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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12528120 No.12528120 [Reply] [Original]

>went into business with brother
I know dummest shit you can do, especially when hes a compulsive liar, stoner and generally conned me into investing.
Before you call me dumb for investing in a stoner he had cleaner up his act for a good 8 months and was sharp and on the ball wearing a suit everyday.
But then the money starts rolling in and he goes off the rails, I was deceived.
>sit there baby sitting him day in day out to get shit done
>he throws a tantrum when I don't do delivery driving for him instead of him getting off his ass and advertising for staff
does shit like throw coffee mugs about the place, kicks my door in and breaks it
>hes convinced that he needs my 1k dslr to take photos of food for facebook and instagram when he's just gone an got the latest iphone on fianace off the companies paycheck
>spends money daily on weed
>stoned daily on weed from the time he wakes up to the time he sleeps
>rarely grafts and puts the effort into the business and just employs his friends to do it
so basically spends money on staff when he could be doing the work himself
>throws a hissy fit when I dont look after the books when hes out getting stoned with friends expecting me to pick up the slack
Worst of all is sales are down and hes ok with just getting by which means I'll never receive any investment back unless he sells the place.
And on top of that the business is only breaking even.

Does anyone here have any suggestions on how to grow the business and /makeit/

>> No.12528137

me and my brothers used to fight growing up if we did stupid shit like that to each other so they know not to pull this kind of shit with me. Id say beat his ass until he takes you seriously. Thats what I did and we now deal on equal terms and try to help each other succeed

>> No.12528143


everyone on /biz/ is a pussy.

>> No.12528152

Cut the dead weight

>> No.12528159

Hes 5 years younger than me, I used to beat is ass as a kid and keep him in line.
But he's now taller and bigger than me and he abuses that.

Joke hes 21 and im 26 and hes so fucking immature but like I said I was deceived by his confident and calm manor to set up the shop. And then as soon as he got my money he changed as if I had flipped a switch.

>> No.12528163

this. if theres any chance youd lose make sure to disappear fpr 6 months without announcement while cutting all contact and training as a fighter for those 6 months

>> No.12528169

I would but I have 10k invested and can't afford to lose it.

>> No.12528178

Every time we get into a fight and I turn to thump him he runs away... even though hes the one whos assaulted me first.

Before anyone says it, yes the entire situation is a joke.
He may be taller and more violent but his bark is worse than his bite.