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12526323 No.12526323 [Reply] [Original]

Do you shit at work?

For me I have a very specific shitting routine so it's unrealistic for me to shit at work, plus it's disgusting. Downside is it means I have to get out of bed at like 5am every day so I have time to shit.

>> No.12526329

Under the boss's desk when he's out of the office.

>> No.12526359
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>tfw shit anxiety
>tfw only piss in the stalls too

>> No.12526362

Depends if I had Chipotle or not

>> No.12526412

i used to get shit anxiety but now i just relax my butthcheeks and spread my legs.

Put in headphones and its too easy to just let it all fall out of you

>> No.12526421

I have my own bathroom at work.

>> No.12526439

how to get pink eye

>> No.12526515

i work at a place with individual bathrooms (like its just a room with one toilet) and i have no problem shitting at work in that scenario

i've worked at places with larger bathrooms, multiple toilet stalls, i never liked shitting in those ones. i guess the idea of a coworker walking in to hear me pinching a loaf is just not something i want to cope with, although i've done it on rare occasions in the past.

>> No.12526545
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When I had a job I'd wake up 2.5 hours earlier, drink coffee on empty stomach and then shit.
Shitting at work was never an option, not only can my shits get loud, but there's also disgust of sitting on a toilet shared by several other men.

>> No.12526556


>> No.12526561

stink eye, t b h

>> No.12526634

when your dick touches the inside of the toilet - the devil's kiss

>> No.12526667

Yes. Imagine geting a shorter week with the same pay. And also being paid to push out turds.

Cash rules everything around me.

Also more free time as you dont have to shit when you aint at work.

>> No.12526671

Im shitposting here from work

>> No.12526673
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Just fuck my shit up. I'd need a full hazmat with an asshole opening to ever sit on one of those.
>fatty old guy who wears the same suit for a few days goes in bathroom

>> No.12526685

Fortunately we have delicious private bathrooms not this disgusting shared one with thin carboards with space under like a barn.
I use at least 45m a day on pooing. Sometimes, when I eat kebab for lunch, 1.5 hours.

>> No.12526688

Kek I use porta potties some that haven't been cleaned in months and some idiot beaner put toilet paper in the urinal causing piss to overflow

>> No.12526693

Just make a "fort" from toilet paper goddamn it. No devils kiss nothing touching you just nice soft toilet paper.

>> No.12526979
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When I’m ready to lay a brick, I don’t hesitate...

>> No.12527108

i shit when on double time

>> No.12527267

yeah man try headphones.
i cant even piss in the house when my housemate is in - i have to run to the gym to piss :(
headphones changed my life

>> No.12528141

Same I never shit in public, all trough the years in school and college not once I shat there.

>> No.12528147
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i make SURE to shit every day at work for 15 minutes.

at the end of the year, my boss paid me 40 FUCKING HOURS TO SHIT.

think about that.

>> No.12528162

Holy shit I wonder why they wasnt thinking about us when they invented the shitter

>> No.12528164

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