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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 951 KB, 3046x1971, link2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12523958 No.12523958 [Reply] [Original]

>JsonParse should not coerce everything into strings
They dont know how to parse JSON
>Unable to load config file warning displays on every command
They dont know how to load a config file
>Update design of sign in form
Changing some HTML design is such a minuscule task it shouldn't even be listed here
>Upgrade to React 6
Their libraries are out of date
>Add database constraint to prevent recording of duplicate transactions
>Convert SentAt from ***uint64*** to block number on both Tx and TxAttempt
This shows me they have terrible database architecture, and careless spelling mistakes in their PivotalTracker which means there's probably several throughout their code as well. Remember all the spelling errors on their website months back?
>spike on web assembly input/output
Poorly written code is using a ton of memory
>revisit Integration_HelloWorld
You use either camel case or underscore when naming files/variables - not both. They have shit naming conventions. Why are they making a Hello World file? babby's first project?
>Use a lock to ensure only one chainlink instance is running at a time
Poorly written SQL queries
>Deleting job runs spuriously locks chainlink node
They don't understand basic principles of threading

All in all, this pivotal tracker is a huge SELL signal for me. I don't think these retards will ever finish this project, and if they do it will be riddled with bugs.

t. Developer

>> No.12523976

Had a few Devs looking into chainlink from work who said similar things. Disconcerting

>> No.12523988


Remember when that ethereum dev made that thread on ERC20 tokens and said 99% of them are just copying and pasting the solidity tutorials, including chainlink?

>> No.12524026

Someone who knows nothing about coding here. Anyone got a second opinion?

>> No.12524059

op is correct. glad i never fell for biz memes and bought this shit coin. also the fact that Sergey only has 2 developers is another red flag

>> No.12524061

Thank you for this thread anon. While I'm not concerned with your fudding, this would be a great time for some actual developers to explain to the brainlets like myself what is going on the in pivotal tracker? Are they getting close to finishing? What's the significance of the GORM? And record only the has on chain is a 5 star task, what's this mean? There's so many 5 star task.. They have to be getting close right?

>> No.12524064

do you need a ethereum dev to tell you that? lol

>> No.12524081

>While I'm not concerned with your fudding
big cope

>> No.12524087

>Are they getting close to finishing
There isn't any real way to discern that for sure but judging by the fact that they have tasks all over the board (front end, back end, database), I would say it's probably a big disorganized mess that isn't even close to completion.

>> No.12524113

Imagine thinking fundamentals matter. Link has got a cult of meme holders and the best gook/chink market makers in the game. 1 dollar is imminent

>> No.12524143


Is the Integration_HelloWorld true? shit this is the strongest FUD i have ever seen, who the fuck does that, holy fuck im selling everything

>> No.12524151

Nigger I highlighted all my points in red on the image

>> No.12524159

I agree I've said this from the start,this is a case of good project, wrong team. I mean look at Sergey he can't even look after his own body let alone something of this scale and importance. I'm selling everything.

>> No.12524166

Seems like they're getting ready to launch to me

>> No.12524167

Imagine anyone spending the time to make this OP. No one A) understands anything you’re talking about, B) gives a fuck. We’re all making money and that’s all we care about. Keep your nerdy shit to yourself.

>> No.12524168

The fud is getting more and more elaborate

>> No.12524170


>1 week passes
>60% of your concerns are fixed

>> No.12524171


LINKies are panicking

>> No.12524177

Do you think this is FUD? lol

>> No.12524186

I'm convinced they hired a team of paid shills to shill their PnD scam

>> No.12524188


>Sergery dies in a hamburger fire and the entire dev team abandons the project
>You: damn dey really tryin hard with this fud now lol

>> No.12524189

Nigger this is important. If they are entry level coders trying to be muh oracles then linkers are fucked and look even more retarded shilling this

>> No.12524193

If you want to ride it as a PnD sure, but don't think for a second this project will ever come to fruition which is where the serious money is. You might be able to ride it to $1-3 but eventually it will be exposed as a failed business venture and flop hard.

