jack

>> No.12531515

I just hate peoples

>> No.12531516

is that Ted Kaczynski?

>> No.12531524

I'm american you brainlet

>> No.12531576


Agreed. Horse people are really the worst scum.

I do electrical work and those fags will spend $1000 on a horse vet visit, but $100 to get a socket fixed is "too much".

>> No.12531579

have you never been to Disneyland?

>> No.12531759

No, his brother Bomb Kaczynski.

>> No.12531786
File: 527 KB, 1920x1080, purcell-timber-frames-unique-house-plan-canadian-timber-frame-home-plans-homes-rustic-frames-with-of-purcell-timber-frames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12531814

Big refrigerator box
no more little uhaul box

>> No.12531820

> in an alternate universe this still is around

>> No.12532025

You just buld a house bunker under your fancy house incase war starts

>> No.12532157


>> No.12532236

Gay beams

>> No.12532303
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>> No.12532327

Sorry it's in one of the nicest cities in Mexico & the safest city, maybe you can do this in Poland for $400k but Poland sucks everywhere.

>> No.12532397

this nigger actually build an awesome house for $50 and live in it for 30 years

>> No.12532445
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>> No.12532526
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God why cant i be living in that Universe

>feels bad man

>> No.12532595

>88th post in the thread

>> No.12532630

I already have this..

>> No.12532742
File: 164 KB, 1240x600, 564056406540640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this pajeet bait? seems youve outed a few.
comfy manor house is making it

>> No.12532792
File: 398 KB, 1024x623, 6378809473_97e1c4d9be_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frens are allowed to visit
missing: dock that protrudes from a cave

>> No.12532802
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>> No.12532820
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>ywn live in this universe
>instead i will live to witness the total decay and eventual death of my society and people, at their own hands

>> No.12532830


Nah lots of people are gonna die but not all of us. The strong survive

>> No.12532835
File: 613 KB, 2048x1365, 1386603564859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've got some beauties in this thread. Contributing.

>> No.12532849
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Nice grounds, stupid house though

>> No.12532902
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Just a nice two-story suburban house would be fine with me.

>> No.12532929

in the near future only government officials will be able to live in luxury

>> No.12532930
File: 225 KB, 2400x2400, 1547512737624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you just don't want to live on the street anymore.

>> No.12532949

keked and saved
heil hitler

>> No.12532955

Why do people build these weird modernist cube travesties in the wilderness and you look inside and it's always dead empty. Nobody ever lives in them. What is the fucking point.

>> No.12532976

>modernist cube travesties
Lol I love this description

>> No.12532983

look out window directly into roof of neighbors house - FUCK NO

>> No.12532992

Arab detected

>> No.12532997

Damn Anon, this hit home for me.<3

>> No.12533012

TV is for fucking pozzed and blue pilled brainlets. Fuck you.

>> No.12533020

poland 100000000000x better than mexico

>> No.12533027


>> No.12533046



>> No.12533063

That actually sounds pretty awesome

>> No.12533070

What's wrong with it? I'd have a secondary home in the wilderness, but suburbs are fine if it's a good neighborhood.

>> No.12533104

Most of these are terrible. All of you have shit tastes.

>> No.12533115


Most of these places look like they're designed more for magazines and photography than actual living. They look "interesting" for a few seconds and then you turn the page before it makes you want to kill yourself.

>> No.12533118

Post your dream house if your taste is so great.

>> No.12533122


>poor build quality
>boomer tax

>> No.12533172

You can find ones with good build quality and the taxes aren't a big deal if you've made it. But agreed on the HOA's and cramped spaces. I'd only want one with lots of space between me and my neighbors. Seems like all the new homes are being built right next to each other though.

>> No.12533362

The interior is not as illustrious as you think. There are castles with better interiors.

>> No.12533388
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At least, he's being realistic.

>> No.12533427

that looks incredibly comfy
who do you think lives in those neighborhoods now?

>> No.12533436
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>gonna sign papers for my first apartment tomorrow
>tfw I'm 25
>have land to build on but it will take another 25 years until I can realistically do it
>tfw grandparents will be gone long before you can enjoy the moment of showing them hospitality for once

I'm gonna build a larger cabin and give them one half of it instead.

On a semi related note. My mother has been unemployed for the better part of her adult life, but through selling the house my father and her bought 30 years ago and the house her fiance has they managed to pool in enough money to buy a 18th century mansion. Life is quite literally dumb.

>> No.12533518

looks like shit, is this bait?

>> No.12533539


He is high in melanin

>> No.12533547

Yeah mount your Talmudvision in every room, goyim. It's a cultural thing to do.

>> No.12533648

Women are retarded beyond measure
They had it all set up
> Just be a neet and let husband work
> Feminism meme, wagecucking, single motherhood, instawhoring and vapid consumerism
Pick one, stacy

>> No.12533664
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>anon why don't you have a tv in front of the couch

>> No.12533724

>no income
>buys mansion
I assume with quite a lot of debt too, right?
Typical boomer.

>> No.12533742


>> No.12533772

I'd probably move somewhere warm and rent until the real estate bubble bursts. Then I'd buy a few properties and live in one and pay someone else to rent the others out
Either that or just perpetually rent

>> No.12533798
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>> No.12533816

what a stupid driveway
just make it straight

>> No.12533833
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She works now (municipal employment, complains about the wage every week and "stress" at work yet enjoys benefits that disappeared from the private sector in the 90's). They count on just loaning for half the value of the mansion and then just pay the interest fees until they have to permanently retire, with a profit of course.

I wish I could also neet until my late forties and then buy a dream house, but I'm more triggered by the fact that my inheritance money is locked up for another 30 years or so. reee

>> No.12533858

damn. imagine buying a mansion for yourself instead of just a pretty big house and then giving your kid enough capital to start him/her self off.

>> No.12533969


>> No.12533984


>buying a Fortnite house

>> No.12533995

Or pay back the debts to her parents.

My family life is a trainwreck and this isn't /r9k/, but we all like a little bit of rage now and then. I kinda expected some capital since me and my brother(s) have supported her involuntarily through our lives. I wasn't able to continue studying after high school because she had no income and having lights on when you get home at night is nice to have, I have permanent damages to my health as a result of the economical stress, I also don't have a drivers license because no one could take me out to train so I've probably spent 5000€ on traffic school fees that never went anywhere (European traffic standards for ya).

Some guys start at zero when they become adults, some are given a headstart by their parents or by circumstance. For me, I started at square -103 or something like that. Me getting an apartment despite all of this, just good old boomer determination and a stroke of luck on the job market.

>> No.12534191

>square roof

Kek enjoy your water leaks. Even more a meme is the square teired roofs. The ammount of work I get repairing them when they inevitably fuck up from pooled water from them is great

>> No.12534217

Glad to see all these beautiful rural places. City life is for scum.


>> No.12534226
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>> No.12534243

What language do the swiss speak? Could an English speaker move there without learning a language?

>> No.12534294


There's German, French, and Italian areas of Switzerland. English is spoken but I've found they're usually not very good at it. You can't move there unless you're super rich.

>> No.12534357

>wanting to live in chicago

>> No.12534386

My brother speaks French so I'd have to bring him

>> No.12534389
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