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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12525204 No.12525204 [Reply] [Original]

Listen here you little shits, this is advice you have to hear
I've been browsing biz for awhile now and thought I would compile a list of things YOU need to hear.
I went, I paid my way through, got a job straight out of school and I'm currently working as a manager at a fortune 1000 company.
> GET A 9 - 5 JOB
I have STABILITY, insurance, and an ever-growing retirement fund. I leave my stress AT WORK and can spend my entire evenings with my kids. (My wife and kids are gone throughout the day, work and school, so what good would it do to stay at home by myself all day if I had my own business?)
With a 9 - 5 job you will have time AFTER WORK to do anything you please. But you will also have a ton of MONEY that you can use if you want to follow your passion project. Most ideas fail, it's good to have the stability of a 9 - 5 JOB to fall back on.
An investment is something that is done through a FIRM. Get your money out of this nonsense and put it into something that is real. Get an index fund, a 401k, REAL ESTATE. You will grow your egg nice and slow, but large. Imagine being able to retire in luxury, or pass down inheritance to your children.
I live a comfy life, you can too.

>> No.12525233

Boomers are right tho, all that shit still works.

>> No.12525277

That's what I'm here to tell you. It works and is the absolute dream

>> No.12525824
File: 54 KB, 960x614, 1538661627614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and buy my bags filthy boomer

>> No.12526843

>college meme
Unless it's ivy schools or just below these, don't bother. It's not 80's anymore. Best you'll get is min wage x2.
>9-5 job
Most boomers sit around do nothing all day. It's a meme left from the fucking 60s. Where you had to drive to your clients just to fucking have a conversation. Knowledge was valuable and as someone with knowledge on certain aspect of the job, you had to be there if your knowledge needed. Now, just fucking call me. I can do my job while shitting.
>work after work
KEK I'm sure after coming home at 6~7 with children, best "hobby" you got is drinking a beer or two then fall a sleep. Let's be realistic.
>Trust muh trust funds
Fucking hell... Sure they have the algos and shit but, you know before the internet people actually had to go to exchange to get shit done. So yeah, paying someone a cut for actually doing work was logical. Now; I can buy/sell stocks or whatever while shitting. So no, I won't pay someone a premium because they got some algo to drink, fuck hookers and blow coke.

>> No.12526853

Is this pasta?

>> No.12526862
File: 98 KB, 800x1000, 882_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is too poor to buy them.

>> No.12526863
File: 26 KB, 480x311, fact4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80s anymore
If any of you retards bothered looking it up, college has got more important, not less since the boomer days

>> No.12526868

>not advocating commercially desirable skills
>not advocating an entrepeneurial mindset that makes use of above to become self employed
>not advocating the tax benefits of business ownership
>advocating paying for managed investment vehicles
Yeah, fuck off, you just want everyone to be mediocre like you.

>> No.12527572

35 yr old boomer here


>> No.12527594

Price of college has gone up 400% and quality has not changed or has decreased
Colleges are businesses and are a bigger scam than Request Network is