>> No.12524194

Unironically couldn’tbe more comfy. You autistic faggots are the only losers who sit around looking at code of cryptocurrency projects: newsflash, none of that matters. Their pivotal tracker could read “nigger nigger nigger nigger” as infinitum and there’d be no difference.

>> No.12524202


We're reaching levels of delusion that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.12524204

i’m in it for the tech

>> No.12524210



>> No.12524214

We literally have articles by MIT saying ChainLink is impressive code and tons of external and internal audits. Even if you faggots were right, it doesn’t matter at this point


SwingLinker FUDLinkers are a special breed of pathetic

>> No.12524215


>> No.12524216

Damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.

>> No.12524218

why not go work for sergay and help them out?
i heard they pay in cold hard burgers
much better than debt insured currency

>> No.12524219
File: 191 KB, 491x498, 1518668577751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has worked in dev-tech management and has been following the pivitol since it went public... it's painfully obvious that the chainlink team is a classic example of "over-promise, under-deliver."

They suffer from weak leadership (how could anyone respect Sergey with his constant sweat stream). Team members will constantly come up and chase far flung ideas that don't offer concrete progress.

Sad because Chainlink seems like a cool idea. If only there was a Steve Jobs to Sergey's Woz.

>> No.12524221

I’m out too. Too many red flags

>> No.12524225

>"over-promise, under-deliver."

They literally didn't promise anything you fucking retard.

>> No.12524227

Link to these supposed chainlink shill articles?

>> No.12524231

>hamburger fire

>> No.12524238

I made 20x off bitcoin, 40x off XLM, and I’m going to make 20x off ChainLink. I can’t believe there are people that actually spend time looking at code. I can’t imagine how destitute you are not only wasting time on biz, but wasting time looking at pivotal tracker so you can make threads on biz about it. You’re doing it wrong.

>> No.12524255

>I can’t imagine how destitute you are not only wasting time on biz
t. 4 posts in this thread so far
>but wasting time looking at pivotal tracker
t. Says he's read tons of articles and audits

>> No.12524258

I just sold because of this. Thank you for checking the pivotal and pointing out the flaws I had no idea!

>> No.12524264
File: 3.20 MB, 320x180, 196EADB9-EEAC-4997-94D3-A67127AFF9B6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I came for the chainlink tech, stayed for the lulz. Never change biz, never change. Heil hitler.

>> No.12524267

If you think I know how to use an archive to find a link, you’re sorely mistaken. I buy shitcoins for low prices, sell them for high prices, and that’s it.

>> No.12524285

Hahahaha I’ve never read ONE article faggot. I just know they exist. You retards actually read about this nonsense? Just buy the fucking coin that is going to go up in value, then sell it when it does. Stop being fucking retarded and reading a bunch of made up nonsense.

>> No.12524308

I knew XLM would go up because of a bunch of nonsense they were making up about IBM and bla bla bla.

I know ChainLink is going to go up because “oracle problem, Swift, bla bla bla”

There’s the formula faggots...go get rich. There’s no charts, there’s no pivotal tracker, there’s nothing fucking else.

>> No.12524320

Based and redpilled

>> No.12524328

Heil Hitler, fuck niggers

>> No.12524346

>7 posts by this ID

>> No.12524359

>JsonParse should not coerce everything into strings
It's probably not a huge deal. Can be fixed in less than ten minutes.

>Unable to load config file warning displays on every command
The adapter is almost finished.

>Update design of sign in form
Yes, it should be listed here. Every task should be listed. Have you ever worked on any decent project anon?

>Upgrade to React 6
Nigga everyone has out of date libraries. Weakest fucking one out of all that you've quoted.

>Add database constraint to prevent recording of duplicate transactions
>Convert SentAt from ***uint64*** to block number on both Tx and TxAttempt
Muh spelling errors. Seriously, autists don't give a fuck about spelling errors on an unfinished project. If you honestly expect this to not be cleaned up before mainnet you are a degenerate.

>spike on web assembly input/output
I guess no one has ever made coded a memory leak before and everyone else is perfect, right? Right anon?

>revisit Integration_HelloWorld
No one gives a fuck about naming conventions, especially when you don't have Daddy Wagie looking over your fucking shoulder every thirty seconds to make sure your fucking spelling is correct when you're trying to work on bigger things.

>Use a lock to ensure only one chainlink instance is running at a time
This doesn't even warrant a response. You're retarded.

>Deleting job runs spuriously locks chainlink node
Has nothing to do with threading.

This is quiet possibly the weakest shit I have ever read, but unfortunately, the lesser educated linkies will unironically get worried about your bullshit post.

>> No.12524362

A developer who I was shilling link too had a look at a more technical level and told me there were many 'basic' mistakes. Told me to stick to Eth.

>> No.12524371

You’re so fucking retarded. Link is the only cryptocurrency going up in value. “Oh no! If the code is bad we’ll look retarded for shilling bad code!”

Ok faggot, you go worry about finding that “good code.” I’m gonna stick with the crypto token that is going to go up in value whether the code is Mein Kompf written in Ebonics or a revolutionary masterpiece: because either way it’s going up faggot. Maybe you should stay in college and learn some more useless shit that will help you win on Jeopardy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.12524379

Is this right?

>> No.12524405

Hahaha see:

There’s always nerds with answers to everything. Stop wasting your time, here’s the recipe:

1) Find the coin that is going to go up
2) Buy it
3) Sell it when it goes up

(3.5*) laugh at funny memes of sergey while waiting

That’s it. If you’re doing anything else, you’re wasting your time and energy.

>> No.12524413

Oh look more Link shills are here

This is a very weak, vague response to my analysis. You don't even understand what I'm saying so you just repeat my critiques back to me and reword them.

EVERYONE ITT, the fact that these >>12524359
shills exist should be a huge fucking redflag for you

>> No.12524416

>They dont know how to load a config file
Don't know where to start but it's not nearly as simple/universal as you're implying
>React 6
React is on version 16. React-Static is a completely different library.
>You use either camel case or underscore when naming files/variables - not both.
Files are treated completely different than variables. No one gives a shit about file naming conventions in general.
>Why are they making a Hello World file? babby's first project?
It's for consumers testing their integration

Too many blunders/fakery here for me to go through them all but these but are some low hanging fruit.

General issue is that developers hate writing what are essentially meaningless tasks descriptions instead of code so going through them as a way to judge code is laughable.

>> No.12524419


this nigger knows.

i don't know why you fucking retards care so god damn much about a fucking company. project. team. coin. whatever the fuck it is.

you're here to make MONEY...... aren't you? if not, go get a tattoo of all your favorite crypto logos and show it off on facebook you edgy faggot.

i put 10k into link a month ago. it turned into 20k. 100% return in 1 month is pretty good to me.

here's what i actually know about LINK:
>solves a problem that doesn't exist
>is a cryptocurrency token
>build on the ETH blockchain
>/biz/ loves and hates it



>> No.12524421

Objectively speaking, your reply essentially says 'it will all be sorted' 'don't worry' and to overlook spelling errors etc...If a company involved in tech does not pay attention to the minutia, how can we expect the coding to be legit? Who in their right minds is going to invest in people who are 'too autistic to care'?

>> No.12524423

Cheers, lad.

>> No.12524428 [DELETED] 

You only made money because we cared about all the aforementioned things you mentioned. We did you a favour. Don't chime in when >100 IQ people are discussing important things.

>> No.12524430
File: 82 KB, 662x597, walmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Chainlink shills have arrived

>> No.12524440

Maybe you shouldn’t chime in when people of NetWorth>$1MM are giving you advice, Einstein.

>> No.12524455


i took advantage of your autism and profited.

thanks faggot.

>> No.12524459
File: 67 KB, 711x800, 1543110704125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn anon deleted his post because he further proved my point.

top kek.

>> No.12524464

New shill team recruited by Holo tries too hard to FUD link, it's not because you wrote nerdy words that your FUD would have any impact, retard.

>> No.12524474
File: 1.06 MB, 905x611, sergey canoe trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, another dev posted something here about 4-5 months ago and ripped the project apart. if anyone here had any sense, they would've gotten out asap after the SIBOS debacle when Sergey wouldn't communicate, missed deadlines, and couldn't be bothered to explain why he hadn't already hired basic staff with his $32mil. seriously people, he's a philosophy major, not a dev. even though i think sky is probably going nowhere, at least when i listen to Synth, i can tell the guy has been a hard-core dev for a while. the link memes were funny for a while, but it is a bit old...heh, segey is fat...hur dur.

>> No.12524492

>how can we expect the coding to be legit?
You go on the git hub and look for yourself. Stop being a lazy cunt and go read it line by line if you're worried. It's fine. It's not perfect (yet), but it's fine. And personally, I'd much rather these types of things are on the pivotal tracker. Here are the two scenarios:

>Spelling errors and simple tasks not on pivotal tracker
No one fucking knows about them in the first place. Trying to hide shit in their project. Trying to hide "FUD".

>Spelling errors and simple tasks ARE ON pivotal
Shows that the team is trying to perfect their project. And yet you still get retarded fucks like OP who bash them for putting these tasks on the pivotal.

>> No.12524493

>sky shills still exist
how desperate are you guys?

>> No.12524501

Reminder that steve jobs wasn't a developer either, but a retarded faggot who wore turtle necks.

>> No.12524506


This guy gets it. Especially with step 3.5. The CEO has noticeably gained weight and wears the same shirt every day lmao

>> No.12524512

>t. Developer
Developer of what exactly? Shitty FUD? There's nothing in the Chainlink codebase that screams sell. The Chainlink codebase is of high quality, and if you believe it to be low quality, then you necessarily believe every crypto codebase is shit.

>> No.12524518

Well I sold because of this thread as well. Thanks OP you are a life saver!

>> No.12524529

OMG like when you absolutely must make a poo so you run outside to the street only to find out it's closed. Your favorite shitting street, closed, when j you most need it. "Ahh goddammit", says pajeet, "How could this happen", he screeches. But what pajeet didn't know was that he was surrounded by tiny rooms with toilets, hidden away behind doors he never thought to open.

>> No.12524563

Gee whillikers! After a full year of FUD this will be the FUD that finally gets me to sell!
.... Oh wait, no it fucking won't. You can buy back now or at 20k sats.

>> No.12524578

Thanks i just sold more of my stack. Fantastic thread I wouldn’t have known this if you didn’t post it thank you

>> No.12524585

true, but i think jobs was a pretty rare talent...i suppose my hesitation with this project stems from the idea that the frontman couldn't even begin to vet the code if he had to. for all he knows, steve is writing a calorie counting app for the iphone in the hope that sergey will download it and get his weight under control. i just find the team underwhelming for the type of project they're working on.

>> No.12524593

Finally someone noticed. That "Team" is pathetic and this project was DOA

>> No.12524606

bro, i don't own sky...when i saw mcafee with that fake tattoo, i knew it had jumped the shark. still, you can't tell me that synth isn't the real deal. i was making a comparison between devs/spokesmen, not the validity of the underlying project.

>> No.12524617
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>> No.12524622

Fucking lol

>> No.12524624

Can't argue with that reason. We all have different risks we're willing to take when it comes to investing. I would even go as far to say that I agree with you on that point, but I am willing to live with that risk and still invest.

>> No.12524630

Please keep posting under an alias.

>> No.12524647

>There's nothing in the Chainlink codebase that screams sell. The Chainlink codebase is of high quality
Can any other anon confirm? I'm a brainlet with no technical background.

>> No.12524652


>> No.12524675

>RANK #29

Pick one.

>> No.12524680

critical thinking

Start with 1. Would the ex chief data scientist of RSA (Ari Jules) be involved with a project that is shitting out pajeet tier code?


...then expand to every other connection ChainLink has (Gonser, Web3, ZeppelinOS, SWIFT...etc), partners that have announced, and apply the same logic

>> No.12524709

I get what you are saying; however, Ari Jules is just an adviser, he isn't a core team member that is doing the heavy lifting. A team can have the best advisers in the world but if that team has careless developers then it's chances of success is lowered.

>> No.12524716

Should've known this shit was too good to be true.
Two man team and Sergey has a fucking Philosophy degree with zero programming skills.

Thank you for taking the time to warn us about this. You saved a lot of anon's from buying into scam.

>> No.12524732

listen to Segey in the last podcast, and many time before, who does he say regularly reviews and audits the code. Academics. He is talking about people like Jules and the Cornell team... and other I'm sure.

Think Jules and team would sell TC to a bunch of spastics who will ruin it? Think the TC team are not still involved? (hint... Jules is writing articles for Chainlink about CL + TC)

>> No.12524745

Should I play along with this FUD? Since I'm a real dev (unlike you, you naughty larper), I actually laughed at some of your points for how retarded they are

>> No.12524761

Okay anon, I will take your word for it.

>> No.12524762

Feel free to dispute

>> No.12524789
File: 2.99 MB, 252x263, 1540766395403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers are subhuman
I'm never fucking selling
wait get this

>> No.12524805

Yes anon, please post counterpoints...also is the codebase for chainlink good like that other anon said?

>> No.12524848
File: 27 KB, 400x400, holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo spits on you shit code linkies.

>> No.12524866

My developer friend said link is trash and confirmed that waliugi will be in the next smash bros.

>> No.12524868

Gimme another 20x besides LINK

>> No.12525042

Holy fuck you’re a moron please sell

>> No.12525064


this is 1/10 FUD

>> No.12525086

only decent post in this thread

>> No.12525280

>still no reply

ahahahahaha, shit larp.
Get fucked linkies :)

>> No.12525309

The real FUD will come after the huge dump tomorrow. Strap the fuck out !!!!

>> No.12525362

>If only there was a Steve Jobs to Sergey's Woz.

>> No.12525612
File: 195 KB, 798x770, vergeLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINKtards absolutely btfo

$1000 eoy, right guys?

>> No.12525744

If you're a developer then I'm Santa

>> No.12525767


Phew thank god you were here

>> No.12525803

I cried. I laughed so hard I cried. My God. Masterfull writing sir.

>> No.12525832

Kek, fucking brainlets

>> No.12525835

if i invested in a micro cap company who had this kind of nonprofessional progress i would sell thinking i shouldnt have bought to begin iwth

>> No.12525843

Sounds like Sergey’s retarded midget twin brother

>> No.12525917

b-but I tripled my beer money swinglinking

>> No.12525918

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.12527185

Good evening marines. Tomorrow, our fearless leader General Nazarov will go bravely into battle, flanked by our powerful ally and e-sig specialist Gonser. I want you all to know that no matter what happens, we are all in this together.
Our memetic propaganda forces have been strong. Special intelligence has been even more crucial, penetrating into the deepest corners of the internet to retrieve sensitive and valuable data allowing us to formulate a strategy. But marines, the road ahead is long and it will not be what we expect.
We are marching into a war against the highest echelon of financial oppressors. Our motivation is clear, honest, and just, but the task is huge. Times get will get hard. Morale and prices will dump. But do not lose sight of our ethos.
We have the power. But only together. We must remain strong and work together to BOLSTER THIS NETWORK. Without our comrades, we are nothing. Only together, through the power of p2p decentralization can we tackle the behemoth that has been the bane of our existence and the cause of our economic slavery.
Each one of us can contribute, and I thank every memer and breadcrumb digger who has contributed to our culture. And for those of us who are savvy enough, I implore you to learn how to run a node. Without you, we cannot do this.
Tomorrow will be a fateful day and I will be in attendance. We probably won’t get main net. We probably won’t get a partnership. We may get the same speech. But trust in the method. Our lionhearted commandant has gotten us this far, into the realms of the likes of Swift, Garter, Accord, Cornell, and more, and it was all without hype.
It may not happen tomorrow. It may not happen Q3. I am prepared to wait another year. Because it doesn’t matter WHEN it happens. Because it is happening tonight. Literally every night. Strap in.
The few, the based, the Linkmarines.
Major out

>> No.12527209

they are amateurs. it’s just a cash grab. they know none of this matters since it’s obviously going to zero. the only reason they’re even commiting is to keep up appearances.

>> No.12527214

op's greed is disgusting.

>> No.12528007

Another couple of things - I'm feeling particularly nasty tonight and want to chime in
> integer values for calculating object parity
LOL fuck me I've spoken to I.T dropout pajeets who know better than this
> container registration for docker wide-searches not even complete
Congrats, nodes don't have basic functionality to speak to each other properly on a network still
> double-handling of parse functions for token conversion processes
So much for "muh blockchain agnostic" - this is basically catastrophic for any interactions with other cryptos

What a fucking joke
Good work guys - 1k sats eoy.

>> No.12528039

Bullish on the level of delusion of linkies

>> No.12528059

this thread is fucking embarrassing, full of "devs" who are nothing other than 1st year cs students who think theyre shit hot
t. real dev

>> No.12528067


>> No.12528075

>Mein Kampf written in ebonics

I would unironically pay money to read that

>> No.12528083

you proly mean this thread is full of swing linkers wanting to maximize their gains

>> No.12528084

>> integer values for calculating object parity
>LOL fuck me I've spoken to I.T dropout pajeets who know better than this

You’ve never written java before, I guess. Also, why should nodes communicate with each other? Shouldn’t they be truly independent actors? I don’t think you understand oracles.

>> No.12528099

holy shit

>> No.12528102


>> No.12528116

Its easy to be rank 29 when your coin came out of ico with a top 100 marketcap because your philosphy major ceo fucked up the token economics

>> No.12528124

its funny how whenever someone picks at the real obserable flaws with this product a deluded skitzoid linky will come in and call them people trying to get a better price. no one wants your coin, this is like a fat girl who got passed around by chads looking for an easy nut so much she starts thinking shes hot

I wouldnt buy this coin just based off the shitty token economics. but the flaws dont stop there

>> No.12528126

> why should nodes communicate with each other?
Is this a serious question? Oh wait, you unironically hold link. Of course it's a serious question.
Please stay the fuck away from crypto - you are a danger to yourself just like every other link holder.

>> No.12528127

Real dev here
Not a fag wannabe dev like op
Link code is best code

>> No.12528130

LINK is the dumbest late adopter cope. I’m so sick of it.

>> No.12528139

You didn’t address my question you faggot

>> No.12528142
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>> No.12528167
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>> No.12528204
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I am a tech lead in a big insurance company, and what you are saying is complete rubbish.

don't try to understand something if you don't even have the basics

>JsonParse should not coerce everything into strings
They dont know how to parse JSON
- this doesn't make any sense, in order to parse json you usually use libraries, problem here is that they prolly over convert some data. they created the issue and they are fixing it.

>Unable to load config file warning displays on every command
They dont know how to load a config file
- this is a typical issue especially on a new tech, the error is quite shallow, it's just displaying a warning, this could be fixed real quick.

>Update design of sign in form
Changing some HTML design is such a minuscule task it shouldn't even be listed here
- like you said this is trivial, not very useful so they leave it for later

>Upgrade to React 6
Their libraries are out of date
- that's why they are updating them, it takes time to migrate to new framework versions what this shwos is that they make sure their libraries are up to date.


>> No.12528208
File: 42 KB, 720x644, 1490597458222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Add database constraint to prevent recording of duplicate transactions
>Convert SentAt from ***uint64*** to block number on both Tx and TxAttempt
This shows me they have terrible database architecture, and careless spelling mistakes in their PivotalTracker which means there's probably several throughout their code as well. Remember all the spelling errors on their website months back?

-what do you know about their database architecture? they are just adding a flag in the db to prevent duplicate transactions

- what the fuck has spelling anything to do with code? who cares? when you work with an army of pajeets coding for you you'll see alot of monstrosities. welcome to the software development world.

>spike on web assembly input/output
Poorly written code is using a ton of memory
- how can you assume it's poorly written code that is causing a mem spike? this could be due many different reasons, their code is top notch, just check their code coverage.

>revisit Integration_HelloWorld
You use either camel case or underscore when naming files/variables - not both. They have shit naming conventions. Why are they making a Hello World file? babby's first project?

-wow so because they named a file helloWorld and used an underscore you assume they are making a shit job? where is the logic?

>Use a lock to ensure only one chainlink instance is running at a time
Poorly written SQL queries
- they didn't say anything about database, this is probably to prevent running two nodes on the same machine.

>Deleting job runs spuriously locks chainlink node
They don't understand basic principles of threading

-what do you know? what makes you think this is a multi threaded environment? also this is just an issue that could quickly be fixed.


>> No.12528216
File: 47 KB, 553x369, 1547799093571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in all I think you're just a stinky swinger that sold and wants to maximize his gains trying to look smart to fool the illetrates into selling. except the chainlink team has a top notch code quality and they know what they are doing.

just check this
go report is A+
only 1 month of technical debt (67 code smells) and a very good code coverage of 84%

>> No.12528241

i wish there was a way to short link, it would drop to 0 like a brick, it's only being kept up by delusional neets

>> No.12528262

>Remember when that ethereum dev made that thread on ERC20 tokens and said 99% of them are just copying and pasting the solidity tutorials, including chainlink?
Remember when the guy who came up with Solidity expressed his admiration for and interest in Chainlink?

>> No.12528376

All this samefag fudding is real cute.
If you think any of this coding shit ultimately matters, then lol@u.

Protip: ever since the early days, MS Windows was always a mess that atrophies over time because of how shitty the backend is.
And Jobs couldn't code his way out of bed.

>> No.12528425
File: 206 KB, 707x610, ORIGINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, but the quality of the chainlink teams code is top notch. nothing to say about it, I mean I think if you had something to say about the project, the code isn't where to look at. when sergay said they are doing it so well it will become the standard, he was not joking around.

I think sergey is a fat fuck eating burgers is a more realistic FUD.

>> No.12528451

I have no doubt about the quality of the coding. Just saying that even if the code was as dire as these fudders would want us to believe, it still wouldn't matter for shit.

>> No.12528452

>crypto "investor"
>keep your nerdy shit to yourself
>SHA256 gets cracked:
>keep your nerdy shit to yourself
REEEEEEEEEE fucking normans get out

>> No.12528475


>> No.12528552

I hope this turns into pasta

>> No.12528573

> They dont know how to parse JSON
the json parser will take any type and cast it as a string to be then abi encoded in ethtx for your value type (uint256, bytes32, int256 etc)
presuming this ticket is to make it for type safe for other things, like doing computation on the result of jsonparse
> They dont know how to load a config file
kek, this is just a no config warning shown when no config is being used, pivotal showed they recently changed how they manage configs and migrated over to the more standard go library called Viper
> Changing some HTML design is such a minuscule task it shouldn't even be listed here
not tracking small work is a sure fire way to have misleading velocity anon, all work is tracked
> Their libraries are out of date
locked dependency versions is how people should manage any deps and then raise tickets for any dep upgrades as it may need refactoring to work/use best practise
> This shows me they have terrible database architecture, and careless spelling mistakes in their PivotalTracker which means there's probably several throughout their code as well. Remember all the spelling errors on their website months back?
or its just that a uint64 is how a blocknumber is returned when unmarshalling responses from eth and theyre converting it to a bn type for better helper methods
> Poorly written code is using a ton of memor
spike in dev speak means investigate/talk about it before estimating dumbass. wasm doesnt even have most primitive types (aka string) so ofc theyre gonna have to talk about how this is done
> You use either camel case or underscore when naming files/variables - not both. They have shit naming conventions. Why are they making a Hello World file? babby's first project?
fucking kek, go's notation for writing tests is TestName_TestAction
> Poorly written SQL queries
sql doesnt typically have locks ffs and lock types differ all across different sql vendors
> They don't understand basic principles of threading

>> No.12528577

tired of you desperate swingers